I Have a Wolf Sword Saint System

Chapter 169: Shangxian Kun

   Spring Bay City, once a thriving coastal city.

  In the raid that night, the royal family's calamity beasts landed in a crushing manner and officially fell into the royal family's hands.

   Now, Quanwan has been completely transformed into a royal city. I don’t know if it’s because of the living environment. They... They seem to be very good at such transformation and reconstruction.

   Around the huge disaster beasts, they expanded a set of construction center with the continuous bioelectromagnetic energy of the worm beasts. In the rough workshops built by the coral royal family day and night, they produced a large number of vehicles and machines.

   Everything seems to be on track.

   An undestroyed building, with its surface and layers of coral covered with layers of coral. Based on the building, an upward platform was expanded, making it a spectacular building in Spring Bay.

The roof of the building that is hundreds of meters high has been changed into a concave shape in the middle and low. It is filled with golden sand. On it lies a huge alligator more than ten meters long with a hideous scale on its back. Armor is like rows of daggers inserted upside down, reflecting the dazzling sunlight.

   I don’t know how long the crocodile has been in the sun, and lazily rolled over, turning his pale belly toward the sky.

   A big bird flew up.

   "General 锷犽, there are people coming... Uh, how do you say it? Interview?"

   The big bird flapped its wings and landed on the sand, walked to the head of the predator, and suddenly got stuck because of insufficient vocabulary, scratching his head with his big wings.

   "I told you to study the language hard when you were on the island, but if you don't, you croak all day long."

   The predator opened his eyes, a pair of vertical pupils looked at the bird that was not as big as a tooth beside his eyes, and buzzed.

   "How did I know that it's going to be used so soon... By the way, Human Race is the former Patriarch of the Ming family. That's what they said. Don't bask in the sun. You have been in the sun for several days."

   The turning eyes of the predator stopped for a moment, and reluctantly turned over and rolled on the sand, then rolled again.

   Roll one more circle.

   "Hey~...so troublesome, I don't want to climb down."

   The predator rolled all the way to the extreme edge. Although the edge structure of the coral was strong, it could not bear the weight of more than ten tons of its body. It was instantly crushed into a huge mouth, and the predator fell freely.

   The big bird spreading its wings followed up. After a few seconds of free fall, a two-meter-high crocodile fell steadily to the ground with a bang, and only a few cracks in the ground underfoot.

   "It's unfamiliar to control..."

   The big bird landed on Qi Yi's shoulder, guiding him to the beach to meet guests.

   "The people of the Ming family, do you have any words to do? They appear on our site at this time. They don't worry about being discovered, and then sentence a betrayal to the enemy?"

   "Hey-looking for someone, they only said that they were looking for someone, but they didn't say anything about it. By the way, one of them felt very bad for me."


   Big Bird tilted his head and thought for a long time. Words appeared in his head, but they didn't feel right. Then the annoyed Pu flapped his wings and uttered a word.

   "Weird people, not like people."

  锷犽 knowing that the bird is starting to become irritable, so he smiled and patted it: "Okay, I'll just go and see."

   "Be careful, he is really weird."

   So, with his tail smashing many steps and floors on the road, he walked into the military hall that was still under construction, adding a lot of work to the coral tribe.

   "I'm really sorry, there is no decent place to receive you, Ming... former Patriarch, what brought you here?"

  锷犽 greeted casually, and when he was about to sit in his general seat, he found that a young man was already sitting in his seat.

  锷犽's eyes blinked.

   The young man's eyes also blinked.

   Big Bird Pu flared its wings and wanted to say something, but was stopped by a look in the eye.

   "General Qi, we are here to look for a human from Juxiu Island. He finally landed here, so I want to ask if you have any clues."

   are both A grade, Ming Anjie doesn't respect him as much as he does to the youth, and uses a reciprocal tone.

   "Human Race? You are looking for Human Race, why do you think we have clues?"

   "He came to Suizhou by diving in the sea, hundreds of thousands of kilometers in the sea, I think you should have encountered the race, I want to know the characteristics of this person."

   "Hundreds of thousands of kilometers of sea area? It is true that our royal family has a higher probability of encountering...but this range is too big."

  锷犽 glanced at the young man with earrings, thinking about something in his heart.

   Ming Anjie frowned.

   "Speak up the general."

   "It takes a long time, ranging from half a month to as long as one month or two months."

  锷犽 spread out his palm and said, "The living habits of most of our royal families follow instinct. Unlike you humans who like to stay in one place, there are races that retain the habit of migration. We can help, but do you have time to wait?"

   Ming Anjie thought for a while, then turned to look at the youth.

   "Huh? Does it take time? It doesn't matter. During this time, we can visit the human race."

   The youth said indifferently.

  锷犽 heard the words and nodded: "Mr. Ming, come with me, tell me the route, I can order to go down..."

   Ming Anjie got permission and followed Qi Yan out, leaving the young man sitting in it indifferently.

   didn't go very far, Qi Ya finally couldn't stand his temper.

   "Ming Patriarch, who is?"

  Ming Anjie looked around at no one, and then whispered.

   "Shangxian's agent, professed to be a kunshi."

   This sentence is enough to explain, so Ming Anjie didn't say more.

   "Oh! Disrespect and disrespect..."

  锷犽 quickly turned back to salute in the direction of the youth.

  . . . . . .

   After the ceremony, the prosecutors scattered around and began to busy clean up the blood-stained Antler Building. Team 948 was in charge of the security around the building.

  Because this incident was so sudden, the prosecutors did not even have enough manpower available to take over the Antler Building. They had to temporarily retain the ownership of the building.

   "I've seen it, except for a few, all were killed in one shot, and some people didn't even know that they were dead..."

   Swordsmen walked up to the rooftop, UU reading www. uukanshu.com checked the surroundings and talked with his teammates on the headset.

   "Hiss...you said yes, what kind of perversion is necessary to achieve this level?"

On the opposite side of the    crossroad, on the other side symmetrical to the Antler Building, Meng Qingyu held an iron ball in one hand and a bag with more than forty iron **** in the other hand.

   While talking, he threw a single iron ball into the bag, mixed it in and shook it, and then disappeared.

   "Are you not used to it yet? Stop playing with beads, beware."

   Xun Yu controlled the vines to spread out and hide in the corners, and said distractedly.

   "Although I am used to it, it is indeed... shocking. The scene of more than forty dead bodies placed outside."

   Candy House was a little pale, glanced at the corpse being cleaned outside, and said, covering his mouth.

   "Hurry up and familiarize yourself with this feeling now, don't let it affect you in the future."

   Xun Yu patted the back of Candy House, although she herself was a bit...

   "That's right, you said--" Before Meng Qingyu finished speaking, a text message came in.

   The four of them lowered their heads and glanced, their expressions a little serious.

   "There are still a certain number of C-level Eternal Cultists in the city. I will only clean up a part of them. You should move properly and do not act alone."

   "There are still some civilians alive at location xxx."

   "I have something else, that's it."

   Meng Qingyu sighed, "Shall we go and discuss the next action with the commander?"

   "Don't think about it, at least don't think about it today, take a rest today, and follow the team leader's progress tomorrow."

   Xun Yu said seriously.

   "Chasing? I don't think I can catch up in this life." Candy House looked at the gun in his arms and exclaimed.

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