I Have A Trillion Protagonist Halo

Chapter 412 Entering the Demon World Again, the Bat Spirit Race!

After listening to Su Zhan's narration.

Tang Wujian froze for a moment, and opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

He just looked at Su Zhan with a weird expression.


There are five spirit kings in the Five Elements world. You killed two as soon as you entered, and you took away the treasures of the five spirit races, and all the sites were taken away. That's so amazing!

Are you too "kind" too much? ? ?

What else does it mean to "be subdued by your personality charm"?

If I guessed correctly.

I'm afraid I won't be convinced by you, but you will all be beaten to death, right?

If you don't accept it, you will die.

What else can I do?

Tang Wujian was slanderous in his heart.

Zhang Mushengwang and the others also looked at each other, speechless for a while.

Seeing this, Su Zhan glanced at them in surprise, and finally asked Tang Wujian: "Why, don't I say it makes no sense?"


Tang Wujian said helplessly: "What you said is very reasonable, and you are speechless as a teacher."

"Master, what's wrong with you, why do you always feel that you don't agree with what I said?"

Su Zhan hesitated: "Should we have a debate?"

"do not!"

Tang Wujian's mouth twitched.


It’s already depressing enough for you to chat normally.

Arguing with you again, do you want to piss you off and respect me? ? ?

Thinking of Su Zhan's mouth, Tang Wujian was a little scared, and hurriedly changed the subject: "I know all these things, now let's return to Sacred Land!"

"Well, Master, please report the situation to the Holy Lord!"

Su Zhan nodded: "Let him send some people to station in the Five Elements world."

"okay, I get it."

Tang Wujian thought of this, his brows stretched out again, he patted Su Zhan's shoulder, and said with a smile: "This time your kid has done a great job!

Let me tell you the truth, since we accidentally discovered Sacred Land in the Five Elements world 1,300 years ago, we have been thinking of ways and trying to establish a stronghold in the Five Elements world.

It's not that we have to invade them and kill those spirit races. It's just that there are many materials in the Five Elements world that our spirit world does not have. With those materials, it will be much more convenient for us to refine treasures and Medicine Pill.

Moreover, a new world is also equivalent to infinite possibilities for the human race. However, we want to return to thinking, before we can solve the problem of the space channel not reaching the level of the holy king, there is no way to take the Five Elements world.

I didn't expect that this time after you went to the Five Elements world, you would directly subdue those spirit races, which is great! "

Su Zhan shook his head: "It's not about conquering, it's just cooperation!"


Have you ever seen a cooperation that gives you all the territory and pays you resources every year?

Tang Wujian slandered in his heart, but at this time he didn't bother to argue with Su Zhan anymore, and happily released the Infernal Sacred Sword, and left with Su Zhan and others.


After returning to Xuantian Sacred Land, Su Zhan did not go to the Xuantian Great Hall, and after informing Tang Wujian that he needed information about the passage to the Demon Realm from all parts of the Eastern Wasteland domain, he returned to Zhantian Peak.

Tang Liuxue rushed out of Immortal Cave as soon as he fell to Zhantian Peak, his face full of joy.

"His Royal Highness, you are back!"

"Well, have you been okay with Heaven Slashing Peak during this time?"

While talking, Su Zhan walked into Immortal Cave.

"It's all very good, Thunder Lion's Cultivation Base has also improved a lot. Your Royal Highness Saint Child, during this time, it's not right, it seems that you can't call Your Royal Highness Saint Child anymore..."

Before he finished speaking, Tang Liuxue suddenly realized that the title of own seemed to need to be changed.

Su Zhan smiled: "You don't need to change it if you are used to it, it's not a big deal."

Tang Liuxue thought for a while: "Then I will call His Royal Highness? Anyway, His Royal Highness and Young Master are all His Royal Highness."

"You like it."

Su Zhan nodded a little and said, "By the way, during this period of time, you can help me collect information about the space passage to the demon world. Although I have already told Master to ask him to help, there is one more person and one more. force."

"Okay, Your Highness!"

Tang Liuxue answered.

Afterwards, under Tang Liuxue's inquiry, Su Zhan also roughly explained his experience during this period of time.

What Tang Liuxue listened to was stunned.

The eyes that looked at Su Zhan were full of admiration.

Realizing that if we went on, there might be another ninety-year-old girl who fell in love with herself, Su Zhan stopped very decisively.

Love makes people dizzy.

Tang Liuxue can't get dizzy. He also counts on Tang Liuxue to wash and cook and collect information!

The next day.

Su Zhan resumed the life of penance.

Although the gains in the Five Elements world are great, they won't be used until the Chaos Stone is obtained.

Five days have passed.

Su Zhan just ended Closed Door Training cultivation.

His gaze fell on the information Tang Wujian had just sent over, and he flipped through it.

After half an hour.

He frowned slightly.

"How about, Su Xiaoyou, can you find a suitable space channel?"

Heavenly Demon Sixth Luo's voice sounded, he was more anxious than Su Zhan about going to the Demon World.

After all, he is now very much continuing to restore the memory and heal the soul with the black soul flower.

"There is no suitable one, it's too far away, or it's not accessible from my Cultivation Base. From now on, I am afraid I can only enter from the space passage of the Grey Stone Demon Island, but the Grey Stone Demon Island. Place... can there be an auction of Chaos Stone?"

Su Zhan was a little depressed.

Heavenly Demon Sixth Luo said: "Little friend Su, there is no one there, you can also go elsewhere! It just takes a little more time!

Moreover, I remember that the sea area where Greystone Magic Island is located is not small!

Maybe it will be rewarding! "

"This can only be done, but that space channel formation has been damaged. Please tell me all the materials needed for the repair first! I will be fully prepared before going over."


Heavenly Demon answered.

Afterwards, the two began to talk about the repair of the space channel, some taboos of the Demon Realm, and how to disguise the best things, Heavenly Demon also carefully explained to Su Zhan.

Two days later, Su Zhan arrived at the desert once called "Chaotic Star Sea", opened the space channel, and shot towards the black vortex.



Greystone Magic Island.

It was originally the three-eyed demon clan who was the overlord of the sea area near Demon Island for tens of thousands of miles, but it was very miserable at this time.

Pieces of houses were destroyed!

The stumps and broken arms of the Three-Eyed Demon Race can be seen everywhere on the ground!

Blood was flowing, the forest on the Demon Island was burning with flames, and the screams of countless ordinary three-eyed demons in the flames could be faintly heard.


One foot exploded the head of a three-eyed demon who was obviously in childhood.

That one is jet-black, with a pair of bat wings, dark green eyes and cold light. The strong man of the bat spirit tribe, about five meters in height, lowered his head and glanced at the ground of flesh and blood under his feet, and the corners of his mouth were grinning. In the ear, he made a strange smile.

"The Three-Eyed Demon Race, so weak, they actually occupy such a large Demon Island!

I haven't found it before, but they have been cheap for so many years, but today, our bat spirit clan wants to let these guys understand who is the overlord in this 100,000-mile sea area! "

"Fat hook, don't be careless, the Three-Eyed Demon Race also has a holy demon!"

On one side, another general of the bat spirit tribe came with more than a hundred bat spirit tribe fighters, and when he heard the words of the bat hook, he reminded him.

"What's to worry about!"

Manta was full of disdain. Suddenly, he remembered something and laughed: "It's ridiculous to say it. Do you know what I learned from those three-eyed demons?

The reason why their three-eyed demons blocked the passage leading to the human race turned out to be because they surrendered to a human race!

Human race, so humble as the existence of ants, they would actually be afraid of human race!


Really laugh at me!

Don't they know that the human race is very afraid of our demons, worried that our demons will invade and slaughter them to death?

It's a pity that the opening time of that space channel has passed, otherwise we can enter the human world, plunder and slaughter it, alas!

Speaking of which, I really miss the taste of Human Race, devouring a holy human race is worth a year of hard training for me! "

As he said, Bat Gou licked his lips and said, "It would be great if a human race appeared in front of me. I really miss the human race that contains the power of the holy power of the flesh of the delicacy!"

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