I Have A Trillion Protagonist Halo

Chapter 414 Why don't you let me ask for directions?

Greystone Magic Island, the strongest ancient tribe.

The powerful three-eyed demons of the nine tribes gathered in the central square. Behind them are the women, children, and children of the three-eyed demons.

In front, it was a huge warship!

The battleship is suspended in the sky, and there are thousands of bat spirits around.

On the battleship, the bat spirit king led a group of bat spirit clan powerhouses looking forward coldly, and said: "Despicable race, I have given you a chance, now surrender to us, you still have a chance to survive!"


Among the three-eyed demons, the purple-haired holy demon who had escaped in Su Zhan's hands clenched his fists and said in a deep voice: "We can surrender, but you have to plant the bat spirit brand on our souls. This is us. unacceptable!"

"Can not accept?"

The bat spirit king sneered: "Since you have decided to surrender, of course you must leave the unique spiritual imprint of our bat spirit clan to prevent you from betraying!"

"Don't think I don't know! Once your bat spirit clan's brand is planted, our life and death are completely in your hands. By then, we won't even have the power to resist, so we will be slaughtered by you at will!"

The purple-haired holy demon wanted to breathe fire with his eyes, and said angrily: "The bat spirit king, your bat spirit race is far away from the sea area of ​​50,000 miles, and already occupy such a large sea area, why do you want to snatch us!"

"It's very simple, because you don't deserve it."

"You! Have you forgotten that the Wumeng sea area is operated by the three major forces. Our Greystone Devil Island pays a lot of resources to the three major forces every year, and they will also protect us!

If you start a war of extermination privately, aren't you afraid that the three major forces will find your bat spirits to settle accounts! "

"What's the matter? I just need to pay more resources to go up."

The bat spirit king said coldly.

The purple-haired holy demon was desperate in his heart, but he was planted with a spiritual imprint. In fact, it is no different from waiting to die. Therefore, he still held the last glimmer of hope and said: "The bat spirit king, the news of your attack, I have informed the nearby people yesterday. Demon, reinforcements will be here soon. You are leaving now. Our three-eyed demon can not only let go of the past, but also give you all the treasures. What do you think?"

"I don't see how."

The bat spirit king sneered: "Do you think I'm a fool? Reinforcement? Come! Where are your reinforcements? Do you think I was scared? Really—Huh? Are there any reinforcements?"

While talking, the Bat Spirit King suddenly saw an electric light coming at extremely fast, his face changed slightly, and he was a little surprised.

"Master Su!"

The purple-haired holy demon also looked at Su Zhan who suddenly appeared in front of him in a dazed manner: "Master Su, you are here to—"

"I'm asking for directions."

Su Zhan said: "Do you know where the nearest large auction will be?"

"Large auctions, it seems to be—"

Before the purple-haired holy demon finished speaking, the bat spirit king also saw Su Zhan's figure clearly, and laughed: "Hahaha! It's a human race! Is this the reinforcement of your three-eyed demons? Really ridiculous!"

"What reinforcement?"

Su Zhan shook his head and said to King Bat Spirit: "You are mistaken, I am not a reinforcement, I am asking for directions."

"Ask for directions?"

The bat spirit king was taken aback.

Before he could speak.

The three sacred demon-level Elders next to him already sneered.

"We are fighting here, you tell me you are asking for directions, do you think we are a fool!"

"Terran! Hey! Terran is delicious!"

"Ask for directions? We are fighting, come here and ask for directions, have you put our bat spirits To put in one’s eyes!"

All three Elders scolded.

"To put in one’s eyes?"

Su Zhan was surprised: "Why do you want to put in one's eyes? You have a brain problem, right? While staying, I will leave after asking the way."

After speaking, Su Zhan continued to look at the purple-haired holy demon.

The purple-haired holy demon remembered Su Zhan's terrifying strength, and immediately knelt down on one knee: "Master Su, please save our Three-Eyed Demon Clan once, and we will treat you as the Lord!"

"Okay! It turns out that your three-eyed demons colluded with the human race!"

When the bat spirit king saw this scene, his eyes turned, and he was happy: "I was a little worried about how to explain to the big people above, now it is all right, you colluded with the human race, and you are more than guilty, haha! God helps me too!"

The three Elders of the bat spirit tribe suddenly realized, their figure swept out, the devilish energy on the surface rolled, and each one showed a grinning smile.

"If you don't want to collude with the human race, it's really damn it!"

"Come on! Humble human race like ants, let me see how confident you are and dare to appear in the devil world!"


Su Zhan glanced at the bat spirit tribes and frowned: "I'll say it again, I'm just asking for directions, you need to—"

"Ask your uncle! Daddy wants you to die!"

A holy demon Elder grinned and rushed towards Su Zhan.


His head was blown by a punch in the air!

The headless corpse spurted several meters of blood and fell from the air.

Su Zhan slowly retracted his fist and took a deep breath: "Originally, I just wanted to ask for a way, so I left, not wanting to waste time.

But now it seems that even if it is so ordinary, even the humble request, you do not agree to it!

You want to kill me, you want to eat me!

You bat spirit clan, really bad! "

As soon as the voice fell, the starlight on Su Zhan's body skyrocketed, and his body rushed towards the bat spirits who were still in the shock of his punch.

"Quickly, besie him!"

The bat spirit king was shocked, and roared while driving the boat back at high speed.

The elite of the bat spirit race, with the brand of the bat spirit king in their souls, couldn't resist at all, they had to bite the bullet and rush towards Su Zhan.

Su Zhan didn't even look at them, and rushed over arbitrarily, and the bat spirits that were approaching were killed by the power of his holy origin!

The two bat spirit Elders saw Su Zhan coming towards them, terrified.

"Spare, spare!"

"This is a misunderstanding!"


Two clear and dull sounds sounded.

The two bat spirit tribe sage Elder were directly bombarded and killed, without even a trace of resistance.

Immediately afterwards, Su Zhan palmed his hand, and the Sky Fire Fan appeared in his hand and slapped towards the bat spirit tribe.

A white flame swept out of the sky!


In the place where the flame passed, more than a thousand bat spirits spent ashes!

The bat spirit king who had escaped for more than a decade saw this scene, so scared that he was so scared, he cried out in shock: "Quick! Quick! Quicker! Turn on all the defense formations, he is coming over!"

On the battleship, the bat spirits were also horrified one by one, fully stimulating the defense formation and accelerating the magic circle.

But their speed is not worth mentioning in the face of Su Zhan's peak wind and thunder escape technique.


Su Zhan came to the battleship, in the horrified gaze of the bat spirits, his left hand extremely thunder mountain imprint was bright, and he punched out!


The defensive mask of the warship is like the air, which is directly penetrated!

The punch was on the hull of the warship.


The huge warship, which is a full kilometer in length, fell apart directly!

All the magic circles dimmed at this moment, and the warship disintegrated!

Those bat spirits were terrified and fled in all directions.

Su Zhan did not take care of the other bat spirits, but directly stopped in front of the bat spirit king. The starlight on his left hand was shining, and a sacred power emerged, turning into a giant hand, and directly pinched the bat spirit king which was thicker than the water tank. neck!

Then, in the frightened gaze of the Bat Spirit King.

Su Zhan said angrily: "Say! Why don't you let me ask for directions!"

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