The Living God...

The other wood spirit Elder was taken aback, then nodded silently.

"High priest, these earth spirits..."

A wood spirit Elder swept towards the surrounding earth spirits.

Now that the Earth Spirit King is dead, and the Earth Spirit High Priest is no longer there, there is nothing terrifying about them.

The Wood Spirit High Priest thought for a while, and shook his head: "First, arrest those who have committed mass murders of our Wood Spirit tribe and imprison them. As for the follow-up, let's wait for the question of Master Su!"


Several wood spirits Elder responded and walked towards the earth spirits.

After seeing that even the high priest surrendered to Su Zhan, the earth spirits did not dare to resist the wood spirit that looked like Su Zhan, plus the wood spirit’s request was not too excessive, it did not slaughter the innocent, but only asked for it. Just provide the residences of a few generals, and they followed them one by one.

One day later.

Su Zhan arrived at the center of the Fire Spirit Country, outside the Fire Spirit City.

Putting away the flame ice holy chariot, came to the city gate, the earthling high priest revealed his identity, and the guards immediately put Su into it respectfully.

Even, a line of guards was sent specially to clear the way for Su.

Soon, Su Zhan came outside the palace.

It is also unimpeded,

After entering the palace, the earth spirit high priest and an internal spiritual officer of the fire spirit tribe exchanged a bit, and Chao Su Zhan respectfully said: "Knowing Lord Su, the fire spirit king is not here, but in the Starlight Forest. Where the space channel is, ready to invade that side of the world.

But when I heard that Lord Su and I had arrived, the two princes of the Fire Spirit King were willing to meet him. Look, Lord Su? "

"Two princes? That's okay, young people are more reasonable."

Su Zhan nodded.

Later, he and the earth spirit high priest followed the fire spirit family official to a garden.

In the center of the garden, two fire spirit princes, who are about the same height as normal humans, but whose eyes are like fireballs, and whose skin also has flame patterns, are sitting in the central pavilion.

Behind the two princes, each had two guards from the Fire Spirit Race, both of whom had reached Tier 8, and they were no weaker than the Elder of the Wood Spirit Race.

"The prince, the second prince, the high priest of the earth spirit and the divine envoy of the heavens are here!"

The inside officer reported.

"Okay, the main hall knows, retreat."

The Fire Spirit Grand Prince waved his hand, his gaze passed by the Earth Spirit High Priest, falling on Su Zhan, and chuckled: "This is the divine envoy? It does look different from our Five Elements Spirit Clan!

However, how do I look at it, it's a bit like a human race who was beaten up by us hundreds of years ago and got out of the Five Elements world? "

The second prince of Fire Spirit shook his head and said: "But it is a bit like, but the human races are timid, like the existence of ants, should not dare to enter the Five Elements world, probably some kind of existence similar to the human race!"

"I am indeed a human race, and I have something to say when I come to you."

Hearing the words of the two princes, Su Zhanlue was a little unhappy, but when he thought of borrowing some eternal flint, he didn't get angry.

"Really human?!"

The two fire spirit princes glanced at each other, and both were a little surprised.

Originally, they were just joking, but they didn't expect that the so-called divine envoy was actually a human race!

The prince Huo Ling's tone became colder: "Human race? Human race also deserves to be called a divine envoy?"

The earth spirit high priest's expression changed: "Don't talk nonsense, two of you! This is a divine envoy from the heavens! Very powerful!"

"Extremely strong?"

The fire spirit prince smiled lightly: "It is clearly recorded in the history books of the fire spirit clan that since the human race appeared in the Five Elements world 1,300 years ago, the strongest one is just barely defeating the Tier 8 spirit clan. That's it, it can be said that it is not weak, but extremely strong...

The High Priest of Earthen joked! "

The second prince of Fire Spirit also showed disdain: "Since it is Human Race, then there is nothing to say. We Fire Spirit Race disdain to talk to Human Race. This time I will look at the Face of the Earth Spirit High Priest. Forgive you and get out! "

"Second Prince!"

The earth spirit high priest was shocked, with a taste of warning: "The mission of the god envoy is only to borrow a little eternal flint. The two princes, although the eternal flint is rare, it is not worth mentioning if compared with life. NS!"

"Eternal Flint?"

The two princes were taken aback, and immediately laughed.

"The Eternal Flint is the treasure of my Fire Spirit Clan, what benefit did you take to this person, High Priest of the Earth Spirit, and help him like this?"

"Want eternal flint? Ridiculous!"

The prince smiled, and said in a sharp tone: "Get out! Otherwise, even the High Priest of the Earth Spirit won't be able to keep you!"


I want to have a good conversation.

But no one will listen to me.

Even when I first met, I wanted to kill me!

Cruel, vicious...damn it!

Su Zhan's eyes were cold, and the Mark of Thunder Mountain in his left hand flashed.

"What do you want!"

The prince scolded Su Zhan's body as the sage aura exuded.

The second prince sneered: "Want eternal flint? Even if I kill me, I won't—"


He hasn't finished speaking yet.

He felt a gust of wind blowing, and a lot of warm liquid sprayed on his face.

His voice stopped abruptly, touched his face subconsciously, and looked down, his hands were full of blood!

Thinking of some possibility, he turned his head in horror.

I saw that the prince who was sitting next to him was gone!

Only the flesh and blood flying all over the sky, extremely bloody!

"Dare to kill the prince, damn it!"

Behind the big prince, because Su Zhan's fist was too fast, the eighth-order fire spirit who could not react yelled angrily, and the flame burned on his body, rushing towards Su Zhan.

Su Zhan also glanced at him.

His eyes turned into two bloody vortexes.

Immediately afterwards, the pupils of the fire spirit dilated, his face was full of horror, and his hands were holding his head in pain.

Two seconds later, he looked crazy, his right hand was burning with flames, and he hit his neck directly with a punch!


The eighth-order Fire Spirit's neck was sprayed with blood, and his body crashed to the ground. At the same time as his vitality was cut off, a hint of relief appeared on his face.

It seems that life is better than death!

The blood pupil, the prison world is coming!

This pupil technique from the demon clan, because Su Zhan’s physical body and swordsmanship is too strong, has not been very useful, but in fact, using Su Zhan’s powerful Mental Energy, it is fatal to the average holy king. The lethality!

Killing the eighth-order fire spirit with a glance, Su Zhan's eyes returned to normal, and his gaze swept over the other fire spirits.

The three rank eight fire spirits were already in his three positions, and wanted to attack, but they were afraid and froze there for a while.

As for the second prince, after seeing Su Zhan looking over, his body trembled, his heart was so frightened that he knelt down!

Both hands supported the ground, shaking constantly.

He trembled in his mouth: "Yes, yes, even if you kill me, kill me! Neither do I, I won't defy any orders of the envoy, my lord!"

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