

The five spirit races looked at the huge five-pointed star on the map, and the corners of their mouths twitched.

Since it's a middleman, I want a terrific place!

Moreover, the essentials are forgotten.

As for it to be so big?

You can build a nation!

We also need to pay resources every year...

How come the more you look at it, the more it looks like you have become a vassal?

The five spirit races glanced at each other.

All know well.

"Do you have any comments on what I said?"

Su Zhan said: "If you have any opinions, speak up. Of course, it must be reasonable. If it is unreasonable, it is an attempt to destroy the peace of the Five Elements world and want to provoke disputes! I will never show mercy to such people!

Come on, any of you have an opinion? "

The five spirit races looked at each other, neither wanted to be a vassal nor dared to take Su Zhan's words, and fell silent for a while.

Su Zhan's body surface starlight skyrocketed: "It seems that all five of you have opinions! Since you refuse to say, it must be unreasonable. Since it is unreasonable, then I will—"

"Do not!"

The second prince shouted first: "I have no objection, the Fire Spirit Race has no objection! God makes you beat them!"

As the second prince spoke, the other great spirit races also nodded in agreement.

"I have no opinion from the Golden Spirit Race!"

"The same goes for the Water Spirit Race!"


Seeing this, Su Zhan's body stared away, and nodded in satisfaction: "Yes, it seems that you are still enlightened. If so, you can disperse!

Return the territory occupied by the Wood Spirits, and no longer fight against each other in the future. With these strengths, why not open up the barren area of ​​the Five Elements world? "


"Follow the instructions of the Lord God!"

Su Zhan waved his hand: "Okay, let's go! After a while, I will send someone to the Five Elements world to make detailed rules and regulations with you.

I hope you remember what I said today and don't let me do it again. "


The five spirit races nodded their heads, thanked Su Zhan, and left one after another.

Of course, if it was said to be thankful, in fact, only the Wood Spirit High Priest was truly grateful.

He almost cried holding Su Zhan's thigh.

Su Zhan didn't care whether the other great spirit races were really grateful to him, as long as they were afraid in their hearts, they would abide by it, that was enough.

"It's been almost half a year since I left Tiannan, and I don't know if there is any major change in Tiannan?"

Su Zhan murmured, waiting for the space channel to stabilize with some expectation.


after one day.


On an open area under the Tiannan Mountains.

The kings of the fifteen kingdoms of Southern Tiannan, as well as the powerhouses of the major forces, a total of more than a hundred people, all appeared in this area.

A little farther away, there is an army that can't be seen at a glance!

At this moment, the eyes of all the powerhouses are concentrated on the space passage about ten meters above the air, and their expressions are extremely solemn.

"It's incredible that the space channel that was opened for decades was opened on its own!"

"It's not just opening, I can feel that this space channel is much more stable than ours before, even if the Practitioner of the Yulong Realm enters, I am afraid there will be no problem!"

"It is the creatures of the world over there that are opening up space channels! The creatures that can open up space channels are probably extremely terrifying!"

"No, according to the strength of the Demonic Beasts in the Dark Star Forest, the creatures in that world should not be much different from our Tiannan!"

"But have you ever thought that maybe the Dark Star Forest is just a remote wasteland in that world, so the overall strength is not strong?"


A round of discussions sounded.

Some people are looking forward to the treasure and elixir at the other end of the space.

More people are panicking, afraid that the strong from another world will come out to attack Tiannan!

Everyone is waiting.

Wait for the space channel to be completely stable, and then decide whether to send someone in to explore, or just guard here for stability.

A little further away, at the top of a small hill.

The kings of the fifteen kingdoms are standing on the top of the mountain, and the top powerhouses such as Chen Changfeng and Qin Jincheng are no exception.

In their center, an old man with white beard and hair is sitting leisurely.

The old man glanced at the uneasy Tiannan Practitioner, and a touch of contempt appeared in his eyes, and he sneered: "According to what you said, this space channel could only accommodate the entry of the main soldiers. Now it is stable, strengthened, and capable. Where does it go?

Why do you need this attitude? "

Li Qingyang smiled bitterly: "Chi Lao, the opening of the space channel is no small thing. If the living strength of the world over there is stronger than we thought, maybe the south of Tiannan will be a river of blood!"

"Of course I know this, and that's why I stayed!"

Old Chi smiled: "It can be considered that you have had a great fortune in Tiannan. It happened that you were wandering here, and you encountered this matter, but the ugly words are at the forefront.

If there is an invasion by a foreign race, of course I will help you kill the foreign race, but the treasures and resources in this world, I am alone, must be divided into 80%! "

"Yes, yes! There is absolutely no problem, as long as Chi Lao can help us repel the alien race!"

"Don't worry!"

Old Chi is extremely confident: "This seat is a sixth-order holy realm. Even if it is placed outside, it is also a strong person in the open mountain school. You don't need to worry!"

Chen Changfeng's heart moved: "Sixth-stage Holy Realm? Holy Realm... is there still so many stages?"

"Of course, the holy realm is divided into ten levels!"

"That tenth-order saint, is the invincible existence in this world?"

"Although the rank ten saints are very strong, they are far from invincible! Above the saints, there are also the saint kings, and the saint kings are divided into...Forget it, you and I can't even reach the fish and dragons What the guy said so much!"

While talking, Chi Lao smiled dumbly and shook his head.

Seeing this, although Chen Changfeng and others were very curious, they did not dare to ask any more questions.

"Brother Sect, the Holy Land is really majestic! You see, people from the fifteen countries, even in the Yulong Land, must stand so respectfully!"

Returning to his original position, Chen Changfeng whispered to Qin Jincheng next to him: "You said that Su Zhan kid, will he be so prestigious in the future?"


Qin Jincheng rolled his eyes: "That abnormal Su Zhan, at most ten years, must be holy, yes, there is also the saint king, the saint king!

Su Zhan might also become the Holy King in the future! "

"Holy King... If Su Zhan can become a holy king, daddy has to go sideways! Hehe!"

Chen Changfeng laughed.

"Master Su... he will definitely become the Holy King!"

When Li Qingyang heard the words of the two, he was full of hope: "I even think that although it has only been more than half a year, the current Lord Su may already be holy!"

Qin Jincheng shook his head: "Although Su Zhan is a man of unparalleled talents, it is still impossible for him to become a saint in half a year-be careful!

The space channel has fluctuated, and the aliens are coming over! "

Halfway through the conversation, Qin Jincheng's expression suddenly became serious when he saw the violent fluctuations in that space channel.

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