"Your sister Zhou takes care of you so much, otherwise you have to go out and rent a house by yourself...... Gotta invite her over for a meal.

Xu Qiqi nodded with a smile and agreed, "Okay, I'll send her a message later." "

Okay, do you want your mother to help

you first?" "No need, I can do it myself!"

Xu Qiqi quickly finished packing up the clothes in the suitcase, and one of the black and white skirts fell from it

, wipe, why did the maid suit come back.

Xu Qiqi's eyes widened and he looked at the maid costume that fell to the ground, and he threw it into the wardrobe after wearing it last live broadcast, and he planned to find a chance to throw it away when the time came, but

he never had a good chance.

There were footsteps outside the door

, and my mother's voice followed: "Xiao Qi, last time your uncle came to bring a box of ...... "

It's over, it's over!"

Xu Qiqi's heart was tightened by a string, and when it came to the critical moment, why was the whole person confused, and he didn't know what to do at all.

The door was pushed open by

my mother, looking at Xu Qiqi, whose face was a little bad, my mother asked with concern: "Xiao Qi, why is your face so red, is it a fever?"

At this moment, Xu Qiqi was holding a maid outfit picked up from the ground behind his back, and the whole person's heart was up and down.

If this is seen by my mother, I can't argue.

The mother stepped forward and stretched out her hand and pasted the back of her hand on Xu Qiqi's forehead, and then on her forehead, comparing the temperature difference.

"It's not very hot. The

old mother looked at Xu Qiqi who was standing in front of her and twisted in confusion: "Xiao Qi, are you uncomfortable?"

"No...... It's not uncomfortable.

"Mom will make you a cup of Jiusan Cold Spirit, you will drink it later." "

Good...... Good. Xu Qiqi's voice trembled.

Looking at his mother's back, Xu Qiqi and a spirit directly stuffed the maid into the quilt.


After hiding, Xu Qiqi took a long breath, and finally the dust settled.

You can take a breath, you will have to throw it away later, and destroy the corpse!! Xu

Qiqi, who calmed down, continued to pack the clothes he took home, and by the way, he folded the clothes he wanted to take away and put them in the suitcase, so

that he would not seem in a hurry when he returned to school.

After packing up his things, Xu Qiqi sat in front of the desk and unlocked the charging mobile phone.


So many unread messages were all sent by Zhou Xiaoqing to herself.

It's over, it's over, Sister Xiaoqing must be angry.

[Xu Qiqi: I'm sorry, the phone was charged just now, I packed up my things and didn't pay attention to the phone......]

After sending it

, Xu Qiqi stared at the phone screen, but Zhou Xiaoqing didn't reply to himself for a long time,

was he really angry?

Xu Qiqi guessed in his heart.

"Xiao Qi, it's time to drink. Mom walked into the bedroom with a cup of brewed Jiusan Cold Spirit.

Xu Qiqi took it with both hands and put it on the desk, turned back to his mother and said, "Mom, I have to go to Ziyan's house later, he asked me to accompany him, just go to his house for a while, and then I can make time to play ......

" "It's so late, what about the live broadcast?

"Then it's not good for you to sleep in someone else's house.

"It's okay, I slept with Li Ziyan. "

Okay then...... Mom didn't say anything more, but reminded when she walked out of the room: "Xiao Qi, don't forget to drink the medicine." "

Got it!"

Xu Qiqi tested the temperature, and it was a little hot.

At this time, the phone screen lit up.


Qiqi couldn't wait to take the phone.

[Zhou Xiaoqing: Hmph, I still know how to reply to the message, I thought Xiao Qi wouldn't want a girlfriend when he got home

] [Xu Qiqi: I didn't!] [

Zhou Xiaoqing: Let's play

the video] Before Xu Qiqi could reply, Zhou Xiaoqing dialed the video.

Xu Qiqi plugged in the headphones and turned on, looking at Zhou Xiaoqing, who was wearing pajamas on the mobile phone screen, and was lying on the bed facing the mobile phone at the moment.

"Wow, Sister Qing, you went to bed so early.

"Lie down and watch the show."

Xu Qiqi did hear the sound of a TV series next to him.

"What are you doing?" Zhou Xiaoqing asked in a slightly snorted voice.

Xu Qiqi picked up his mobile phone and took a picture of the fruits of his labor that he had just cleaned up, and said proudly: "I packed my things just now, and prepared the clothes I wanted to bring in advance." "

You've packed it up, hey, I'm working on it tomorrow, and I'm tired today."

Zhou Xiaoqing noticed the water cup on Xu Qiqi's table, and the color of the liquid in it was a little wrong.

It looks grayish-brown, and at first glance it looks like medicine.

"Xiao Qi, what are you drinking, is it medicine?"


"What's wrong with you, sick?" Zhou Xiaoqing's tone suddenly became eager.

Xu Qiqi smiled and comforted: "It's okay, I'm in great health." "

I know you're great, but what's wrong with you drinking medicine now?" Zhou Xiaoqing obviously didn't accept Xu Qiqi's explanation.

Wait a minute, Zhou Xiaoqing's cheeks flushed all of a sudden, what did she say just now?!


Xu Qiqi was a little stunned, just now from Sister Xiaoqing's mouth [I'm amazing?]

What kind of tiger wolf words?!

But Xu Qiqi is not easy to explain to Zhou Xiaoqing, it is a bit complicated to explain, in the final analysis, it is the maid who pretends to be in trouble.

"Just cold medicine, prevent it. "

Oh, you pay more attention to your body. "

Got it, Sister Xiaoqing.

After being silent for a while,

Xu Qiqi suddenly remembered that his mother hadn't asked Zhou Xiaoqing about her affairs.

"By the way, Sister Xiaoqing, my mother asked me to ask when you are free to come to my house for a meal.

Zhou Xiaoqing put her cheek close to the mobile phone screen, laughed evilly, and said, "Just eating

?" "Ahem, what do you want to do?"

"Yes, of course I want to." "


Qi77000 didn't expect that his words could be misunderstood by Sister Xiaoqing.

"Sister Xiaoqing, you are a little more serious!" Zhou Xiaoqing

giggled: "I'm very serious." "

, the wheels are all on my face. Xu Qiqi directly corrected Zhou Xiaoqing's problem, and he didn't admit it even though he was driving.

"Okay, okay, I'm free, if I can, I can go to your house now~" Zhou Xiaoqing smiled at Xu Qiqi at the screen.

"No, my house is small, and I don't have a place for you to sleep.

"It's okay, I'm casual, the sofa, the living room, the balcony, the floor.

Although Xu Qiqi knew what Sister Xiaoqing meant, she just wanted to be crooked inexplicably.

This must not be my own problem, it must be Sister Xiaoqing's problem.

"Ahem, I'll have to go to Li Ziyan's house later,......" Xu Qiqi directly changed another reason to prevaricate Sister Xiaoqing's mouth.

After Zhou Xiaoqing heard Xu Qiqi's words, her expression immediately changed, and she said very vigilantly: "What are you going to do?"

"Eh, Sister Qing, can you not just think about doing it (pause) at every turn, okay?" "

It's so late, you go to his house, hum!"

Judging from Zhou Xiaoqing's expression, she was jealous.

But the jealous object is a man

? What the hell?

Xu Qiqi was confused.

"I said that I was passionate about the double row with him, do you believe it?"

ps: King, start, timi!

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