The sound of a thunderstorm was heard, and the sound of a thunderstorm was heard.

Boom, boom, some dull sounds came quickly!

Lin Chen looked at the ground intently, and saw a touch of green rushing towards the ground quickly. Suddenly, a dazzling green light flashed out.

The whole space also trembled instantly, and waves of more powerful fluctuations came from below.

Lin Chen hurriedly retreated to the back, and the green light in his eyes became brighter and brighter. He quickly stretched out his right hand to cover his eyes.

After a while, when the dazzling green light gradually faded.

Lin Chen opened his eyes again, and what came into view was a half-meter-high green treasure tree.

It was as thick as an arm, and the spiritual patterns on the trunk were surrounded, as if it was born.

There were more than a dozen branches on it, and each branch was hung with a number of emerald green leaves, full of greenery.

Lin Chen glanced at the trunk, and his pupils trembled. This was a natural spiritual pattern.

He touched it with his hand in disbelief, feeling the rich spiritual power emanating from it, and then raised his head and looked up at the treetops.

There were some leaves hanging on the sparse branches.

He looked at a leaf and vaguely saw an extremely complex pattern imprinted on the leaf, with a trace of Taoism flowing on it.

Lin Chen immediately became alert and excited. He moved closer and concentrated his mind to see the pattern clearly.

A sudden change!

The small pattern kept magnifying in his eyes and instantly occupied the entire field of vision.

At the same time, a large amount of inexplicable information poured into his mind uncontrollably.

Lin Chen stood there in a daze, with a gleam of light in his eyes.

This turned out to be a magical tree leaf, which contained various magical arts recorded in Taoist classics. When he looked at it intently, this knowledge would be instilled into his mind.

Take it!

This was the magical art contained in the leaf he was looking at, the taking of the 72 Earthly Evil Techniques.

Lin Chen blinked in disbelief, looked at the leaf intently again, and then confirmed it.

"It's actually true, all those Taoist classics have turned into leaves on this treasure tree!"

After a little hesitation, Lin Chen suddenly realized.

"Isn't this a magical tree?"

A leaf on the magical tree carries the Earthly Evil Technique of taking it, so do other leaves also have other Earthly Evil Techniques?

Are the 36 Heavenly Powers in Taoist classics also among them?

Thinking of this, Lin Chen's heart became hot, and he hurriedly looked at the other leaves.

"Calling the wind and rain, fetal transformation, nine breaths to subdue the air... generating light, great strength, drinking water, nightmare prayer..."

After scanning them one by one, Lin Chen was immediately ecstatic and his heart was surging.

These thirty-six heavenly magics and seventy-two earthly magics are all well-known in Taoism. They are great magics for protecting oneself and fighting and practicing. They are good Taoist methods.

Each one is a great opportunity. He can get all of them. He is really a son of heaven.

However, it is obvious now that those powerful magics can't be practiced at all. There is no other reason. The spiritual power in the body is not enough to support such powerful magics.

Thinking of this, Lin Chen calmed down. What he had to do now was to improve his cultivation as soon as possible. As long as he improved his cultivation, he could naturally practice these magics in the future.

Thinking of this, he pondered for a while and decided to choose some magics with low cultivation requirements to practice and enhance his realm as soon as possible.

After Lin Chen carefully explored the magical tree, he first chose the Nine Breaths of Qi in Tiangang Technique and the Disha Technique of Food.

These two are auxiliary magical powers, and the requirements for cultivation are slightly lower.

Nine Breaths of Qi: Through a special breathing method, the great magical power of refining the vitality of heaven and earth can even swallow spiritual energy at a speed of ten or a hundred times, which is the supreme method of Qi training.

Food: plundering the essence of Yimu and the Qi of the morning glow and swallowing it can improve cultivation.

After memorizing these two magical powers, Lin Chen no longer hesitated, his mind was determined, and he conveyed a thought of wanting to go out.

Suddenly, his eyes were hazy, and after a slight dizziness, his mind suddenly turned back.

He raised his head and looked around. Sure enough, he returned to his own practice cave, and everything was exactly as he thought.

Lin Chen touched the position between his eyebrows, and his mind moved again. Suddenly, he returned to the space with the magical tree.


After a short while, Lin Chen sat cross-legged on the stone bed. Now he couldn't wait to try the Nine Breaths to Subdue the Heavenly Gang Magical Power.

's power.

First, the spell of this magical power came to his mind, and his hands also moved.

It's amazing that the magical power texts he had read seemed to be engraved in his mind, deeply rooted, just like his own memory.

With the strange rhythm between breathing, Lin Chen's body also completely relaxed.

The mysterious orifices around him opened inexplicably.

In an instant, the spiritual energy of the world in the entire cave rushed out, almost turning into a torrent, flowing into his body along the rhythm of his breathing.



Lin Chen maintained this rhythm, and between breathing, his body began to emit some bright green light.

The blood in his body also vibrated slightly, and the inhaled spiritual energy followed the meridians and gathered directly into the dantian.

He could clearly feel that his cultivation had actually increased a little under a large cycle.

"This feeling..."

Half an hour later.

Lin Chen suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes full of surprise.

He used his spiritual sense to probe into his dantian, and was stunned on the spot.


The aura ball in his body, the size of a dragon eye, became a little bigger in half an hour.

Such a speed is simply incredible.

Lin Chen roughly estimated that according to the current progress, it would only take three months to successfully break through to the next realm.

Half an hour of operation is equivalent to one or two days of hard practice.

He came back to his senses, his face full of excitement. In this way, his cultivation speed is more than ten times faster than others, or even more.

But as the excitement faded, Lin Chen also had some fearful thoughts in his mind, and his eyes looked forward.

"I must be careful, otherwise once a high-level cultivator finds out that I have such a mysterious magical power, I will definitely not let myself go."


The next day.

Inside the cave, on the stone bed

Lin Chen slowly finished his practice, exhaled a long breath, and suddenly opened his calm and deep eyes.

He looked outside, then stood up and walked towards the entrance of the cave. At this time, there was just a ray of light in the sky.

There was still a trace of fog in the mountain, and you could feel the faint spiritual energy contained in the fog.

Lin Chen pinched his hands, his lips moved, and after a few breaths, he pointed to the ground.

A cyan spiritual power shot out from his fingertips along the meridians, and suddenly a small group of cyan clouds condensed out.

The cloud was about half a foot in size and looked very fluffy.

Lin Chen took a deep breath and jumped up. This is a small spell that every cultivator must have.

It is called the Cloud Summoning Technique, which can summon clouds and fog to condense. It is the most common way to fly.

However, the spiritual power in the body of the Qi cultivator is not much, and it will be exhausted after flying for half an hour.

In addition to the cloud-summoning technique, there are many other ways to fly, such as flying with a flying instrument, flying with a flying sword, etc.

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