I Have A Trillion Protagonist Halo

Chapter 451 Holy King Thunder Tribulation!

at this time.

Looking at the robbery cloud triggered by Qiu Jian, the faces of the holy kings in Eastern Wasteland Sacred Land, Elder, looked slightly better.

In fact, in a sense, Jie Yun is also a criterion for judging the talent, potential, and current strength of a cultivator.

The weaker the talent, potential, and strength, the smaller the robbery cloud that will be attracted.

Generally speaking, those who can be qualified to attack the Saint King Realm are absolutely top-notch geniuses.

It's not a problem to provoke Jieyun for thirty miles.

Of course, the Thirty Mile Tribulation Cloud of the Saint King Realm is not comparable to the 30 Mile Tribulation Cloud of the Saint King Realm. The Tribulation Cloud of the Saint King Realm is more compressed and stronger, and the Thunder Tribulation is much more terrifying!

Qiu Jian's robbery cloud is still expanding.

In the end, it includes a three-hundred-mile radius centered on Qitiantai!

A huge ship was shrouded in the shadow of robbery clouds.

Feeling the robbery thunder being bred in the robbery cloud, those holy kings and powerhouses in Eastern Wasteland Sacred Land were a little excited.

"Three Hundred Miles Saint King Jiejieyun! Qiu Jian's talent is not lost to those mythical characters!"

"Perhaps after hundreds of thousands of years, Qiu Jian can become a Deva who hasn't appeared in the Eastern Wasteland for a long time!"

"It's not just Deva. With his talent, going out of the Eastern Wasteland and exploring other places in the spirit world may also become a myth!"


Hearing those words, Lu Yueshan was also quite proud, and smiled and said to the Eastern Wasteland Holy Lord: "Holy Lord, although Qiu Shengzi is slightly inferior to Su Zhan, his potential is still very strong!"


The Eastern Wasteland Holy Lord nodded, his expression relaxed: "Qiu Jian is the most talented I have ever seen... Except for Su Zhan, the most talented genius, Three Hundred Miles Jieyun, this also proves that I am not mistaken!

In the future, he can inherit the position of Holy Lord and lead Eastern Wasteland Sacred Land to a more glorious one!


That is……"

With that said, the Eastern Wasteland Holy Lord looked up at the heavenly robbery cloud in response.

I saw that amidst Qiu Jian's robbery clouds, there was another gathering of clouds!

It's slightly higher than Qiu Jian's Jieyun, but it looks like it overlaps!

"It's Su Zhan's Jieyun!"

Eastern Wasteland Holy Lord's gaze narrowed: "His robbery cloud is expanding so fast!

Ten miles, twenty miles... one hundred miles!

Two hundred miles!

Three hundred miles!

His robbery cloud exceeded Qiu Jian's robbery cloud range! "

Everyone turned their heads and looked at Su Zhan's expanding Jieyun.

Four hundred miles, five hundred miles, six hundred miles!

Those people were amazed.

Seven hundred miles, eight hundred miles, nine hundred miles!

Those people were shocked, talking endlessly, a little unbelievable.

A thousand miles!

One thousand and one hundred miles!


As Jieyun was still expanding, those strong men gradually began to calm down.

To the end.

That tribulation cloud grew to a region of three thousand miles!

Many unclear truths, sitting in Immortal Cave, cultivation, or some Eastern Wasteland Sacred Land disciples who are talking about secretly dating!

The Saint King on the giant ships above Qitiantai was already extremely quiet at this time.

No one spoke.

If you say, at eight hundred miles, nine hundred miles, or even thousands of miles.

They could also say some shocking, unbelievable words to describe Su Zhan's abnormality.

But now.

No words can be found.

Three thousand miles away!

This is no longer a problem that surpasses those of ancient mythical figures.

What's so special is that the mythical characters are all gone!

Everyone fell silent.


Qiu Jian sensed the Jieyun induced by Su Zhan, opened his eyes and looked up, suddenly everyone was stupid.

Where's my robbery?

Three thousand miles of robbery cloud completely encompasses his robbery cloud!

So that at a glance, it seemed that he hadn't brought out the robbery at all!


The voice conceived by Jie Lei in the robbery cloud above his head remembered.

Qiu Jian also suddenly recovered and gave a wry smile.

Three thousand miles away, really.

You deserve it, Brother Su!

However, the bigger the robbery cloud, the more gains you will receive after Transcends Tribulation, but at the same time, it also means more dangerous!

Three thousand miles away, this is the entire spiritual world, unprecedented!

This kind of terrifying Jieyun, Brother Su and others will definitely be incomparably painful, far less relaxed than my Jieyun.


I hope Brother Su can survive!

Qiu Jian's body trembled as he felt the thunder power bred in Su Zhan's robbery cloud, and thought in his heart silently.

He is not the only one who has such thoughts.

Those strong men above think so too.

Eastern Wasteland Holy Lord shook his head: "Three thousand miles of robbery, it sounds terrible, but in fact, it is a blessing or a curse, who can tell?"

"Indeed, Three Thousand Miles of Tribulation Cloud is really terrifying. If I had been this kind of Tribulation Cloud when I entered the Holy King, I'm afraid it would have been wiped out long ago!"

"Wake up! Get rid of the word ‘I’m afraid of being’!"

"Don't talk about three thousand miles, even if it is a thousand miles away, I will definitely die!"

"After a while, if Su Zhan really can't hold it anymore, let's save him!"

"Yes, it's a pity that such a genius died. Secondly, he has a special status. Both Xuantian Holy Lord and Heavenly Fire Holy Lord regard him as very important. He can't die in Eastern Wasteland Sacred Land!"


The holy kings looked solemn.

Although some of them wanted to kill him because of Su Zhan's anger, they all lived for more than a thousand years after all, and they knew the stakes of the six Sacred Lands.

Su was killed in Eastern Wasteland Sacred Land, and I'm afraid it will start a war between the top six Sacred Lands!

And this is what they never want to see!

Compared to other people, they are extremely nervous and worried.

Su Zhan, who was located at the center of Three Thousand Miles Jieyun, had a calm expression.

The robbery is complete, and then Transcends Tribulation breaks into the Holy King!


There was a loud noise in the sky.

The robbery has already been lowered by Qiu Jian!

It was a special golden thunder and lightning that broke into the Holy King Realm!

Approximately the thickness of an ordinary person's waist!

Qiu Jian also broke out a Sword intent and resisted.

After watching it for about ten seconds.

The robbery cloud above Su Zhan was finally conceived and completed.


A golden thunderbolt with a diameter of more than three meters fell from the sky like a small pond thick and thin!

The gaze fell on the golden thunder of the small pond, and the holy kings above all trembled in their hearts.

This f*ck!

Today is the first time I know that Jie Lei can still be so thick!

The Eastern Wasteland Holy Lord was also a little surprised, and immediately said: "Three thousand miles of robbery, robbery is so strong, it is reasonable, this is only the first robbery of thunder, Su Zhan should be no problem."

The voice just fell.

That golden thunder thunder was blown away by Su Zhan with a punch.

The Eastern Wasteland Holy Lord's face remained as usual.

If Su Zhan couldn't even survive the first robbery thunder, then he wouldn't have spurred the capital of Three Thousand Miles of Tribulation Cloud!

After the first robbery thunder blasted down.

After ten seconds, the second robbery thunder fell again.

The size is about the same as that of the first robbery thunder, but the power is obviously stronger!

Even the space where the thunder thunder passed through seemed to have a distorted feeling!

The second robbery thunder was also easily scattered by Su Zhan.

The third way, the fourth way...

Until the seventh way.

Seeing Su Zhan still looking relaxed, the Eastern Wasteland Holy Lord was finally a little surprised, and curiously said: "Holy King Thunder Tribulation, there are a total of seven or seventy-nine ways, and each one will be stronger. I don't know which one. When Dao Lei Jie begins, he will start struggling—what is he doing?!"

Before I finished speaking, I saw the scene of Qitiantai below, and the Eastern Wasteland Holy Lord was immediately stunned!

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