"What, what?!"

Jiang Poyun froze for a moment, then shouted: "This is impossible! I can feel that I have been in a coma for no more than a day!

No one can refine the Hundred Vein Tongshen Pill in one day! No one can! Sanshu, you lie to me! "

"It's true that no one can do it, but that guy...seems like he's not a person anymore."

Jiang Wuya's voice was full of helplessness: "I have seen it with my own eyes. It only took him less than two hours to refine the Baimai Tongshen Pill and become a divine vein!

Now, it's breaking the border again! "

"Fake! It must be fake!"

Jiang Poyun couldn't believe it, turned around and looked at the maids and servants: "Say! You guys! Is this fake?"

The servants were so frightened that their legs were bent, and they knelt on the ground, their foreheads against the ground, and did not dare to raise them.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Poyun didn't believe it anymore, and knew that what Jiang Wuya said was true.

That Su Zhan has really achieved his magical veins!


Unwillingness, resentment, anger... Jiang Poyun was aroused by his injuries and spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Daozi, you—"


Jiang Wuya subconsciously assisted Jiang Poyun, who knew Jiang Poyun directly threw away his hand, with blood on his mouth, and staggered a few steps on the deck.


His body suddenly fell on his back to the ground.

His face was full of miserable, self-deprecating smiles.

"I, Jiang Poyun, named myself Bufan, but I didn't expect that the great opportunity I thought belonged to me, but watched others take it away... It's ridiculous!

The holy king can't beat the eighth-order holy realm, what kind of way, what kind of shit way!

Waste, it's just waste! "

Jiang Wuya watched silently, and after a few minutes, when Jiang Poyun calmed down a bit, he said, "Daozi, in fact, he has become a god line and has little relationship with us.

The Eastern Wasteland and Lintian are so far apart, and we and the Eastern Wasteland are not dead. Since there is such a genius in the Eastern Wasteland, we might as well just let it go and develop our own, so don’t cause too much trouble. . "

"Forget it...how can it be counted!"

Jiang Poyun gritted his teeth: "Uncle San, abandon the ship, you and I use the Five Elements escape technique to return to Lintian, if the halfway goes smoothly, it will only take a few years!

As soon as possible to return to the Five Elements Taoist school, I must ask retired elder to come forward and seek justice for me! "


"Ginger Elder!"

Jiang Poyun changed his name and called out again.

Jiang Wuya had no choice but to nod his head: "Follow the orders of Daozi!"

After that, he instructed the old slave in the holy realm on the huge boat to return to the heavens as soon as possible. Jiang Wuya and Jiang Poyun used escape techniques and left very quickly.


After half an hour.

Su Zhan successfully broke into the ninth stage of the holy realm.

"The divine veins are really extraordinary, and the Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi can be transformed into the holy essence by running in the divine veins once. In the past, it had to operate according to the Cultivation Technique Universe. As a result, my cultivation speed will be extremely Ascension!

Moreover, due to the divine veins, my Saint Yuan is stronger. The same Realm, now me, is about 20% stronger than the one without divine veins!

Not only that, if the Cultivation Technique runs to the extreme and actively stimulates all the power of the divine veins, my overall combat power will get a huge Ascension! "

After running the Cultivation Technique for a while, sensing the increase in his own strength, Su Zhan's face was beaming with joy.

Now, he doesn't care about the divine body and veins, those who must become myths.

Only because of the divine veins brought him the existing Ascension, this trip is already a heaven-defying opportunity!

"Due to the divergence of the power of thirty-six sacred dragon veins and one hundred and eight divine veins, my dragon veins have become thinner. Only when the divine veins are urged to the extreme will they appear, but this is nothing, dragon veins. The power of blessing has long been integrated into the veins.

And if there is a chance to kill a dragon in the future, there will be a lot of real dragon Blood Essence available! "

Thinking of this in his heart, Su Zhan began to practice Sword Technique and Fist Technique on the giant island to see how powerful his own power was released.

And this time.

On the Holy Mountain of Skyfire.

The holy kings also smiled and admired again and again.

"Su Zhan is my first son of Eastern Wasteland!"

"Don't bully! Eastern Wasteland is number one? I think it is the number one in the spirit world!"

"It makes sense, but he has been so perverted on this trip. It is estimated that he will be named the young master of Sacred Land after he returns. I am afraid that he will miss the title of Shengzi."

"The young lord of Eastern Wasteland Sacred Land has been canonized as the saint son who broke into the holy king realm twenty years ago. Unless the Qiu Sword God also breaks into the holy king realm, he will not be able to win the position of the young lord. Sword God is the first son of Eastern Wasteland?"

Standing silently behind the holy kings, Qiu Jian's mouth twitched as he watched all this, and couldn't help but interject: "Holy kings, I am not the first son of Qiu Jian, and I have no face to ask for this title. Holy kings.

I have changed my name to Qiu Jianban. Whenever, I can take the sword from Brother Su and change it back. I also ask all the holy kings not to call me the name I used to be ignorant and arrogant... That name is for me In terms of it, it is shameful! "

Qiu Jian Shen turned into Qiu Jian Ban?

Have to wait for Su Zhan's sword to change back?

All the holy kings looked at each other with a weird expression.

I couldn't beat it.

Now, Su Zhan has achieved the divine vein, broke into the ninth state, and opened up Qiu Jian again with his talent.

Over time, the gap between the two will only increase.

At the end, let alone a sword, I'm afraid I can't even take a half sword!

Could it be that Qiu Jian will be renamed "Autumn Zero Sword" in the future?

The saint kings secretly felt funny in their hearts, but in the presence of Mount Lu Yue, they did not dare to speak out.

Tang Wujian laughed: "Brother Lu, you guys Eastern Wasteland Sacred Land are pretty straightforward, but this name... I'm afraid I won't be able to change it back for a lifetime, hehe!"

Lu Yueshan glared at Tang Wujian, then sighed, shaking his head speechlessly, feeling extremely depressed in his heart.

This took his best son to attend a saint son feast, and even lost his name when he went back...

What is this called? !


Heavenly Fire Holy Lord's gaze has been following Su Zhan, the more you look, the more satisfied, the more you look, the more you like it.

He smiled and said: "No Sword Saint King, Su Zhan is very good at this son. I don't know if the Holy Lord of Xuantian and your master, do you have the idea of ​​finding him a dao companion?"

"Holy Lord, is this to introduce someone to my disciple?"

Tang Wujian was surprised.

Tianhuo Holy Lord walked to Tang Wujian and smiled kindly: "My Tianhuo Sacred Land, a few months ago I received a Tianjiao named Su Zhaoyue!

Her physique is very special, can absorb the world's fire,

Moreover, she seems to have been inherited by more than one ancient mythical character, and she has made rapid progress!

What I mean is not the kind of strong man who has only survived the Nine Tribulations of Deva and is revered as the Martial Dao myth, but is similar to the inanimate sword emperor, the ancient flame god, etc., who are recognized as invincible in an era and stand tall in the spirit world. The true myth of the top!

I plan to match the two of them, what do you think? "

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