I Have A Trillion Protagonist Halo

Chapter 809 My name is Su Star! (Third more)

There was no answer to this sentence.

Su Zhan was completely dumbfounded at this time.

Looking at the beautiful face in front of him in a daze, he only felt that he had lost the ability to think for a while.

Because, that face... is clearly Su Zhaoyue!

Am I recasting the Dahi Star Sword?

This is so special!

Where's my sword?

How come one looks exactly like Su Zhaoyue, but a little shorter, like something from childhood Su Zhaoyue? ? ?

Su Zhan's face was dumbfounded: "Who are you? Where's my sword???"

"Master, I am the Dainichi Star Sword!"

Sword Spirit pursed his mouth and said, "But it was finally transformed, let me play for a while!"

"Are you Dainichi Star Sword?"

Su Zhan's face sank: "Who made you become Su Zhaoyue?

Change it to me soon! "

"Oh, I thought Master you liked me like this, but I didn't like it!

Then I'll change the owner to what you like! "

As the sword spirit said, the light flashed.

She became a woman with a cold temperament, fair skin, and an iceberg goddess.

It's Tang Liuxue!

However, Tang Liuxue, who is four meters tall,...how funny it looks.

Su Zhan almost couldn't hold back a laugh, took a breath, and said with a straight face again: "This is someone else's face, you can't use it indiscriminately, you know?"

"Oh... I get it!"

The sword spirit suddenly realized.

The body turned.

It turned into a young man wearing a plain white robe, with delicate facial features, a faint divine light flashing in his eyes, and a temperament like a true fairy.

See the form of the sword spirit.

Su Zhan was stunned for a moment.

Immediately the whole face went black: "Do you dare to be like me?

Do you want to eat the Lord and replace me?

Unexpectedly, you, a little sword spirit, have such a vicious heart, it seems—"

"No! No!"

After following Su Zhan for so long, Sword Spirit certainly knew what Su Zhan said. His face paled with fright, and he quickly said: "Mistakes and mistakes!

I will use my own face! "

After speaking, the light on the sword spirit skyrocketed again!

This time, it lasted a full five or six seconds before it dissipated.

And the new face of the sword spirit also appeared.

A bit like Su Zhan, and a bit like Su Zhaoyue.

Very delicate and handsome.

It looks like two children in life...

Su Zhan was speechless.

If Su Zhaoyue saw this look, I would be surprised!

However, this sword spirit also had this IQ. At any rate, this was his own face, and he didn't copy others.

Not bad.

Thinking like this, Su Zhan nodded: "Okay, you will show others like this in the future!"

After finishing speaking, he pointed his toes and headed towards the mountain that was protected by Yang Yin without any damage.

As soon as it fell on the ground, Yang Yin said with a bit of pain: "Xiaosu fellow daoist.

After borrowing this Tanggu for you to use it once, I'm afraid I won't be able to use it again..."

"This...yang senior, don't worry, I will compensate!"

Su Zhan flipped his palm and took out a storage bag: "There are 10 billion sacred stones in it, shouldn't it be enough to repair?"

"Ten billion sacred stones?"

The corner of Yang Yin's mouth twitched.

Don't say ten billion.

Even 100 billion is not too much at all!


never mind!

Who made me take the initiative to lend you Tanggu?

There is nothing to do if something goes wrong...

With a sigh in his heart, Yang Yin took the storage bag.

Ten billion is ten billion!

Even if Su Zhan didn't give him a holy stone, he still didn't want to deal with Su Zhan, now it is better to have 10 billion than nothing!

Thinking of this, Yang Yin took a sigh of relief and looked at the sword spirit who was standing beside Su Zhan and holding Su Zhan's trouser legs, his eyes flashed with divine light.

Three seconds passed.

He exclaimed: "Although the spirit of the handed down Divine Armament can also be transformed, the transformation is the transformation, and there is no real charm of human beings!

But Xiao Su fellow daoist, this sword spirit of yours, at a glance, it feels like a strong human race with extremely strong kendo!

Shen Yun, breath, wisdom... this level!

Xiaosu fellow daoist, your sword is probably stronger than many Divine Armament handed down! "

"That is, that is, I am very strong!"

Before Su Zhan had time to speak, Sword Spirit was already the first to speak.

Immediately, it was a little lost: "It's a pity that my master Realm is still too low. If his Realm is too high, my strength can be fully utilized!"


Su Zhan patted Jian Ling's head: "Your master, I have cultivated so hard, do you still complain?

Do you want to replace me? "

"No, no, no! Master spare my life, I made a slip of the tongue!"

Sword Spirit quickly begged for mercy.

"Okay, let me see what your Primarch is like."

Su Zhan also didn't bother to care about a sword spirit, and stretched out his hand to grab it.

The sword spirit flashed light, turned into a long sword and fell into his hand.

The hilt of the sword is not much different from the previous one, pale gold, with dragon scales all over it.

The connection between the hilt of the sword and the body of the sword is still a hollow.

In the hollow, a small fireball like the sun is burning and spinning continuously.

The sword body is cyan-gold.

There is a faint Star light looming above.

Three fingers wide and one meter five long.

It's the half-great sword and half-long sword that was very slender before.

Holding the sword in his hand, Su Zhan immediately felt that powerful force!

If it is said that the previous Dahi Star sword, the potential is handed down Divine Armament level.

And now...

Above Divine Armament!

It is a unique one in the entire spirit world!

Of course, if you want to really reach that level, you also need Su Zhan Cultivation Base Ascension.

After all, this is a natal thing and grows with him.

Recasting is more of increasing the upper limit.

We must know the reason why many Deva powerhouses would rather use other treasures than their mortal objects to fight, except that damage to their mortal objects will affect themselves.

Most of all, because the upper limit of the zombies is not high, they have already used their potential.

The power is not as good as those Heavenly Dao level treasures.

But Su Zhan's Great Sun Star Sword, because of its extremely high upper limit, can be used all the time.

Moreover, it is still used as an extremely powerful force like a hole card!

"Master, let me play again... I've been bored in your purple mansion for a long time. There is nothing but the imprint of the law inside, so boring!"

The sword spirit also made some milky voices.

Su Zhan smiled and let go of the hilt.

Suddenly, the sword spirit turned into a height of one meter and four, much like Su Zhan and Su Zhaoyue, with very handsome faces.

"Su fellow daoist, you little sword spirit is really agile!"

At this time, those Deva Elder also surrounded them one after another.

A Four Tribulations Deva smiled, and while talking, he wanted to touch the sword spirit's head.

As a result, before he could touch it, a horrible Sword intent descended from the sky!


The Deva was pressed to the ground on one knee, unable to get up, the eyes of the sword spirit were full of horror!

Su Zhan is abnormal.

How a sword spirit is so heaven-defying!

He actually suppressed his dignified Four Tribulations Deva! ! !


When the crowd of Deva were shocked, Sword Spiritual Qi said: "You are the little thing, and your whole family are little things!

I have a name, I, I, I..."

With that said, Jian Ling turned his head to look at Su Zhan, with some expectation: "Master, what is my name?"

"My surname is Su, so do you also have the surname Su!"

As for the name..."

Su Zhan groaned: "Or just call it Su Dari!"

Su Da Ri?

Listen to these three words.

Those in Deva Elder.

Immediately, Xiaoban couldn't help laughing out loud.

Su Zhan raised his brows and looked at the people who were smiling happily: "Why, do you question my naming level?"

Those Elders were shocked and waved their hands again and again.

"No, no, no! The name Su Dari sounds like the sound of nature!"

"Su Da Ri, Su Da Ri, like Da Ri, illuminating the world, what a good name!"

"Miao, great! This name is amazing!"


Those Elders were afraid that Su Zhan would get angry, and they agreed and praised them one by one.

Jian Ling was a little unhappy: "Master, isn't this name a bit too earthy?

It's kind of like "Dazhu" and "Dasha"..."

"Then what do you want to be called?"


Sword Spirit scratched his head, but couldn't think of it.

"never mind"

Su Zhan waved his hand: "Da Ri Star Sword, since you don't want to be called Da Ri, just call it Star!"

"Star...Su Star!"

Sword Spirit's eyes lit up.

I remembered something.

He coughed slightly, and the Dahi Star Sword appeared in his hand.

The white clothes on his body were hunting and hunting in the wind, posing as a peerless expert, pointing his sword at the Four Tribulations Deva who was suppressed by him, learning the tone of those experts in the legend, and indifferently said:

"Have you heard?

My name is Su Star!

Next time you will dare to call me little stuff...


I just cut off that little thing under your crotch! "

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