I Have A Trillion Protagonist Halo

Chapter 481 Master, come here!

Calming wooden beads?

The god tree that the spiritual world helps cultivaters the most to Mental Energy cultivation, the soul-suppressing tree?

Su Zhan's eyes shimmered slightly, and he said, "I don't want one hundred thousand years of spiritual milk, I will take the soul-suppressing wood beads!"

"How can this work!"

Qing Yulan shook her head repeatedly: "You discovered the puppet palace, and you also solved the three puppets. If you really want to allocate them strictly, your master still has the qualification to take it, I'm an outsider--"

"What outsider!"

Tang Wujian waved his hand: "It's all his family!"

"Who is with your family!"

Qing Yulan blushed and cursed softly.

When Su saw this, he also smiled slightly: "Since they have already formed a team, of course they are eligible for points, so let's do it!

I take the soul wood, and the spirit milk is divided into three parts, one for each of the three of us. "

Qing Yulan hesitated: "Is this not so good?"

"What's wrong, that's it."

Su Zhan was too lazy to say anything, and directly took the Soul Suppressing Wooden Bead.

In fact, he didn't care about these spiritual milks at all. With his current net worth, these things that accelerate the speed of cultivation are basically nothing he can't buy, and it doesn't cost him too much money.

But the Soul Wood is different.

This thing, but one of the several sacred trees in the spirit world, has a price but no market, and money can't buy it.

Great help to Mental Energy!

Holding the Soul Calming Wood Bead in his hand, Su Zhan immediately felt his mind calm, and the mental energy sacred idea also naturally slowly grew and became stronger!

Even, originally his holy thoughts could only cover a range of about ten miles. It was suppressed in the Puppet Emperor's palace, and even extended to eight miles at most, but now, with the help of the mysterious power of the soul bead, it can reach the range of eleven miles!

Of course, the Puppet Palace’s isolation of the Holy Sense Restrictions is very strong, and his perception is also very vague, far less clear than the outside world.

However, there is no doubt about the mysticism of Soul Calming Wood. With this pearl, cultivation Mental Energy will become faster in the future!

With this in mind, Su Zhan withdrew his sacred thoughts, and at the same time put the Soul Calming Wooden Bead into the Dongtian ring.

At this time, Qing Yulan and Tang Wujian had also collected spiritual milk, and both smiled.

"Su Zhan, we have collected it, and the rest is your share."

Qing Yulan put away the bottle containing the spirit milk and said with a smile.

Su Zhan took a look and found that the spirit milk in the pool was about less than half less than before.

It seems that Qing Yulan and Shizun took a lot less.

Slightly shook his head, Su Zhan didn’t care about these little things either. He rummaged through the pile of storage rings on his body. He took out dozens of colorful bottles and took all the spirit milk into it. good.


Just as he was about to leave, the palace suddenly shook!

Su Zhan turned around in surprise and looked outside the palace gate.

I saw that the ten-meter-high stone statue actually moved at this time!

Cracks stretched on the surface of the statue, and pieces of gray and white stones fell off his body!

The places that fell off show a golden color!


The stones on the surface of the huge stone sculpture were blown to pieces at this moment!

Golden light bursts!

After the dazzling golden light receded, Su Zhan could see clearly that the stone statue had now become a ten-meter-high giant wearing golden armor and holding a golden spear.

"Bang! Bang!"

The giant stepped forward, walked to the palace, looked down at Su Zhan and the others, and shot his spear horizontally, exploding with a more terrifying power than the secluded tiger puppet in front!

The eyes are like two golden suns, the mouth opens and closes, and a very peculiar low voice that is neither male nor female: "Those who trespass in the imperial palace, die!"

Su Zhangang wanted to make a move, but suddenly thought of something. He took a step and stepped back. Tang Wujian said, "Master, it's better for you to come!"


Tang Wujian's mouth twitched.

The three Youhu puppets I can deal with just now, don't let me come.

Now this guy is so ugly at first sight.

You let me come?

I'm here to you, big-headed ghost!

Thinking like this in his heart, Tang Wujian couldn't say that either.

"Master, what are you doing in a daze?"

Su Zhan looked surprised. This is a good opportunity to perform in front of Qing Yulan.

It seems that playing a thousand-year bachelor really makes sense.

Su Zhan shook his head secretly, feeling that Tang Wujian's EQ was really too low.

If there is half of him, it won't be stunned here.

At this moment, Tang Wujian had no choice but to gritted his teeth and bit his scalp: "Okay, I'll come!"

After he finished speaking, he took out the Infinite Sword directly with his palm, and the sword-like divine body exploded, using the ultimate level of the Great Free Unphased Sword Scripture, the whole person seemed to be integrated with the Swordless Sword, turning into a glazed glass Sword Ray, Smash the void and shoot out!

Feeling the power contained in this Sword Ray, Su Zhan's eyes condensed, and he was a little confused: "The power of the master sword does not seem to be very strong, but the master just said that my strength is only acceptable. This shows that He should have hidden a lot of strength, not just as simple as he showed when fighting with the Blood Demon teacher...I see!"

Thinking of something, Su Zhan suddenly realized: "This is clearly the master's tactics! First test the enemy's strength, then make a full shot, find the right opportunity, use all the cards, and give the enemy a fatal blow!

Master is really foresight! "

"Su Zhan, let's help too!"

As Qing Yulan said, she was about to make a move.

Su Zhan stopped her, shook his head and said, "Qing Elder, you underestimate my master!

This is just a temptation for him. With his hidden strength, to deal with a puppet that hasn't reached a half-step Deva level of combat power, no one needs any help at all! "


The voice just fell.

Tang Wujian was swept back by the golden giant puppet with a shot, and fell to the ground with a sullen face.

Qing Yulan pointed to Tang Wujian, somewhat speechless: "Su Zhan, are you sure that your master really doesn't need help?"

"Of course not!"

Su Zhan nodded very surely: "Master, now that the trial is over, you can show your true strength!

Let Qing Elder see, Master, how strong is your true strength! "

After that, he winked at Tang Wujian, which meant: Master, if you don’t show up now, there will be no chance!

Qing Yulan looked at Tang Wujian suspiciously: "You really don't need help?"

Tang Wujian didn't speak yet, Su Zhan already shook his head and said, "Qing Elder, you are too worried. If my master bursts out the hidden strength, what a puppet is, Master, you are right!"


After being stunned by the puppet, Tang Wujian's face turned red when he heard Su Zhan's words.


I will try your uncle!

I have burst into a divine body, and I'm still trying!

The hidden strength...

If I have the strength, why hide?

Is there interest in hiding it? ? ?

I can't beat this ghost at all!

Tang Wujian was depressed and wanted to vomit blood. He looked at the golden puppet that was blasted back by a few dozen meters with a single sword, and the ass didn’t continue to come here. He looked at the suspicious green magnolia and full. Su Zhan with a surprised face.

His intestines are all regretful, and he can't wait to draw his own big ears!

Okay, you pretend to be a fart!

Wouldn't it be possible for Su Zhan to solve this perversion?

It's over now!

I can't beat and beat, and I can't beat it...What a peculiar thing!

Didn’t you ask for hardship? !

Perceiving the golden giant puppet getting closer and closer, recalling the arrogant power and abnormal defense that the giant puppet exploded during the fight.

Tang Wujian felt aggrieved in his heart, and wanted to cry without tears.

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