I Have A Trillion Protagonist Halo

Chapter 441 Is there such an arrogant person in the world?

"Thank you dad!"

Han Jiangming clenched a fist with his right hand and gritted his teeth: "This time, I must let him know that he is not something he can afford to provoke!"

"Okay, okay, let's go, we will start tomorrow."


Watching Han Jiangming recede.

The anger on Han Shanhe's face dissipated. After thinking about it, he took out a jade card and tapped his finger on it.

There was a ripple on the jade card.

Soon, a man in a black robe with a hood and a veil came to the study and knelt on one knee: "Master, what's your order?"

"Longfeng Tianjiao will come and smash the Lingbao Pagoda with one punch. You can check the origin of this person."


The black robe man left.

Han Shanhe looked down at the copybook soaked with his ink, and whispered in a low voice: "I basically know the little extreme holy king of the Eastern Wasteland domain. As for the holy kings of the nearby dynasties, they don't have the courage to measure. Offended my humble family, could it be.

What kind of hidden cultivation person is it?

Forget it, no matter who he is, in the Eastern Wasteland dynasty, he is not enough to make us jealous! "

Sheng Yuan surged, took the discarded copybook, and threw it into the wastebasket on the side. Han Shanhe walked out of the study with his hands on his back.


A few days later.

Su Zhan arrived at Eastern Wasteland Sacred Land.

And Xuantian Sacred Land core, Inner Sect, Outer Sect, etc. are all gathered together, covering an area of ​​30,000 miles different.

Eastern Wasteland Sacred Land separated all kinds of disciples.

At different levels, the Eastern Wasteland Sacred Land you are in is also different, and the cultivation environments you enjoy, such as spirit beast gardens and cultivation towers, are also very different.

Eastern Wasteland Sacred Land is divided into three locations according to the core Sacred Land, Inner Sect Sacred Land, and Outer Sect Sacred Land.

Every place is separated by hundreds of thousands of miles, not in one place at all.

Su Zhan came from this trip, Sacred Land, the core of Eastern Wasteland.

It is also the true Eastern Wasteland Sacred Land where the Holy Lord of Eastern Wasteland Sacred Land is.

Although Sacred Land is divided into three, the area of ​​Sacred Land, the core of Eastern Wasteland, is not much smaller than that of Xuantian Sacred Land. As for defense formation, it is even more powerful than Xuantian Sacred Land!

After all, it is Eastern Wasteland's first Sacred Land, which is naturally extraordinary.

Su Zhan's gaze was on the huge Sacred Land that was shrouded in formation in front of him, turned into thunder, and appeared in front of the huge main entrance of Eastern Wasteland Sacred Land, which was as high as a thousand meters high like a mountain peak.

Just after he landed, a Shoushan disciple from the Yulong Realm immediately asked: "Who are you? What's the matter with us in Eastern Wasteland Sacred Land?"

"I'm Su Zhan, Xuantian came from Sacred Land, looking for you Qiu Jianqiu Shengzi, he knows me."

"Su Zhan? Looking for Qiu Shengzi?"

The guard hesitated.

Su Zhan is already known among the top geniuses of Sacred Land in Eastern Wasteland, but Xuantian Sacred Land and Eastern Wasteland Sacred Land are too far apart. These ordinary guardian disciples, even those core disciple with better talents, can see each other. Fewer than a few, let alone contact with the top geniuses like Qiu Jian, or the holy king Elder who has made friends with Lu Yueshan.

Therefore, the word "Su Zhan" is very strange to these Shoushan disciples.

However, Su Zhan turned into a thunder light to fall, which really shocked them. Therefore, after thinking about it, the guard also cupped hands and said: "Su Gongzi, we can't see Qiu Shengzi, but we will report it. Elder, let him make the decision.

Now, please wait for a while, and I will report to you right away! "


Su beheaded nodded.

He had waited for the seven or eight days journey from Xuantian Sacred Land to Eastern Wasteland Sacred Land, and there was no shortage of time.

With a glance, he walked into the pavilions in front of the main entrance of Eastern Wasteland Sacred Land, sat on the stone bench, and waited slowly.

While he was waiting, people came to the main entrance of Sacred Land from time to time.

Su Zhan glanced at them, and found that they were basically in the Saint King Realm. With a few late-born juniors, he took out a golden invitation card and walked into the front door.

"Eastern Wasteland Sacred Land, what major event has not been achieved recently, has invited so many people to come?"

Su Zhan was slightly surprised.

But it didn't matter to him, so he didn't ask more, and continued to wait quietly.

It didn't take long.


Another speed car descended in front of the main entrance of Eastern Wasteland Sacred Land.

The owner of the Han family, Han Shanhe, took the take-off car and just prepared to enter the Eastern Wasteland Sacred Land.

Han Jiangming from the rear grabbed his sleeves and said excitedly: "Father! Father! I found the man!"

"Oh? Where?"

"That! There!"

Han Jiangming pointed at Su Zhan who was resting in the pavilion, and said with hatred in his eyes: "It's him! It was he who stole my storage ring and humiliated me!"

"That person?"

Han Shanhe's eyes were cold, and he patted Han Jiangming on the shoulder: "Come with Dad, Dad will let you know today that people in our Han family must not be bullied in vain!"

"Yes Yes!"

When Han Jiangming thought that he could get revenge soon, he was so excited that he followed Han Shanhe to Su cut.

at this time.

Su Zhan also saw the two of them, his face was calm, and he didn't even mean to get up.

"You bullied my son, right?"

Han Shanhe pointed at Su Zhan and scolded.

"Are you his father?"

Su Zhan frowned slightly, and said displeased: "What caused me to bully your son?

Your son has to give me his storage ring forcibly. If I don't accept it, he will have no food, sleep, or even death!

Am I not helping him? I helped your son. You dad didn't know how to be grateful, but instead slandered me and bullied your son. Are you okay? "

"You! Asshole!"

Han Shanhe was furious.

There are such arrogant people in the world!

Take away my son's things, humiliate my son, and make me thank him?

It is tolerable, which is unbearable!

With anger in his heart, Han Shanhe erupted with the terrifying coercion of the small extreme peak-level Saint King, and said angrily: "Okay! Very good! I will let you know today, our Han family——"

"Su Shengzi has been waiting for a long time!"

At this moment, a word sounded, and a holy realm Elder hurriedly came to Su Zhan, and his respectful cupped hands saluted: "Su Sheng came from afar, it is our rudeness. The Holy Lord is already waiting for Su in the temple. Sheng, please ask Su Sheng to follow me into Sacred Land to meet the Holy Lord!"

Su Sheng?

What Su Shengzi, with such a big face, let the Holy Lord meet him in person...Could it be!

Thinking of the rumors of the Eastern Wasteland Saint Child Banquet some time ago, Han Shanhe’s pupils suddenly shrank, and the aura of the supreme saint king suddenly converged, and he bowed to Su Zhan’s cupped hands and asked carefully: "Dare to ask Su Shengzi But the one from Xuantian Sacred Land that has an ancient history, a divine body and a vein, who must become the Martial Dao myth, that Saint Su Zhan?"

"it's me."

Su Zhan nodded, and didn't care about the names of these people.

After all, it hasn’t been long since he became the Young Master. These people don’t really know. Moreover, for other Sacred Lands, the Young Master is also a kind of saint son, just the saint son who sits in the seat of succession. They love You can applaud as you please.

However, the title does not matter, some things should be stated clearly.

Thinking like this, Su Zhan was already pale at this moment in Hanshan River Road: "Just now, let's finish what you said. What do you want me to know about your Han family?"

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