I Have A Trillion Protagonist Halo

Chapter 422 A Really Perfect Assassination!


The owl head clan king was surprised: "San'er is dead?"


The Black Robe Demon Race quickly pointed to Su Zhan and said, "I was killed by this person! There are two other Elders!

After killing San Gongzi, this person also pretended to be the Xiaoshou clan, and wanted to assassinate the clan king!

If the clan king doesn't believe it, it's very simple, detain the person, and send someone to explore the waters two hundred miles near Umong Island. Ling's corpse is still in that waters! "


The owl head clan was furious, and ordered: "Put him into an underground jail! Immediately send people to Umung Island to find out! If it is true as the Black Snake Demon Clan said, this king must ask you and the whole clan to give me three Funeral!!!"

The two guards came towards Su Zhan.

I can't hide it anymore.

Su Zhan also directly lifted the disguise.


The wooden box in his hand burst into pieces!

Su Zhan reached into the countless explosive sawdust with his right hand and grabbed the hilt of the Heavenly Golden Sword!

Cut out with one sword.

The two guards turned directly into two pieces.

Blood gushes out two meters high!

"You really are a human race!"

The king of the owl head clan finally confirmed, and roared angrily!

The other wary owl heads also showed their intent to kill coldly at this time!

Su Zhan glanced at them, and shook his head with some regret: "Unexpectedly, my perfect plan was actually failed!"

The Black Robe Demon Race sneered: "Humph! With me, you still want to—"

"Yes! It's because of you! It broke my carefully planned plan! You are extremely vicious, you deserve death!"

Su Zhan suddenly turned his head and looked at the black robe demon clan.

In the latter's horrified eyes.

Sun Moon Star's divine body burst out instantly!

Followed by the blood of the demon god, one hundred and eight divine veins, the Star body, and the Star Promise body!

In less than a second.

Su Zhan inspires all strength!

The whole person exuded the violent aura of the Primordial Demon God, and blasted out at the black robe demon race!

"Clan King! You still don't do it!"

The black robe demon clan was shocked.

The black light flashed, directly revealing the body, a huge black python with a length of 100 meters!

The body surface was covered with black scales, and the speed was extremely fast. It turned into a black light and flashed towards the other side of the Great Hall, and escaped the punch!


This punch is above the beam!

One after another rune appeared!

The entire Great Hall, which is firmly formed, is shaking like an earthquake!

"Damn it's human race, I want you to die!"

The eyes of the owl head clan king were red, and his three-fingered right hand grabbed a huge long knife that was as dark as ink, and slashed towards Su Zhan!

That blade of light torn the space contains the power that makes all the great heavenly saint kings heart palpitations!

Su Zhan's eyes condensed, and Da Ri Star flew out, also cutting out a sword!


Sword Qi, the sword light dissipated at the same time!

Dainichi Star Sword and Black Sword collide!

Su Zhan retreated a hundred meters, unloading that huge force.

But the king of the owl head clan flew out suddenly, smashing the throne!

"Your strength is actually slightly better than me?"

The king of the owl head clan couldn't believe it, and immediately said angrily: "What are you guys doing? Come with me to kill this person!"

"Yes! Clan King!"

Those strong lords rushed to Su Zhan one after another.

At the same time, the King of the Xiaoshou clan also launched another attack on Su Zhan.

Seeing enemies in all directions.

Behind Su Zhan suddenly condensed a Primordial Thunder God.

Suddenly, those holy demons all had a meal.

In this very short moment.

Su Zhan turned into an electric light and came to the only holy demon of the great heaven rank in the Great Hall. Just when he recovered, he hit his head with a punch!


The head of that sacred demon exploded and died on the spot!

"You still dare to kill my Elder, the Owner! You damn it!"

The owl head clan king was extremely angry and slashed over.

And Su Zhan also turned his head and hurriedly resisted.

This knife smashed all the stars on his body surface!

There is a huge gap in the clothes!

Even the Black Tortoise soft armor worn inside has a cut mark!

Su Zhan felt a little qi and blood in his body surging, and stared at the King of the Owl Head Clan with solemn eyes.

In terms of strength level, the owlet clan king is equal to the human minor sacred king, but if it is close to hand-to-hand combat, the owl head clan is obviously stronger than the general minor sacred king!

It seems that this is a hard fight!

Su Zhan's eyes flashed, and his left hand Extremely Thunder Mountain blasted out.

He vomited blood from the Xiaoshou clan king who rushed towards him, and at the same time, he turned into a thunder light, and once again struck the Xiaoshou clan king with a sword!


In the Great Hall, a series of punches, Sword Qi, bursts of sword light!

In less than three minutes, this extremely sturdy Great Hall was completely shattered!

Su Zhan is still fighting fiercely with the King of the Owhead Clan, and at this time, was disturbed by the movement here, thousands of elite fighters of the Owhead Clan, as well as the generals of the Owhead Clan at the Holy Realm level, and two other Elders who reached the level of the Great Heaven. , All rushed over.

Launched an attack towards Su Zhan.

However, Su Zhan only relied on the mysterious technique and the time gained by the Xiaoshou clan king to kill the two great heavenly saint kings in seconds, and other things were ignored.

With the strength of his physical body, coupled with the defense of the Star Promise Body, standing here and letting them fight a few times is not a big deal.

It took a full half an hour.

The owl head clan king was bruised all over his body, and even his fingers were cut off in two!

But seeing that Su Zhan was attacked so frantically by him, but there was still nothing to do, the King of the Xiaoshou Clan was finally a little afraid.

If you continue to fight, he will undoubtedly die!

You must escape while still having the strength to run!

The king of the owl head clan thought in his heart, and after slashing a sword with Su Zhan, with the help of that huge force, he withdrew from the kilometer, and then suddenly turned around!

Casting a kind of escape technique, a pair of black wings appeared behind them, and they flew away at a very fast speed!

"Is this to escape?"

Su Zhan was a little stunned.

What the hell was it just half an hour, barely counted as a warm-up stage, and just ran away?

Although he was puzzled in his heart, he did not delay in the slightest.

Primordial Thunder God visualized it, and a thunder and lightning spear burst out.

The next moment.

The king of the Xiaoshou clan, who was eager to flee, felt that his head suddenly roared and went blank.

Lost consciousness!

When he wakes up from the attack of the Lightning Spear, a 100-meter-high lightning peak has appeared above him!

That force of suppression fell suddenly!

"I am the King of the Owl, I will not die!"

The owl head clan king roared, holding his hands towards the sky!

Surprisingly, he supported the Extreme Thunder Mountain!

But at this moment, a Sword Qi star dragon shook the space, whizzed past, and directly bombarded him!


Extremely Thunder Mountain was crushed down.

When Su Zhan took back Extreme Thunder Mountain.

In that piece of shattered earth, the owl head clan king was covered with blood, and those who were already dead could not die again!

"He, he, he killed the clan king!"

"Even the clan king is not an opponent! This person is terrible!"



Shocked voices sounded, and the owl head tribes scattered and fled.

Su Zhan certainly did not let go of their plan, the twelve-day golden sword flew out, and the sky-fire fan appeared in his hands again.

Sword Qi aspect, Bai Yan monstrous!

In the face of the terrifying powers of the two pseudo Heavenly Dao sacred soldiers, those lords had no resistance and were slaughtered at will!

Seeing that the situation is not good, the Black Snake Demon Race flees in panic.

Even the king of the Xiaoshou clan was killed!


so horrible!

I must go back quickly and report to your Majesty the Demon King!

Let him unite with the owner of Umong Island to kill this person!

Thinking like this in his heart, the Black Snake Demon Race speeded up to flee.

But he only had time to escape more than a dozen miles, and a little starlight fell from the sky!


In front of that little starlight, the scales of the Black Snake Demon Race, who had reached the level of the holy demon, looked like bubbles!

The 100-meter-long body has been broken into two pieces!

This is not over yet.

That little starlight flashed back and forth!

Flesh and blood splattered in the huge body of the Black Snake Demon Race that hadn't completely died.

After three seconds.

The huge body was chopped into dozens of sections, and fell from the sky with a huge rain of blood!

"Huh! Dare, dare to be right, it's against the master, chop, chop you!"

Dahi Star Sword finished speaking intermittently, turning into a starlight and leaving.

One minute later.

The Twelve Heavens Golden Sword and the Great Sun Star Sword were all recovered, and the Sky Fire Fan was also put away.

Su Zhan ended his divine body state and looked up.

In front is a sea of ​​blood and corpse mountain.

Within a radius of three hundred miles, all the Owlhead Demons were beheaded!

The world is silent, dead silent!


Su Zhan exhaled and relaxed in his heart.

did not expect.

This time the assassination was successful!

No, it's not just that the assassination was successful...

Su Zhan's gaze swept around, the corpses of the owlheads.

"Successful assassination means killing the target, but now I have not only killed the target, but I don't even have an eyewitness who can stand up and identify me.

If you say so...

This time, I truly achieved perfection, a textbook-level assassination in the assassin world! "

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