I Have A Trillion Protagonist Halo

Chapter 430: The Sky Is Falling!

I saw it.

At this time, Su Zhan's body had already appeared a layer of golden light!

That layer of golden light became more and more radiant, causing a trace of metallic law's power to fluctuate, and finally, that golden light swept away in the surroundings!


In this world, patches of golden light are born from the clouds!

Within a radius of a hundred miles, the law of metallicity is surging!

This range is still expanding!

Moreover, every mile of expansion, the stronger the power of that law!

The sky is full of cash!

One mile.

Two miles.


A hundred miles.

Two hundred miles.


The vision of heaven and earth continues to expand.

In the end, it reached thousands of miles!

Cover the entire Xuantian Sacred Land Inner Sect area!

Within thousands of miles, the golden light of heaven and earth emerged, and the power of metallic laws surged!

Those Elders who reached the Holy King Realm were okay, knowing that this was Su Zhan's vision of heaven and earth.

But other Elder, disciple, deacon and the like were all panicked!

"What's the situation! How did the sky become golden!"

"It doesn't matter what color the sky turns into. The main thing is why my saber keeps trembling!"

"My metallic treasure is too! Not only is it trembling, I even feel that it is afraid, surrendering to something we can't see!"

"What about this! I plan to go out hunting Demonic Beasts, so even the sword is out of control!"


Panic, doubtful voices sounded everywhere in Xuantian Sacred Land.

This day.

All the disciples cancelled their plans to go out and hid in Immortal Cave anxiously, waiting for the world to return to normal.

after one day.

Su Zhan finally completed the smelting of the highest grade Gengjin.

The golden light disappeared from the surface of his skin.

Su Zhan's eyes fell on his hand, and he tried to make a fist.

"The highest grade Gengjin has been completely integrated into my body, in other words, the highest grade Gengjin no longer exists, but has become a fuel and energy for my body to strengthen!

Today, I don’t need any sacred element, and the degree of physical bone defense alone is no less than the best sacred king artifact!

And this is just the first step of the Chaos Five Elements body! "

Feeling the change in his body, Su Zhan showed a smile on his face.

Sure enough, it is a secret method that a mythical figure has worked hard and devoted his entire life to come up with!

After feeling a bit, he began to smelt the second material.

Holy Willow Heart!

First, the Heavenly Dao Sutra also turned to the second page on its own!

The emerald green light erupts from the Heavenly Dao Sutra!

Decompose Saint Willow's wood heart little by little, turn it into countless green light spots, and blend into Su Zhan's body!

As Su Zhan began to condense.

The world that has just calmed down has a vision again!

Green energy flashed in the sky one after another, and the laws of wood attribute spread out towards the surroundings, covering thousands of miles!

Xuantian Sacred Land.

Those disciples just rejoiced that the change of heaven and earth was finally over, and when they were able to travel happily, they found the change of heaven and earth again, and although their metallic treasures were all right, the various wooden treasures trembled and couldn't control it!

Suddenly one by one was depressed.

Some are grumpy, already scolding God!

Around Shengzifeng, those holy kings showed smiles.

"The best Gengjin was actually successfully smelted by Su Zhan!"

"Any treasure made with the best Gengjin gold is at least the top-grade holy king artifact! Su Zhan actually refines the best Gengjin gold into his body, then his physical body is so strong that he can resist the holy king's artifact!"

"This is not necessarily true. The flesh and bones are strong, blood vessels, and viscera. These are always fragile. Even if the bones are extremely hard, if they really collide with the powerful Holy King Artifact, his viscera will be injured. Of course, if he uses the Holy Yuan , I am afraid that we can hardly resist the powerful Holy King artifact!"

"He prepared a total of six materials. This is only the first type of condensing, and you can clearly feel his Ascension. If six types of condensing are used to achieve the legendary Five Elements chaotic body, how powerful will it be! "


Every saint king felt a little excited in his heart.

Looked extremely expectantly.

Another day passed.

Su Zhan succeeded in forging Saint Willow's Mu Xin into his body.

After practicing into the heart of Saint Willow.

He can clearly feel that his recovery ability has been greatly enhanced.

He was seriously injured in the past, and it took one night to rest before he could heal.

But now, I am afraid it only takes half a night, or even a few hours!

"Five Elements... Five completely different strengths, all smelted, don't I have no shortcomings, and the overall increase?"

With a whisper in his mouth, Su Zhan continued to condense the third material.

Bright and clean colored glaze water!

First, the Heavenly Dao Sutra is flipped again.

The azure blue light emerged, assisting Su Zhan to refining!

When Su Zhan was refining.

Heaven and earth are also the birth of water attribute anomalies.

Countless water in the sky Spiritual Qi gathers and turns into a stormy ocean wave!

Nearly ten thousand miles of the sky seems to be turned into an ocean!

This is thousands of miles below the ocean.

Those disciples wanted to go out, but they didn't go far. Seeing those rivers, the streams were flying like dragons and snakes, and the water Spiritual Qi formed a storm in the air, and suddenly retreated one by one.

One by one, there was no love to love, and he was depressed, and sighed.

It seems that it is another day of autism...

The fourth day.

Su Zhan refines one-third of the clear glass water in the wooden box into his body, and realizes that the light of Heavenly Dao is dimmed first, guessing that the weight is enough, and more refining will break the balance between Five Elements. It did not continue.

After experiencing the mystery brought by the clear glass water, he began to smelt the fourth material.

Eternal Flint!

The world has changed again!

The sea turns into a sea of ​​flames!

The world is burned red by flames!

The fire waves are overwhelming!

Compared with the previous water attribute anomaly, the fire attribute anomaly is obviously more violent!

Those disciples were also afraid, shrinking in Immortal Cave, not daring to go out.

The fifth day.

The vision of heaven and earth has changed again.

The sky is normal.

But the earth trembles endlessly, and the gravity sometimes doubles, sometimes weakens, not to mention Yukong, it is difficult to walk well!

And all the treasures of the earth attribute are also trembling and unusable!

All the disciples of Xuantian Sacred Land spent another day uneasy.

The sixth day.

The vision of heaven and earth finally dissipated!

The world is clear!

However, with lessons learned from the past, those disciples weren't too excited one by one, and if not unexpected, it is estimated that there will be new visions soon.

Can wait more than an hour.

There is no change.

Those disciples finally cheered.

One by one walked out of Immortal Cave, shouting excitedly and venting.

"Finally it's okay! Hahahaha!"

"Gold, wood, water, fire, earth! Did you find out that these five days corresponded to the Five Elements vision!"

"No wonder, it's okay today, Five Elements has all gone through one round!"

"Speaking of it, do you know what has happened these past few days, and why has it caused the world to change?"

"Don't care about him! Daddy asked Yuer Little Sister to go boating on Lingming Lake five days ago. No one can stop me today! Hahahaha!"

The young disciple laughed and threw a giant sword out of the sky, but he just stood on the giant sword and saw the scene in the sky in front of him. Fell off!

The young disciple's smile disappeared with his fingers slanted above the sky, replaced by an immense panic!

"Heaven, heaven, the sky is falling!"

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