I Have A Trillion Protagonist Halo

Chapter 803 Heavenly Bone Pill!

"You want to enter Daqian Book Tower?"

Yang Yin pondered for a moment.

Daqian Shulou, never for outsiders to enter, unless it is another Martial Dao myth, will give this face.

But even though Realm just broke into Deva, Su Zhan has such a heaven-defying talent...In the future, he will definitely become an existence above the general Martial Dao myth.

And although many things in Daqian Shulou are secrets of the Heavenly Sect, as long as Su Zhan can't tell them.

These things give a future supreme myth, but it can be regarded as an adult's favor, and it is not a loss at all.

After thinking about it, Yang Yin nodded and smiled: "If you want to go, I can take you there now.

However, some things must be said before going.

First of all, Daqian Shulou does not allow outsiders under the myth of Martial Dao to enter.

I can make an exception for you, but once is once.

Therefore, fellow daoist Xi cannot enter with you.

Secondly, in Daqianshulou, all the things you get must not be passed on to others! "

"This...Second Brother?"

Su Zhan hesitated, then looked back at Xi Yunze.

Xi Yunze didn't look embarrassed at all, and said with a smile: "Yang senior is right, Su Zhan, this is indeed Daqian Book House's rules.

Either wait for me to break into the Ninth Calamity, or there is a Martial Dao myth that lets me enter the Daqian Book Tower, otherwise I will not be able to enter.

As for you... that's because Yang senior appreciates your talent so much that he will break this example for you, cherish it! "

"Okay, then I'll go to Daqian Shulou with Yang senior, Brother Second Brother, please go back to your residence first!"

"Okay, good Insight."

Xi Yunze nodded, urging the law of the wind and cloud, turning his body into a Sword Ray and leaving.

After seeing Xi Yunze leave, Su Zhan also followed Yang Yin to Daqian Book Tower.


After half an hour.

Su Zhan followed Yang Yin to Daqian Book Tower.

Beyond his expectation.

Daqian Shulou is not something that exists in a special space.

It's not something floating in the sky.

Daqian Book Building is really a big book building!

Relying on a huge rock wall!

Except that it looks a bit vast, it is no different from a bookstore in the world!

It seemed that Su Zhan was surprised.

Yang Yin smiled and said, "Shu Lou Shu Lou is a place to study.

There is no need to be so fancy.

However, Daqianshulou, of course, is not just as simple as you see it on the surface, let's go, let me enter! "

After finishing speaking, Yang Yin took the lead to walk into the somewhat outdated gate of Daqian Book Building.

Su Zhan also followed in.

As a result, he was stunned when he saw the scene in front of him.

Outside the gate, he saw that there were obviously some old bookshelves in the book building, as well as a long counter.

But as soon as you stepped into it, as far as your eyes could be, there was a huge square!

At the very center of the square is a huge pavilion.

From time to time, someone came out of the pavilion holding a scroll, watching, and rehearsing something in the nearby square.

Outside the square, there are verdant peaks and clear streams!

There is even a very gentle and lovely spirit beast playing around!

Some people practice swords by the river, some enlighten the way on the top of the mountain.

This place is like another world!

Su Zhan was stunned for a moment, a little surprised, and immediately thought of something. He tried to retreat for a few steps before exiting the gate with one foot.

As a result, the scene in front of me was restored to those old bookshelves and dilapidated counters that I had seen before.

After stepping in with both feet, it will become like that Minor World again.

It's amazing.

"Is it space art or illusion?

But when I just stepped in, I didn't feel the power of space?

Daqian Shulou is really mysterious! "

Su murmured in his mouth.

Yang Yin smiled: "It is a combination of space power and illusion power. In fact, when you first see Daqian Book Tower from hundreds of miles away, you are already affected by this huge illusion array covering hundreds of miles.

Of course, this formation is not malicious to you, nor will it hurt you.

And what you see now is the real Daqian Shulou.

Daqian Shulou contains thousands of things. Since you finally come here once, I will show you it! "

With that, Yang Yin speeded up and swept forward.

"See retired elder!"

Seeing Yang Yin's arrival, those disciples all saluted respectfully.

"These people are the core disciple of our Celestial Sect. They only have the opportunity to read books in Daqianshulou three days a year, and they can't borrow books for more than one month, so all of them you see are very hardworking."

Yang Yin and Su Zhan explained.

"I see."

Su Zhan understood and glanced at the disciples.

Those disciples were also very curious about him, and when they saw Su Zhan, they all showed respect.

Those who can walk with their grand ancestors are definitely not ordinary people!

Su Zhan also smiled slightly, saying hello to those people.

Soon, he walked into the huge pavilion in the center of the square.

Walking into the pavilion, Su Zhan realized that the space inside was much larger than it looked outside!

It looks a bit like Xiaoqianshulou, but obviously, it is more atmospheric than Xiaoqianshulou!

Yang Yin waved his hand to let the principal Deva who was in charge of the Daqian Book Building retreat, and took Su Zhan to the second floor of the Daqian Book Building, which was the top floor of the Daqian Book Building.

The space on the second floor is much smaller than that on the first floor, but again, the books in it are all selected and exquisite, and a handful of core disciple leaves cannot be consulted.

"This area is all about Alchemy, Nine Cycles Gold Core, Yellow Dragon Sacred Pill... There are many pill recipes that have long been lost from the outside world."

Yang Yin pointed to the area about a hundred meters long and wide and said.

Su Zhan looked at that area.

There, some books were opened, and a few feet of golden light spurted out, and the gold core phantom appeared in the golden light!

Some scrolls are hanging in the air, turning into a dragon, flying around in that area!

Also, it seems ordinary and unremarkable, but when Su Zhan is watching, he will actually be drawn into a special world full of Alchemy runes!


Su Zhan looked curious, took a few steps closer, picked up those peculiar Alchemy cheats and looked at it.

"Sue fellow daoist, do you still pill refining?"

Yang Yin was surprised.

"know a little bit."

Su Zhan looked at it for a while, holding a roll of Jade Slip in his hand: "Yang senior, can this pill recipe Jade Slip of Tiangu Yuandan lend me a period of time?"

"The Heavenly Bone Pill is a rare Heavenly Dao high-grade Medicine Pill that has both the Ascension body Blood Qi and the Cultivation Base of the Cultivation Base.

This pill is almost extinct in the outside world, and it is quite difficult to refine. Su fellow daoist, you are not specializing in Alchemy, are you sure you need it? "

"Well, I want to try."


Yang Yin nodded and smiled: "But you can only take away the rubbed copy of Tian Bone Yuan Dan, as for the original...

It's not that I won't let you take it away.

But there is a magical Restrictions on the second floor of Daqian Book Building.

Every precious cheat book has set a minimum requirement.

For Alchemy secret scrolls of the level of Tianbone Yuandan, unless your Alchemy Cultivation Base has reached the Heavenly Dao level pill refining master, you will not be able to take this secret book out of the Alchemy area. "

"There are such Restrictions?"

Su Zhan took the scroll of Jade Slip and walked directly out of the area of ​​Alchemy's secret scroll. He turned his head in surprise, "Yang senior, is it a mistake?"

I don't seem to be blocked in any way? "

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