I Have a Wolf Sword Saint System

Chapter 112: You think I'm attacking high, but I am actually free

   "...Why is there no breath? Didn't Ming Huanzhao say that it is the main body? Is she using the clone to hide the main body now?"

   Fang Weixin didn't go straight to the room where Qiao Jiang and Ami Aiya were hiding, but condensed his breath, quietly and quickly made a circle, and came to the empty room beside them.

When    came here, Fang Weixin found out that the sound of his heartbeat was clearly locked, but he couldn't sense the breath of the person next door. According to reason, the power of Amiea's body could not cover this step.

   It can only be said that the ambassador found something wrong, and wanted to use the aura of the clone to delay time, waiting for the A-level guard to return.

   "It's a pity, if it's Lulin or Chen Huang, it really might not be able to find you."

   Fang Weixin smiled, pressing one hand on the wall, waiting for something quietly.

   His [Heart Number], "listening" is not an ordinary biological heartbeat, but the rhythm of consciousness.

   As long as it is a thinking and conscious creature, no matter what state it is in, it can be listened to and locked by him.

   is an extremely tough anti-stealth ability, even when it is in a comatose state without thinking and hidden by a masked breath, he can lock this creature.

   And this is just one of the permanent characteristics. The active characteristic consumes too much space in the number of hearts, and he uses the other characteristic most frequently.

  【Heart Silk】.

   If consciousness makes people think, then the thoughts of thinking are like a divergent ball of thread. The outermost circle of the thread is the associated thoughts that dissipate outward, like silk, which radiates with the wind and extends into the void, and finally disappears.

   And Fang Weixin’s [Heart Silk] ability, although unable to read the other’s thoughts, he can insert a small piece of his own thoughts into the target thread to guide the target’s thoughts.

However, this ability is not invincible. When facing a person with the same level of ability, when the opponent’s spiritual background is almost the same, it does not have much impact on the same level of energy. It may be found at higher levels, only the lower ones. Level talents can tamper with ideas perfectly.

   Just beside Ami Aiya, there are two supernaturalists...


   Qiao Jiang did not speak, but looked at Fang Weixin, who was in the dark in front of his vision.

   He knows Fang Weixin's ability.

   knew, but didn't know very well. He knew that Fang Weixin could control people's thoughts in a certain way, but he didn't know how Fang Weixin found them.

   Yes, Fang Weixin seldom uses the ability of Mind Counting Space, even if Qiao Jiang quietly observed him, he has very little information.

   Qiao Jiang temporarily gave up the idea of ​​interrupting the other party with impermanence unexpectedly, because just because he and Yi Xiaohan are centering on the top here, maybe he will damage or even kill Yi Xiaohan because of the opponent's control.

   This way the gain is not worth the loss.

   approached Ami Aiya and said a word with a figure that Yi Xiaohan could not hear.

"protect yourself."

   Ami Aiya didn't know what he meant, but seeing Qiao Jiang's eyes, it was obvious that he couldn't reveal much, and could only silently agree.

   After Qiao Jiang got the answer, he was relieved. The moment he sat back to his original position, he had a thought in his heart.

   Uncontrollable thoughts.

   Qiao Jiang suddenly got goose bumps, he could hardly control his spirit, and Impermanence had teleported to him.

   looked at Yi Xiaohan by the window, and saw that she also turned back and looked at the little Ami Aiya, with an impulse in her eyes.

   Qiao Jiang knew that he and Yi Xiaohan had been recruited, but he didn't panic.

   He found that although he could not control the idea of ​​killing Ami Aia, he could slightly control his shots!

  Impermanence came to Amiea's side faster than Yi Xiaohan, and slapped Amiea's back with a palm.

  Speaking of shooting, it is more like pushing.


   Ami Aiya didn't react at all, her small body was pushed to the side wall by a huge force, and when she reacted, she could only protect her with her hands.

   Boom! When Ami Aiya hit the wall, Yi Xiaohan slammed his fist away, and was waved and held his wrist by Impermanence.

   In this way, Yi Xiaohan could not teleport away.


   Yi Xiaohan is magical and weird. Just about to open his mouth to say something, he was pulled into the air by impermanence, and he smashed his arm directly against the other wall.

   Now only Ami Aiya is unaffected, and Qiao Jiang cannot let Langren confront him and Yi Xiaohan at the same time.

   He knew that Yi Xiaohan had a very harmful device.

   If Langren arrives late, Amia might not be able to avoid it.

   Treating Yi Xiaohan, he was not as gentle as Amiea.


   Yi Xiaohan was thrown out like a sandbag and smashed through the other wall.

   happens to be Fang Weixin's room!

   "Such a big movement... Langren should be here soon..."

   Qiao Jiang stood up and walked slowly down the corridor, looking at Ami Aiya who was a little dusty on her body not far away.

   Ami Aiya was a little puzzled, but she didn't speak and ran away.

   "Yes, keep running."

   Qiao Jiang said, and at the same time he ran after him.

  Impermanence's range of movement is a nine-meter radius. Ami Aiya has just been pushed this distance by his previous palm, so he must set off to chase.

   This is also his way of delaying time.

   Just as Qiao Jiang predicted, Langren, with his upper body naked and scarred on his left arm, quickly jumped onto the corridor in two steps.


   Langren frowned and looked at Qiao Jiang behind Ami Aiya. He could see clearly what Qiao Jiang's eyes meant.

   So he drew a knife and slashed up.

"what happened to you!?"

   Langren pretended to shout, slashing like a waterfall greeted Qiao Jiang's boxing combos.

   "Yi Xiaohan is over there."

  Qiao Jiang's expression remained unchanged, and he opened his mouth and let out a prompt.

   Suddenly, Qiao Jiang's chest opened wide, Langren knew how to kick Qiao Jiang away, and at the same time he drew out the explosive gun.


   Qiao Jiang's impermanence appeared, and the bullet burst with a punch.

   Langren did not continue to pursue him.

With a whistle, Langren stepped across a distance of tens of meters, and Tieshan relied on breaking through the blockade of the wall, and saw Yi Xiaohan and another man with quite good looks.

   "Fang Weixin!"

   Langren opened his mouth and directly broke the other's name.

   Fang Wei looked at this naked upper-body man suspiciously. Logically speaking, no one from the royal family should know him.

   But thinking that the other party had played with him for a long time before, Fang Weixin was a little bit revengeful now.

"kill him."

   is also C-level, he still controls Yi Xiaohan's thoughts, such a C-level guard, it is not his turn to take action.

   So he said to Yi Xiaohan on the side.

   Yi Xiaohan saw Langren's face clearly, and the feeling that she had been frightened by that ghost and charm a long time ago so that her hair stood tall in vain, she shuddered directly.

   She knew she could never beat this man.

   The will to survive actually wiped out Fang Weixin's heart in her thoughts~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yi Xiaohan directly regained control of her own thoughts in the next moment.

   "Be careful! He has the ability to control people's thoughts!"

   Yi Xiaohan immediately reminded that the bracelet on her wrist was activated by her, and she disappeared with a step sideways.

   "Huh? Why did it fail? It should be a while before..."

  Fang Weixin frowned and was puzzled, but there was no time for him to think. The equipment behind him that left him with lingering fears had exploded with a blue electric current ring, and the pale red dark long knife in front of him cut off.

   "Weird things..."

   Fang Weixin wanted to step sideways to avoid Langren's slash, but Langren saw him.

   A raging flame ignited from the blade, directly locking Fang Weixin's route.

   Release cut!

   Boom! ! ! ! !

  The crescent cut made of flames broke through the outer wall of the ancient Thai city, exploding a huge gap from the inside to the outside.

   "You...how come your mental power is so strong!!?"

   The flame dissipated, Fang Weixin clutched the scarlet blade of his shoulder, and looked at Langren with disbelief.

He could feel the power of the opponent's knife just now, so at the moment of the moment, he wanted to tamper with Langren's thoughts, and pointed the knife at Yi Xiaohan behind him, but his heart thread was getting into Langren's consciousness group. It was crushed to pieces in an instant, and it did not completely affect Langren's mind.

   Fortunately, it was also influential for an instant, and Langren's knife edge was slightly deflected, and he did not split him on the spot.

   Langren took two steps forward, blocking Yi Xiaohan's body intentionally or unintentionally, and said with a somewhat mocking smile.

   "Do you think my physical skills are strong? No, my strongest is mental power."


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