I Have A Virtual Universe

Chapter 191 I heard.... the ravings of the dead

Beijing, the Forbidden City.

After Su Li took Xia Ke into the Forbidden City from the south gate, he followed the crowd and walked inside.

As written in the book, the pavilions here, the flowers and trees, are all resplendent and majestic, making people yearn for it.

"Is this where the emperor lives? How nice!" Xia Ke sighed while looking at the scenery around him.

"The emperor was born at the peak, but he may not have your feelings!" Su Li said lightly.

"I hate it, people just sighed with emotion!" Xia Ke glared at Su Li and said, "It's good now, the good mood is all gone."

"Hey!" Su Li smiled, as if he had thought of something, he suddenly said, "Let's keep your feelings for now, I promise, in the future, you must live in a house that is ten million times more luxurious than this. !"

"Hee hee, you really know how to brag!" Of course Xia Ke didn't take Su Li's words seriously, she only thought it was Su Li's love story, and she was very happy that Su Li would say so.

"I never talk big!" Su Li said seriously.

"Then, what kind of house is 10 million times more luxurious than the Forbidden City?" Xia Ke asked.

"What do you think of a house bigger than a planet?"

Shake: "......"

He also said that you are not bragging, the cowhide is about to break!


Five p.m

Su Li Xia Ke came out on time before the Forbidden City closed.

"Go eat something!" Su Li suggested.

"Okay, I'm going to Wangfujing, I want to eat Peking duck, I want to eat candied haws, I want to eat..." Looking at Xia Ke whose eyes were shining, Su Li touched his forehead speechlessly. This guy finally stopped hiding his true nature and completely turned into a foodie.

"I heard that Wangfujing's snacks are specially for tourists. It's not too authentic. Why don't we change the place?" Su Li suggested.

"Aren't we tourists?" Xia Ke shook Su Li's arm and said, "Let's go there..."


Seeing that Xia Ke's mind was firm, Su Li had no choice but to agree.

In other words, let Xia Ke let go and eat, they may be staying there tonight.


an hour later

Su Li and Xia Ke left from a food stall in Wangfujing, each holding a handful of kebabs in their hands and eating in unison.

"It's really fragrant!" Su Li sighed.

"Hmm!" Xia Ke nodded.

"The meatball maker in the front seems to be pretty good, let's go take a look?" Su Li threw the finished sign into the trash can and looked at Xia Ke.

"Have you finished eating?" Xia Ke looked at the meat skewers left in her hand with a little speechlessness, and said to herself that I was a foodie. Who is the real foodie, is it clear now?

"If it wasn't for the wrong location, I wouldn't have let go of these skewers!" Su Li said lightly.

"Is wood delicious?" Xia Ke asked with some doubts.

"You'll know when you eat it!"

"I don't!" Xia Ke rolled her eyes at Su Li and said, "Do you think I'm a fool?"

"You're not stupid, what are you asking?"

Shake: "......"


. . . . .

Eating together, the two of them ate from the street to the end of the street. Although the food was delicious, the RMB they spent was equivalent to one-third of their monthly salary...it was terrible! 78 Chinese starter

"I just found out that our salary couldn't support the two of us at all." Xia Ke said with a depressed expression.

"En!" Su Li nodded, and then said, "It's okay, you can eat the barbecued meat I gave you, and you will be full!"

"It turns out that I have always been supported by you!" Hearing Su Li's words, Xia Ke nodded seriously.

No wonder she never starved to death before, it turned out to be the reason for Su Li's barbecue!

"Cough, it's not that exaggerated!" Su Li said, took out his mobile phone to check the time, well, it was past ten o'clock in the evening.

"It's getting late, let's find a place to rest!" Su Li said.


Su Li: ? ? !

"I've only just recovered in the past two days, so will I be devastated by you again?"

"Don't be so exaggerated, Xia Ke..." Su Li touched Xia Ke's head and said, "I will be careful."

"Well then..."


While talking, the two walked out.

However, before the two of them left for a long time, Su Li suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?" Xia Ke asked in confusion.


Su Li made a gesture of not speaking.


Seeing this, Xia Ke had no choice but to remain silent with curiosity.


At the same time, a few dozen meters away from Su Li and Xia Ke, a Land Rover parked there quietly, and inside the car, three people were talking. 78 Chinese fastest mobile terminal: https:/

Among the three, two big men with ferocious faces sat in the driver's seat and the co-pilot respectively, and the last one was a young man who sat in the back seat and was deeply hidden in the darkness.

However, even in the dark environment, he couldn't hide the blush that kept flashing on his face.

"Master Nangong, is that the goal tonight?" the big man in front asked.

"That's right, I've been observing for a while, and tonight I've decided it's her. I've never seen this kind of quality a few times in my life..."

What followed was a burst of foul language that made the two big men speechless, but they didn't say anything, they got used to it!

Since this guy became a power user, he has become a little nervous, and even, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is anti-human... However, who made this guy behind? Anti-human is anti-human!

. . . . . .

"Xia Ke, let's go!"

After a while, Su Li shook his head and pulled Xia Ke forward.

"What did you hear just now?" Xia Ke asked curiously. She also listened carefully just now, but she didn't hear anything except loud music and car honking.

Su Li smiled slightly and said, "I heard a few dead people babbling!"


"Okay, let's go!"


Xia Ke glanced around suspiciously, but of course she didn't see anything.


After walking for a while, the two passed a public toilet.

"Wait here for me for a while, I'll go to the toilet!" Su Li suddenly said.

"We're going to the place soon, can't you hold on any longer?" Xia Ke asked speechlessly.

"You know, it's not good for men to hold it all the time!" Su Li said with a smile.

"Hate!" Xia Ke patted Su Li's chest, then walked aside and stopped talking!

"Haha!" Su Li walked in with a smile.


"Really..." Xia Ke complained while playing with the phone bored.


At this moment, the earth suddenly shook violently.


Xia Ke raised her head in surprise, and the next second, a humanoid giant with a dazzling golden light all over her body came into her eyes.

The giant remained in a half-squatting position and slapped the ground with one hand...

No, it was a deep underground and a pie... Land Rover!

If there was anyone in it, it must have been mashed.

Shake: "..."

mmp, superpowers kill people in the street

ps: 6,000 words in two chapters, there is no trace of moisture, so... ask for a wave of support!

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