I Have A Virtual Universe

Chapter 251 Empty Shell

Because the starry sky coordinates were left near Huixing Ling, it only took a few minutes to return after a journey of more than two hours.

When Su Li brought the two to Jessica's spaceship anchored in Ling Huixing, Knowles fully reacted.

"Brother, you, you are already a B-rank power user?!!" Knowles felt that his brain was not enough. A few months ago, Su Li told him that he wanted to create the original gene map by himself, but now what? ?

He turned into a B-rank directly

In just a few months, can you advance to rank B? When did advancing to B-level become as easy as eating and drinking?

"Hehe, it's not difficult, don't mention it!" Su Li waved his hand, looking indifferent.

"Wow, is Mr. Su Li a B-rank power user? I heard that the B-rank power user is very, very, very powerful!" Jessica finally reacted with hindsight.

Knowles: ""

Who took you through the wormhole just now? You actually reacted just now!

Although he already knew what the hell Jessica was like, Knowles was still speechless.

"Jessica, Simon wants you to contact your father. Go to Simon now!" Su Li said to Jessica.

"But, I'm afraid he will let me go home!" Jessica looked reluctantly.

"Anyway, your father can't control you when you're outside. No one can force you if you don't go back. Just talk to him and let him rest assured!" Su Li advised.

"Oh!" Jessica nodded.

"By the way, don't tell me about my existence, just say that you are playing outside!" Su Li ordered again.

"Eh? Are you going to lie to my father?"

"The behavior of you sneaking out is already a deception, and it's nothing to deceive again!" Su Li said lightly.

"OK then"

Jessica pretended to sigh, and then ran to the captain's room.


Looking at Jessica's back, Su Li sighed speechlessly, and then he looked at Knowles.

"Boss, what should I do? Can I go back?" Knowles asked.

"What do you say?"

"I don't think it seems possible!" Knowles is not a fool, he knows that he was discovered by the Ceylon civilization, and there must be no good results.

"However, you can secretly report your safety to your family!" Su Li was slightly relieved, although there was a risk of being discovered, it was completely within his acceptable range.

"Forget it, I'm like this, it's better not to let them know, anyway, my father doesn't lack a son like me!"

Knowles looked at his mechanical legs with a bit of depression. When he couldn't communicate with the outside world, he kept thinking about the contact thing. Now that he can contact, he is a little scared. He looks like this, it's better to be considered dead in the out!

"Don't be too pretentious"

Su Li sighed, patted Knowles on the shoulder, then turned and left.

Knowles: ""

Five minutes later, with the help of the starry sky coordinates that the app download address xbzs had thrown here before, Su Li's figure reappeared in the Tianhuan Galaxy.

Sending Knowles and Jessica back was just incidental, and finding Zina was what he had to do tonight.

According to the information he got from the Dark Star Auction, the last person who bought Di Yuesi Zina was an interstellar enterprise from Xandar civilization.

This interstellar company is called Tianhe Group. It is not well-known, but it is super rich enmmmmm. If you have no money, it is impossible to take out more than 100 million star coins and buy a C-level power user to go back!

The registered planet of Tianhe Group is called Benghuanxing, which is one of the many commercial planets of Xandar civilization.

Collapsing Ring Star is located in a galaxy near the Chris Star Ring. Well, yes, it is the Chris Star Ring where the Hessian Galaxy is located. That is to say, the headquarters of this Tianhe Group is very close to the Hessian base, almost Approaching galaxies.

"It's just a Hessian base. If there is no Ceylon civilization as the backstage, I will dismantle him in minutes!" Su Li remembered the dark history that he was almost killed by the Hessian base, and his heart suddenly moved.

But it was just about to move. Su Li knew that if he went to attack the Hessian base, the people at the Hessian base would definitely call Monina, and if Monina couldn't beat him, they would call a more powerful fleet over.

"When there is a chance in the future, I will definitely go and dismantle it!" Su Li secretly said something cruel, and then Su Li waved his hand to open a wormhole and walked in.

Tianhuan 11 galaxy is not far from Chris Starring. After all, it only took Su Li a few hours to come here in Jessica's little broken spaceship.

Therefore, in just over ten minutes, Su Li came to the Collapsing Ring Galaxy near the Chris Star Ring.

Although the Xandar civilization is much stronger than the Light Clan, this Benghuanxing is not a strategic planet, so the defense is very weak. Su Li easily invaded the Benghuanxing's defense system and entered silently. Inside the Collapsing Ring Star.

Su Li's goal is very clear. After he entered Benghuan Star, he directly separated part of his consciousness and entered the internal network of Xandar civilization, and then searched for the information of Tianhe Group.

There were no surprises in the search process. Tianhe Group's information was not highly confidential. Su Li easily obtained what he wanted from a certain official information database of Xandar.


"Tianhe Group is actually a new company that has just been registered for less than three months, and the specific business is unknown." Su Li looked at the information in front of him, his face covered with black lines.

Tianhe Group is a newly registered group. The registrant is the human Yuyuezi who joined the Xandar civilization more than three months ago, with a registered capital of 200 million stars.

No one knows the exact origin of this You Yuezi. The reason why she was able to join the Xandar civilization is purely because she brought a lot of money.

Xandar Civilization adheres to the principle of inclusiveness, and naturally will not ask the bottom of such high-quality customers, so

Su Li: ""

Su Li is not a fool, there is only one possibility that this Tianhe Group is someone's vest, and his fundamental purpose of registering with Tianhe Group is for the auctioned Zina!

A series of thoughts flashed in Su Chen's heart, and he suddenly took a breath.

The water inside is undoubtedly deep, but this also shows from the side that the auctioned Zina is unlikely to be an ordinary power user, and the possibility that she is the former B-rank power user Zina has increased a lot again. .

Su Li gave a wry smile and then shook his head. His attitude towards Qina is to help if he can. For things that are beyond his ability, he should leave it alone for now!


Su Li's face immediately showed a hint of anticipation. Now he has already entered the internal network of Xandar civilization. Based on the principle of thieves not going empty, why should he have some gains?

For example, the core knowledge of Xandar civilization?

ps: Second update.

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