Tang Wujian thought for a while and said, "Chaos Stone has never appeared in the Eastern Wasteland domain, but after all, it is just a material, not a Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier. The price is always not too outrageous, right?"

This guy Su Zhan himself is rich and rich, and his wealth is not much less than that of an old guy like me who has lived for a year or two. Plus the 50 million holy stones you took out from the Holy Lord, he has a full 100 million saints. stone!

It should be enough! "

"I hope so!"

Mo Wentian nodded: "When Su Zhan comes back, tell him that the fifty million sacred stones don’t have to be returned to the treasure house. It’s nothing more than the price of one or two top-quality sacred king artifacts. Our Xuantian Sacred Land is not that kind of lack. Money-Huh?

He is back! "

Before he finished speaking, Mo Wentian's eyes condensed suddenly, and he fell on Su Zhan, who was approaching the Great Hall outside the Great Hall, with joy on his face.

Tang Wujian also turned his head quickly.

at this time.

Su Zhan just walked into the Great Hall.

Towards Tang Wujian in the Great Hall, Mo Wentian cupped hands and said: "Master, Holy Lord."

Tang Wujian smiled and said, "Su Zhan! We were still discussing you just now! I didn't expect you to be back here! What a coincidence!"

"Discuss me?"

Su Zhan was a little surprised: "What are you discussing about me?"

Mo Wentian smiled: "Discuss whether you have enough money, how about Su Zhan, is it going well this time?"


After just finishing talking, thinking about the owl head clan again, Su Zhan added: "Although there were some small disturbances, it was calmed down by my strategy, and overall it went smoothly!"

"It's going to go well, then how many holy stones do you have left?"

Mo Wentian asked curiously.

Tang Wujian looked at Su Zhan equally curiously.

"How much is left, haven't fully counted..."

Su Zhan groaned, first took out a storage ring that had been prepared a long time ago and handed it to Mo Wentian: "This is the fifty million sacred stone that was temporarily borrowed from the treasure house."

"After you buy it, there are still 50 million left?"

Mo Wentian was a little surprised, and immediately waved his hand and said: "Forget it, you can accept these sacred stones! You should have sold a lot of treasures, and now there are only 50 million sacred stones left?"

"No! I still have a lot! The Chaos Stone auction only cost 40 million sacred stones!"

Su Zhan threw the storage ring to Mo Wentian: "I said it was temporarily borrowed, of course I have to return it. Besides, I don't seem to lack these fifty million sacred stones..."

Is there no shortage of 50 million holy stones?

Mo Wentian caught the storage ring, stunned for a moment, and looked suspiciously at Su Zhan: "Su Zhan, a high-grade holy king artifact, is also more than a thousand sacred stones.

And many holy kings can't even own a high-grade holy king artifact. If there is no special status, holy kings below the great heaven rank can rarely have a net worth of ten million holy stones.

Five million sacred stones, five sacred kings together may not be able to get it, are you lacking? "

"Are all Saint Kings so poor?"

Su Zhan didn't expect it, and immediately shook his head: "I really don't lack these fifty million sacred stones, and, of course, I said that I have to pay it back."

"Su Zhan, you honestly explain, you this time..."

Tang Wujian thought of something and hesitated: "Is there another chance to sell some treasure and make a lot of money?"

"No! I was just robbed and killed by some vicious demons in the Demon Realm, and then I went to ask for a little compensation?"

"You were robbed? Are you okay?"

Su Zhan shook his head, "It's okay. Although I was injured a little, I have healed early."

"That's good, I heard that the demons in the Demon Realm are very cruel and vicious. Although you are very strong, but after all, you entered alone. I am really worried about you."

Tang Wujian breathed a sigh of relief: "It's fine if you are fine."

Hearing Tang Wujian's words, Su Zhan nodded in agreement: "Master, what you heard is true! The demons are indeed very cruel and vicious!"

After thinking about it, Su Zhan was still a little unhappy: "I just took a picture of something, and someone wanted to intercept me and snatch my treasure. That's fine. Later, I killed those people and planned to assassinate the king of the demon clan. , In order to avoid future troubles.

Unexpectedly, another member of the monster race came and exposed me in public, causing my assassination plan to fail! "

"What? Then how do you get out?"

Tang Wujian was surprised.

"There is no way, my identity was exposed, so I had to fight hard to kill those vicious demons!"

Speaking of this, Su Zhan smiled: "Speaking of which, although my plan fell through, I finally completed the assassination! It was a perfect assassination!"

Hear here.

Tang Wujian faintly gave birth to a familiar feeling, as if he had known each other before, and he felt a little uncomfortable.

Mo Wentian was surprised: "You have been exposed, can you still complete the assassination? How did you do it?"

Su Zhan said: "It's very simple. I killed all the ferocious demons in that king city, including the target!

In this way, no one will witness my assassination!

The assassination that no one sees is the most perfect assassination! "


Mo Wentian was stunned for a moment, a very depressed feeling in his heart.

Dare to love me, I've been curious for a long time, so you tell me?

When the identity was revealed, all the demons in that city were killed, a perfect assassination that no one had witnessed?

This is so special!

How come the more I listen, the more I feel that this is an extermination?


I seem to think that you seem to be a little bit more cruel than the demons...

Mo Wentian was slanderous in his heart and was speechless for a while.

Tang Wujian showed such an expression as expected, and he glanced at Su Zhan a little bitterly.

I know, you kid can't say anything that makes people feel comfortable.

Because the assassination failed, so anger turned into anger and annihilated the people?

It's really your kid's style!

However, the Demon Race is opposed to the Human Race. From the Human Race's standpoint, it is a good thing to slaughter the entire Demon Realm!

Tang Wujian thought secretly in his heart, and said in his mouth: "Su Zhan, I probably know why your kid can't look down on these fifty million sacred stones. Did you fish a lot from that demon clan?"

"Have a lot of fish?"

Su Zhan was a little unhappy: "Master, what you said is wrong. They want to kill me, and I will kill them, and then take out their storage bags to compensate myself. Isn't this very reasonable?

Moreover, I didn't take much from the owl head clan, so I went to the monster clan who exposed me later.

The opponent Demon King thanked me for helping them get rid of the two scum, and gave me a little more. "

Thank you for helping them get rid of two scum...

As soon as Tang Wujian heard this, his mind immediately appeared, Su Zhan killed two monsters, and the remaining monsters quickly begged for mercy, curled their lips.

They are not grateful for you.

Perhaps you are all thankful to your ancestors for eight lifetimes!

Sorrowing in his heart, Tang Wujian waved his hand: "Okay, Su Zhan, you like to help others for fun and are naturally kind. Isn't it clear that you are a teacher?

Needless to say this kind of thing everyone knows!

Quickly talk about it, how many holy stones do you have? "

"I need to take a good look at this."

Su Zhan took out a few storage bags and storage rings, and began to count them.

After several minutes, he said, "It's only two hundred and twenty million!"

Two hundred twenty million?

As soon as these words came out, Tang Wujian and Mo Wentian were immediately bewildered.

The whole person was a little confused.

A total of 100 million were brought into the Demon Realm, 40 million was spent on auctioning Chaos Stone, and another 50 million was returned.

100 million-90 million = 220 million?

This is so special!

Is there such an operation? ? ?

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