I Have A Trillion Protagonist Halo

Chapter 494 Don't worry!

"Su, Young Master Su, those six hundred million sacred stones..."

Feng Xingtian said bitterly: "Six hundred million sacred stones are too much..."

"This is what you said personally just now. Are you going to fall back on the bill again?"

Su Zhan raised his brows: "It seems that you are really stubborn and hopeless—"

"Do not!"

Feng Xingtian felt a terrifying feeling in his heart, and said in shock: "I didn't mean that, I mean, there are too many sacred stones of 600 million, our Feng family will not be able to get it out for a while, and it will take time to raise!"

"Well, how long will it take you?"

"This, I need to ask Elder to give Young Master Su a specific answer."

"Okay, then you can discuss it!"

Su Zhan nodded, not embarrassed by Feng Xingtian.

The six hundred million sacred stones, let alone the Feng Family, are for Xuantian Sacred Land to take them out. I am afraid that they will have to sell the property and collect them for several days.

Feng Xingtian staggered towards the Fengjia Elder.

Until then, seeing the Patriarch coming over, those Elders recovered from the shock just now.

"Patriarch, Patriarch is defeated!"

"Yijian, no one with the surname Su! That young master Su only used one sword!"

"Patriarch is the strongest under half-step Deva. Su Zhan can defeat Patriarch with a single sword. Could it be that... his combat power is actually comparable to half-step Deva?!"

"More than that! I think he is now stronger than the only extremely half-step Deva-level Holy Lord in the Eastern Wasteland domain, maybe it can be said to be...

Invincible under Deva! "

"Invincible under Deva... Our Feng Family actually provokes such a terrible existence!"


Elder, the chief executive, looked at Su Zhan with fear and shock.

It was not that they had thought that Su Zhan might be very strong, not even weaker than the Patriarch.

However, they did not expect to kill them.

The Patriarch of their Feng Family, in front of Su Zhan, couldn't even catch a sword!

It's too ridiculous!


Seeing Feng Xingtian approaching, the Elders also hurriedly helped and greeted them.

"It's because I'm not as skilled as people..."

Feng Xingtian smiled bitterly, a little ashamed: "We have lost all the faces of the Feng family..."

"Patriarch, don't say that!"

Elder hurriedly said: "No one would have thought that Young Master Su would have such a strength. It is not to blame Patriarch you!"

"Well, no more nonsense, Elder, how long will it take to gather 600 million holy stones?"

"Six hundred million sacred stones..."

Elder pondered for a moment: "Selling 90% of our Feng Family's industrial territory can reach 600 million yuan. As for the time... it should be about a month!"

"Okay, I get it."

Feng Xingtian nodded and said towards Su: "Young Master Su, it will take one month."


Su Zhan frowned slightly and said, "So long?"

Feng Xing Heavenly Dao: "Six hundred million sacred stones are too huge. If Young Master Su is unwilling to wait, we can directly transfer those properties to you. What do you think?"

"Industry, what do I want those industries to do?"

Su Zhan shook his head: "Since it will take a month, I won't wait. After you gather everything, send it to Xuantian Sacred Land!"


Fengxingtian replied respectfully.

After that, Su Zhan also walked back to where Tang Wujian and others were.

"Su Zhan, didn't you let you keep your hand?"

Tang Wujian was a little speechless: "You see, the old man is scared..."

"Master, I have saved my hand."

Su Zhan said: "It's just that I didn't expect that he is much weaker than I expected."

Hearing this, Tang Wujian was a little depressed.

Fengxingtian, the master of the Feng family.

There are almost no opponents under Deva.

Such a person can also be called weak?

Then I can't even beat him, am I weak?

Thinking depressed in his heart, Tang Wujian couldn't refute, after all, for Su Zhan, his words were indeed correct.

"Master, since it's all right here, let's go back too!"

Seeing Tang Wujian not speaking, Su Zhan said, "Holy Lord, they should be very worried about our safety. Go back soon."

"Well, then go back!"

Tang Wujian nodded. Immediately, he remembered something. He hesitated, then turned to Qing Yulan and whispered: "That...the snow crystal flowers in the Northern Wilderness Icefield are about to bloom in a few months, do you want to take a look? ?"


Qing Yulan smiled, and generously agreed.

"Then it's settled, I'll come to you then!"

Tang Wujian also smiled when he heard Qing Yulan's words.

Afterwards, after chatting a few more words, after saying goodbye to Qing Elder and the Holy Lord, Su Zhan and Tang Wujian also left the Feng Family.

"Finally gone..."

Seeing Su Zhan leaving, the Holy Lord of God Wind sighed in relief, turned his head, looked at the loss of Feng Clan people, sighed and said: "If the holy stone is gone, you can earn more, and the people are still there."

"It's fine if the people are still..."

Feng Xingtian repeated it again, suddenly thinking of something, his eyes fell on Feng Lin Fengshan two people, and roared: "It's both of you bastards, you have brought this kind of monster to our Feng Family!

Don't hand in your storage ring to repay the debt! "

"Patriarch, we..."

The two of them just wanted to argue, but felt Feng Xingtian and other Elder's anger, and they were immediately persuaded, crying and handing over their own storage ring.

This is so special!

I just got it in my hand and didn’t get too hot, but I’m going to give it out again...

What is this called!


Although we provoked it, it was originally 55 million sacred stones!

It was not caused by you, the owner of the house, if it was done like this.

This can also be blamed on us...

Feng Lin Fengshan glanced at each other, seeing the depression in the other's eyes.


A few days later.

Xuantian Sacred Land, in the Xuantian Great Hall.

Holy Lord Mo Wentian sat on the main seat, frowning.

Below, a very rare gathering of ten Sacred Land holy kings, all of them looked heavy.

After a moment of silence, Mo Wentian stood up suddenly: "Okay, don't wait for the other holy kings to come, you follow me to the puppet emperor ruins, and when those holy kings come back, just let them be stationed in Sacred Land!"

This remark immediately caused an uproar.

"Holy Lord, this must not be done!"

"We are all gone. What if the demons happen to invade Sacred Land, or other evil forces attack Sacred Land?"

"Or, let's go to the Puppet Emperor Ruins to rescue the Young Master, Holy Lord, you still sit in Sacred Land!"


The holy kings spoke quickly.

Mo Wentian said coldly: "I'm in Sacred Land, are you going?

The piece of information that Li Ping got, said that the God Blood Demon had recovered his strength and went to the Puppet Emperor's ruins to capture the Puppet Emperor's inheritance!

Can you stop the God of Blood Demon in the peak state? ! "


The holy kings looked at each other, speechless for a moment.

"Fine, you stay at Sacred Land, I'll go!"

As Mo Wentian said, he strode out of the Great Hall.

Those holy kings quickly stood in front of him.

"Holy Lord, don't move lightly!"

"Moreover, Li Ping's news is not necessarily accurate. The God Blood Demon suffered such a serious injury five hundred years ago, and only one breath is left. How could he be healed within five hundred years?"

"Holy Lord, even if Blood Demon is very powerful, but you forgot, Young Master Su is also very strong! Maybe, Blood Demon cannot pose a threat to Young Master!"

"Yes, yes! And Holy Lord, count the time... I am afraid that the puppet emperor ruins would have been closed long ago. Even, if it goes well, Tang Elder and the others should almost come back. You are past now, it is too late! "


The Holy King Elders all persuaded them. Obviously, they felt that Mo Wentian's approach to leaving Sacred Land to go to the Puppet Emperor Ruins was very wrong, and it didn't make any sense at all.

"Step aside!"

Mo Wentian didn't bother to argue with them anymore. With a wave of his hand, the powerful Saint Yuan gushed out and directly pushed the holy kings who were blocking the way to the side. His expression was firm, the Saint Yuan was violent, and his voice resounded ten miles around:

"Su Zhan is the hope of my Xuantian Sacred Land, and the hope of the Eastern Wasteland human race!

Nowadays, the demons are more and more ambitious for the Eastern Wasteland domain. After tens of thousands of years, the super space passages that can pass through the Deva realm also have signs of recovery. If Heavenly Demon invades the Eastern Wasteland domain, we can't stop it at all!

Even if the powerhouses of other domains would not sit back and watch, at that time, the Eastern Wasteland domain must have been slaughtered by Heavenly Demon long ago. I don't know how many creatures!

We have not seen Deva in the Eastern Wasteland for tens of thousands of years. Now, we finally have a promising Deva, even Martial Dao myth, a genius on the top of the spirit world...

In the Eastern Wasteland domain, anyone can die.

He alone can't!

Even if there is only a glimmer of hope, I have to find him!

To live to see people, to die to see corpses! "

After speaking, Mo Wentian strode out of the Great Hall.

However, before he walked out of the Great Hall, Su Zhan swept up the steps below and came in front of him, his face full of suspicion.

"Holy Lord, I heard your voice many miles away, so impassioned... Are you speaking right?

But even if it’s a speech, Holy Lord, you can’t talk nonsense!

I'm only seventeen years old, and you are thousands of years old. Even if you die, I won't die. Don't worry! "

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