I Have A Trillion Protagonist Halo

Chapter 425: The Great Fortune of Eight Lifetimes!

The Black Snake Demon King said, the huge body flashed light, and he wanted to spare the Island Lord Wumeng and rush to kill Su Zhan.

However, just as his body moved, the Umong Island Lord stopped in front of him again.

"Owner of the island! I'll be more patient with you, don't get into it!"

"Do you want to die!"

The Umong Island Lord said angrily: "The Owl Head Clan offended this young man, the clan king and all the holy demons and above Elder are dead!

Do you want to do this too! "


The huge body of the Black Snake Demon King suddenly stagnated. He looked at Su Zan, who looked slightly surprised from a distance, and looked at the Island Master of Wumeng. how come--"

"Death tragically! Even the corpse is not intact!"

The owner of Umong Island added.

The horrible death of the King of the Xiaoshou clan at the hands of this celebrity?

The Black Snake Demon King looked suspicious, a little unbelieving.

"If you believe it or not, I don't care. If you want to die, you want to annihilate the clan, you are also looking for it yourself!"

Island Master Wumeng saw that the Black Snake Demon King still didn't believe him.

"Old Umong Island owner, haven't asked the son's name yet?"

"Su Zhan."

Su Zhan's gaze fell on the Island Master Wumeng, without concealing it, he said directly.

The cupped hands of the Umong Island lord bent over and said: "Master Su, I was dim-eyed at the auction house. I didn't realize that you were such a powerful man. The lords have always been domineering and offended the young man. It was my own responsibility!

As the owner of Umong Island, the guest was robbed and killed only two hundred miles away from Umong Island. I am also responsible!

Mr. Wu Lin told me, son, you purchased the Black Soul Flower. I think you are in urgent need of such items. This is a Soul Condensation Pill made from the Black Soul Flower. The effect on soul damage is even better than that of the Black Soul Flower!

I hope that the son will accept it as compensation from our Wumeng Auction House for poor protection of the guests! "

"Unexpectedly, there are people who are as upright as me in the Demon Realm. If this is the case, then I will accept it. The Xiaoshou clan has nothing to do with you. Right now, the Black Snake Demon King wants to kill me, so I will trouble you--"

Before Su Zhan finished speaking, he saw the Black Snake Demon King transform into a human form again, and knelt down in horror: "Master Su! Misunderstanding! It's a misunderstanding!"

The Black Snake Demon King saw the posture of Island Master Wumeng, and after thinking about it carefully, the Island Master Wumeng had no reason to deceive Own. He was immediately scared, and said quickly, "I can swear to God!

The monster following you Su Gongzi was definitely not sent by me!

If I lie half a lie, let our entire Black Snake Demon Race die from Heavenly Tribulation! "

"It's not important anymore."

Su Zhan shook his head: "I killed your two members of the Black Snake Demon Race. You must have hatred for me in your heart. Right now, I am a death vengeance with you Black Snake Demon Race!

bring it on!

Either you die today, or I die! "

"Master Su misunderstood! We, the Black Snake Demon Race, have absolutely no hatred!"

The Black Snake Demon King cried and trembled.

You can kill the Xiaoshou clan at all, and kill you or me?

I must be the one who died, right? ? ?

With extreme fear in his heart, the Black Snake Demon King hurriedly learned from the Island Master Wumeng, and said, "Master Su, the two Black Snake Demon Races are against you first, and they deserve it!

They are the scum of our Black Snake Demon Clan. Instead of hating Young Master Su, we have to thank Young Master Su for helping us get rid of the scum! "

"Oh? You still want to thank me?"

Su Zhan raised his brows: "How do you plan to thank me?"


The Black Snake Demon King's gaze fell on the wooden box containing ten soul condensing pills that Su Zhan had just received from the master of Wumeng Island. He estimated the value and said: "We want to take out 15 million demon Jing thank you Lord Su!"

"Fifteen million?"

Su Zhan shook his head: "Have you ever thought that if your subordinates provoked not me, but other unreasonable and cruel people, perhaps you would have been killed long ago?

Is your life worth only 15 million magic crystals? "

"This...how much does Master Su think is appropriate?"

The Black Snake Demon King asked cautiously.

Su Zhan thought for a while: "Because of your subordinates, my perfect plan fell through. I had to fight hard for half an hour. I had to take a full night's rest and healed the serious injuries. Moreover, I could solve it with a single sword. The king of the owl head clan, abruptly slashed out how many swords and punches he did not know!

With a single sword, it is not a problem to kill a great heavenly king.

The value of a great heavenly king is more than ten million magic crystals, right?

If you count it like this... you Black Snake Demon Race can't afford to sell them all!

However, I am naturally kind and will not do such things that will drive people to death. Therefore, you only need to give me 150 million magic crystals!

This is a reasonable price in my opinion. "

150 million?

The price of a top-grade holy magic weapon is only over ten million, one hundred and fifty million, even if all the magic crystals in our Black Snake Demon Clan’s treasury add up to not so much!

Moreover, he is naturally kind and will not drive people to death...

This is so special!

I think you think we can't get so many magic crystals even if we are forced to death, so we chose a number that almost killed us, right? ? ?

The Black Snake Demon King wanted to cry without tears: "Master Su, it's not that we have no sincerity, it's really—"

Su Zhan was too lazy to talk nonsense with these monsters, and said directly: "Of course, if you think what I said is wrong and are not willing to pay, I won't embarrass you.

After all, your monster race is famous for being ungrateful, sinister and cunning!

However, in this case, you will be responsible for the faults committed by your subordinates! "

"No! Wait!"

When the Black Snake Demon King heard the words behind Su Zhan, he knew that if he didn't agree, he would probably die on the spot. He immediately trembled and gritted his teeth and said, "One hundred and fifty million is one hundred and fifty million!

However, with so many magic crystals, I am afraid that we will need to use the power of the whole clan and spend a few days to make it together, Master Su, you--"

"I can wait."

Su Zhan nodded.

"Then, then please come to the palace and rest for a few days!"

The Black Snake Demon King was scared and depressed in his heart, and brought Su Zhan and Island Master Wumeng into his palace.


Orders were issued from the Black Snake Palace.

All commands mean the same thing: pool money.

Four days have passed.

The Black Snake Demon King also only collected 130 million magic crystals, but in the end there was no alternative, he borrowed 20 million from the Master of Wumeng Island and handed it to Su Zhan.

Su Zhan took the storage bag handed over by the Black Snake Demon King and counted it. After confirming that it was correct, a smile appeared on his face.

"In the future, these people of yours will be strictly restrained."

Before leaving, Su Zhan also warned the Black Snake Demon King: "Fortunately, you, the Black Snake Demon Clan, are lucky. When I met me, I changed to other narrow-minded guys, but it's not so easy to talk about!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

In the past few days, the Black Snake Demon Clan had smashed the pot and sold iron, and had almost sold the panties, before they gathered these magic crystals. The Black Snake Demon King was about to cry, and the chicken nodded like a chicken pecking at the rice.

"Master Su, you are indeed a good person. We, the Black Snake Demon Clan, met a good person like Master Su, really, really..."

After a pause, the Black Snake Demon King tried desperately to keep the tears from flowing out of his eyes, choked up and said:

"It's really good luck for eight lifetimes!"

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