I Have a Wolf Sword Saint System

Chapter 158: Bucket Warriors have no shortcomings

   "The rookie is the captain? Hiss, a bit powerful..."

   Such a recruit took a breath and said something great, although he didn't know where he was great.

   "Don't be amazing, it's almost you! You failed, be careful that the captain threw you into the lake again."

   This time he really took a breath.

   On the west side of the accommodation area, there is a lake with a school of fish.

   Although this school of fish is not a precious species, its strength is awesome.

   But they sting people are very painful, the pain explodes in an instant, and then disappears quickly, as if they have never stung you, there is no sequelae, just simple pain.

   They are specially raised to teach new recruits, and this fish is very easy to get, even if it is killed by someone who wants to retaliate, the next batch can be attracted the next day.

   "Speaking of which, their team seems to be classified differently from ours, right?"

   "Listen to our captain, their team is an experimental project team."


   "What is the name of the project, I forgot it, anyway, it is privileged..."

   Langren took the four team members to the special restaurant for a good meal at noon. After strolling and digesting in the shop street built in the branch, he followed a familiar route to the front of a building.

   After taking the elevator down nearly six floors, the door opened.

   Underground training ground.

   In other words, here are the five real training places.

   "Today's training is still to strengthen the melee cooperation, but Shura, this time you cooperate with them."

   "Do I cooperate?"

   "Yes, you believe they have understood your combat style the previous two times, right?"

   Jianyou's voice came to the ears of the other four.

   "Report...I don't understand it yet."

   Xun Yu raised his hand.

   "...That's it, let's go to its place."

   Jianyou ignored Xiao Xunyu's words and directly initiated the terrain change.

   The rumbling sound continued, and in the field similar to the previous test field, a building rose up, giving a faint urban feeling.

   It’s just that the tallest building is around the tenth floor.

   "Complicated city block annihilation, are you ready?"


   Following Jianyou's order, five people were thrown into the venue together.

   "Annihilation war, I'll come."

   The little girl's pony tail shook and shook, and a piece of seeds the size of a sesame grain sprinkled.

   I saw the seeds germinate quickly in the air, and they just took root when they landed. In a few seconds, they almost grew into shape, and a piece of vines instantly crawled on the ground.

Jungle ghost vines are an ordinary vine before the end of the world. After being transformed by the end of the world virus, they have become an extremely terrifying existence in the jungle. They have extremely sensitive "spiritual sense" and can actively search for prey and act like snakes. Creeping forward, after growing to a certain length, it can break away from the roots, prey on its own, and secrete corrosive liquid to corrode the flesh and blood of animals and absorb it. It is a meat-eating plant.

   After breaking away from the root, it is basically no different from snake creatures.

   Xun Yu immediately sprinkled a nutrient solution to catalyze the rapid growth of the vines to a certain length, and then broke away from the roots. Under Xun Yu's mental control, he searched for prey.

"found it!"

   Following many spiritual fluctuations, Xun Yu caught many puppets.


   Meng Qingyu wrapped his whole body in circles of lightning, and instantly flew out like a cannonball.

   "Hey, the electromagnetic can still be used like this..."

   Langren looked at the flying out Meng Qingyu, exclaimed, and then asked the candy shop.

   "Did he forget to bring sugar?"

   "Ah! He didn't bring it."

   Candy House also reacted, and after adding a buff of lightness and strength enhancement to himself, he hurriedly followed.

   "Look, I forgot to share sugar for us again."

   Langren shook his head, thinking that these people would just watch the first two times.

   "Come on, Meng Qingyu doesn't take care of the candy house."

   Swordsman was also a little helpless. He was really not very used to it. Suddenly he would forget that he still had teammates, and thought it was when he was alone outside.

   The swordsman drew out the long sword, stroked the sword with **** seemingly at random, and Xun Yu, who was stepping on the vine mat, followed the candy house.

   Langren’s task was to assist them, so the sword was too lazy to summon, so he immediately followed up from the side.

   Jianyou looked at the chaotic scene in the screen in front of the monitor and took a deep breath.

   "The control of Meng Qingyu's ability is very fine, but his personality is a little easy to move, and the candy house is not full of scruples. Xun Yu and the swordsman are slightly better."

   "Cooperate for the first time, I don't know where I am in the corresponding task."

   "If you can get on it casually like this, why should we spend time analyzing the overall capabilities of the personnel to combine."

   Several reviewers said, but they are also used to this, and they are in working condition in an instant.

   As for why they don’t comment on Langren...

   That's because they don't want to say it anymore, they have already said it two days ago.

   "It doesn't matter, Shura's battlefield analysis ability is very strong, if there is enough time, he can guide them to their position."

   Jianyou said.

   In the training ground, Meng Qingyu, who had eaten candy, held a stone with one hand, and dense lightning rings emerged from his hands and moved onto the stone.

   In an instant, the stone disappeared from his hand, and a small, fading lightning flashed straight through the air, leaving a gray and black afterimage.

   The building in the distance exploded into ruins like being hit by a cannonball, and several of them crawled out of the ruins with difficulty.

   Candy House quickly condensed candies and threw them to everyone. Xun Yu sprinkled various offensive plant seeds, catalyzing their growth quickly with mental power.

   Swordsmen cleared the chase at the end of the team.

   The long sword issued by the Quartermaster Department became very sharp in his hand because of his ability ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, and one slash could cut off the petrified defense on the puppet.

   "Hey, it really can't be compared..."

   He recalled Langren's slashing two days ago, always feeling that his sword was weak.

   At the moment of distraction, suddenly a grey petrified fist rushed towards the front door. The slasher reluctantly bowed his head and dodged. The sword he swung out was too late to be recovered, so he could only take a kick.

   With a sturdy foot, the puppet was kicked for several meters and hit the wall, but when it touched the wall, his body was cut with a huge wound and almost lost its mobility.

   "The sharp substance endows deprivation... as a second trigger of a trap, clever use."

Langren looked at the scene downstairs and clasped the fist of the puppet's sneak attack behind him with a palm. When the opponent hadn't changed his move, the pulling broke the balance of the puppet, and the moment he pushed the puppet downstairs, a hand-knife simulated one. The word chopped, chopped on the neck of the native.

  Although he didn't have a knife in his hand, Langren didn't receive power enhancement, nor did he have the efficiency blessing of knife proficiency, but the power of this hand knife still broke the puppet's neck and shattered into a pile of dirt.

   "Meng Qingyu's destructive power is good, and the knife hunter has a precise awareness. Xun Yu has a wide lower limit because of his ability, and the candy house has insufficient self-protection capabilities."

   "In this case, we can only focus on the candy house..."

   But in that case, Candy House is extremely easy to be targeted, and her lack of countermeasures is a short board.

   This kind of thing is totally dependent on teammates on the battlefield.

   Langren watched Xun Yu control the plants that depended on each other, charging and retreating, and the long-distance projection was everything, suddenly a flash of inspiration.

   Candy House is a shortcoming, but Xun Yu is a bucket warrior!

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