I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 998: Everyone is crippled

Mobile phone ghost Tongtong's deposit is a mobile phone, he is also the only one who can communicate remotely.

At first, Han Babe of the Talking Association made use of the characteristics of mobile phone ghosts and used Gao Ruxue as a bait to deceive Chen Ge out of the haunted house.

However, the mobile phone ghost has a disadvantage. His body is very fragile. Using his ability during the day will cause damage to his body, and there are still great limitations. For example, it cannot be used in a popular place or in a place exposed to sunlight use.

Chen Ge also considered this situation, so last night he did an experiment to make Men Nan and the mobile phone ghost pinned on the same mobile phone.

Sheltered by red clothes, mobile phone ghosts are not greatly affected even during the day.

As long as Men Nan doesn't have a problem, he can use his abilities multiple times, but only consumes much more than at night.

With the protection of red clothes, Chen Ge does not have to worry too much about the safety of the mobile phone ghost. Even if found, Men Nan can escape with the mobile phone ghost.

There are so many people in the virtual future park, just find a mobile phone and temporarily hide it.

Jiang Ming has not yet realized the seriousness of the matter. He may not have taken Chen Ge seriously.

Watching Jiang Ming leave, Chen Ge put away his mobile phone. Mobile ghosts and Men Nan had been hiding on their mobile phones before: "Hope they can hear some useful information."

Jiang Jiueng can get into this position now, and he must be an old fox. It is very difficult to find flaws in him, and he can only start with the people around him.

Hearing the news is part of Chen Ge ’s plan. He made mobile phone ghosts and Men Nan follow Jiang Ming with another important meaning. When it gets dark, he will use the routines that he used to use on his own to reproduce on Jiang Ming.

After dealing with the matter here, Chen Ge rushed to the only Peizhi College in the western suburbs.

Before entering the school gate, he first found a corner, opened the comic book and exchanged a few words with the red ghost red clothes.

"I will enter the school later, if you see the child, remember to remind me."

After wandering in front of the school gate for a while, Chen Ge hadn't entered yet, and a young woman in her twenties came by herself.

"Hello, can I help you?"

Chen Ge looked at the school. Some children were playing on the playground. He stopped talking and held back for a long time before saying, "Something happened to my relative's house. His child was sent to an orphanage, and the child never talked to anyone. Communicating, refusing to communicate, the situation is getting worse now, I am worried that he will be ruined in his life, so I want to pick him up and send us to school here. "

"Our school accepts students with intellectual disabilities, autism, cerebral palsy, and multiple disabilities. If the situation matches, you can take him in." The young woman is very kind: "But we are private here, and the tuition may be a little bit Expensive, but you can rest assured that we will develop and implement a separate education plan for each child. "

"Is the tuition a bit expensive?" Chen Ge squeezed his lower lip and twisted his hands together. He thought for a long time before he replied: "Can I go in advance and see how you usually take classes?"

"Of course, all of our teachers here are the most professional and the atmosphere is particularly good." The female teacher enthusiastically brought Chen Ge into the school.

The teacher on the playground is playing games with several children, all of which are very simple and repetitive games, mainly to involve the children.

Crossing the playground is the teaching building, with the words "Practice Education" on the walls, the classroom is very bright, and there is plenty of light in the morning and afternoon. It looks clean and tidy.

"Our school started from three aspects: intelligent development, social adaptation, and life practice, and set up 12 courses for different children." The female teacher explained Chen Ge patiently, and Chen Ge was listening carefully.

He first came in just to find the child selected by the underborn, but when he was really here, he suddenly felt touched.

The world is unfair to them, but even so, they are still working hard.

The smile in the sun is very good, Chen Ge looked at the children in the classroom: "Will the medlar be among them?"

After walking through the two classrooms, when he came to the last classroom, Chen Ge suddenly felt wet with the backpack in his hand.

He looked down, his palm full of blood.

"That kid is here?"

Taking advantage of nobody's discovery, Chen Ge quickly wiped his hands, he did not expect the reminder of the water ghost red clothes to be so conspicuous.

"Can I go in and see?" Chen Ge scanned the classroom. He stretched his fingers to the last row. The other children were all around the teacher. Only the child stood by the wall with a schoolbag: "What's wrong with that child?"

Seeing Chen Ge come in, the teacher in class took the initiative to answer his doubts: "Wu Sheng beat his classmates, so he was fined and we must educate them from a young age. If we do something wrong, it will have bad consequences. . "

"His name is Wu Sheng?" Chen Ge walked to the boy. When he stopped beside the boy, the hand carrying the backpack began to bleed again, so that Chen Ge quickly put his hand on his chest.

The teachers and students standing behind him did not see it, but the little boy standing in front of him saw it clearly.

"It seems to be him." Chen Ge wiped the palm of his blood, crouched in front of the boy, and the female teacher came over.

"This child hasn't said a complete word since birth. He particularly hates being with other people and refuses to communicate at all." The female teacher motioned Chen Ge not to be too close to the child: "Wu Sheng's father is a homeless singer, The person is actually very good. At first, he felt that the child would not speak because he gave the child a bad name ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The name of the child was changed to Wu Yousheng for the first time, and later Wu Wusheng, The double negative table is affirmative, but after a tossing around, it was finally called Wu Sheng. "

"The situation of Wu Sheng is very similar to that of my relative's child. Can I talk to him?"

"I'm afraid it won't work. We are responsible for our children. Your unintended words may touch their inner weaknesses."

"Then can I chat with their family? After all, we can be regarded as sympathetic."

"Understood." The female teacher gave Wu Sheng's father's phone to Chen Ge. The two sides chatted for a while, and Chen Ge left.

Out of the school, Chen Ge directly dialed Wu Sheng's father's phone, but no one answered.

"A few children identified now, one has lost memory, one has deafness in both ears, and the other cannot speak. Everyone except me has lost something important." Chen Ge stood beside the road and looked at Vehicles coming and going: "Thinking of it, if I were counted among nine children, I should have lost something important, but the question is what did I lose? Is it that I lost my own Shadow? "

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