I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 1020: Heaven has a way, don't go

"Beiye said your name before he died, and there were some help papers on the scene that also wrote New Century Paradise. In short, you must be careful! After dawn, I will send someone to go!" Li Zheng was a little worried about Chen Ge's safety.

"Don't send anyone over!" Chen Ge stopped loudly: "Zheng brother, I mean you don't want to slap the snake, they aim at me, this is a good opportunity to catch him. Jia Ming is so cunning, a little bit The wind and the grass will run away, and only let him carelessly give him a fatal blow. "

"Then how do you protect your safety?"

"Jia Ming is extremely fierce and brutal. If he doesn't catch him one day, there may be more victims. Think of it this way, what is my little sacrifice?" Chen Ge categorically rejected Li Zheng's help : "Besides, the information you found at the scene is also likely to be intentionally left by Jia Ming. He wants you to concentrate your police force in the New Century Paradise so that you can easily go to other places to commit crimes."


"Yes, New Century Paradise has such a large daily flow of people, and the surrounding environment is very complicated. It is too difficult to implement arrests here."

"What you said makes sense, but we will still send some plain clothes after dawn. Rest assured that it will not affect your Paradise business." Li Zheng sent another message to Chen Ge: "I just sent you a contact number , If you have anything you can use this number to contact the person in charge. "


"Pay attention to safety, no matter what happens, you must first protect yourself."

When the phone hung up, Chen Ge was lying on the bed with his mobile phone. He did n’t panic. Instead, he was a little excited. Go, **** has no door but sharpens his head and bumps into it. "

Carrying the white cat, Chen Ge touched the soft belly of the white cat: "Jia Ming and that child know very well about the fetus. They seem to be looking for the children selected by the fetus, but they don't know how many they have found so far . "

Putting the backpack beside the bed, Chen Ge didn't worry about his safety at all. In the face of absolute power suppression, any conspiracy and tricks would be difficult to succeed.

At 8:10 in the morning, Chen Ge pushed the protective fence outside the horror house, and the employees came to work one after another.

"In the afternoon, we may have a new colleague coming over. Don't drop the chain, and leave a good impression on the newcomer."

Helping employees finish their makeup, Chen Ge sat at the door of the horror house with a backpack.

"Boss, do you still have to go out later?" Gu Feiyu walked towards Chen Ge in the skull-crushed doctor uniform, and every time he walked, the chain on his body made a noise.

"I'm not going out today. I have to wait for someone to be connected." Chen Ge smiled back. "You guys should pay more attention today, and report any abnormalities to me immediately."


At nine o'clock in the morning, the park opened for business, tourists flocked in more than the previous few days, and there was a long queue in front of the horror house.

Uncle Xu and the staff were responsible for selling tickets and maintaining order, while Chen Ge stood at the door of the haunted house and personally brought the tourists into the haunted house, watching them sign an exemption agreement.

Chen Ge is now a celebrity. Some tourists come here from other places, and some will ask for a photo with Chen Ge. Chen Ge will never refuse these requests.

In fact, he also wants to keep himself in the memory of more people, so that in case of an accident, the other party will become very difficult to erase his traces in this world.

A large number of tourists were sent into the haunted house. Chen Ge did not see the figure of Jia Ming, nor did he find any special tourists.

"The police chase puts a lot of pressure on Jia Ming, so he will use his teammate's life to buy time for himself. He knows his situation will get worse and worse, and he will definitely bet on it." Chen Ge finishing The disclaimer agreement on the table: "I don't know what they are looking for, but I know that it may be related to the unborn child. This group of people spent a lot of time studying me and the horror house, indicating that the thing is most likely to be hidden I'm here."

After thinking for a long time, Chen Ge came to the haunted bathroom with a backpack. This toilet is specially prepared for the staff. The toilets for tourists are not in the haunted house.

"Men Nan." Chen Ge opened the comic book and called out Men Nan: "Today you are here."

"Why? Let me see the toilet, is this too much?" Men Nan wanted to talk to Chen Ge.

"The door closed by a wooden board can lead to the world of blood, and someone has opened my door." Many people know that there is a door in Chen Ge's haunted house, so he did not hide it from Men Nan.

"You also have a door here?" Men Nan's eyes changed when he saw Chen Ge: "You ... pushed it away?"

"I don't know." Chen Ge shook his head: "I forgot."

"This can also be forgotten?" Men Nan looked up at Chen Ge: "But you really are not like a door pusher, who is not as cunning as you."

"The comers are not good, you may not have enough strength alone." Chen Ge took out red high-heeled shoes and stuffed them with Mennan: "If you can't fight, let this sister help you, she is very strong."

"Hey! Come back!"

"Come on." Chen Ge closed the bathroom door and returned to the door of the haunted house.

After a morning passed, nothing abnormal happened in the haunted house, nor did Chen Ge see Jia Ming.

"Does he really deliberately leave clues to confuse the police?" Chen Ge sits in a chair and meditates: "Jia Ming has seen me in Liwan Town, he knows that there are many ghosts and red clothes around me, as long as he is mental No problem, he will definitely not come at night. Only during the day will he have a hint of success, but what is this guy looking for? "

After lunch, Chen Ge continued to squat in the haunted house ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ His original plan was to visit the Huai Ai Hospital in Dongjiao today, but because of Jia Ming's things, he couldn't leave now.

The sun rose to the top of the head, it is now the hottest time of the day, but the line in front of the haunted house is still very long.

Chen Ge patiently sent groups of tourists into the haunted house scene. When he had no hope, he suddenly heard a familiar voice at the door.

"Manager Chen!"

Chen Ge was called this for the first time. He followed the voice and saw Wu Jinpeng standing in the crowd waving his hand at him.

This handsome uncle has a lot of experience. In public, he did not call Chen Ge as his brother as before. He may think that this will damage Chen Ge ’s image in the minds of employees, but he does not know how to call it more appropriate, so just Shout out the three words of Mr. Chen.

"Brother Peng? Why are you here now? Is the matter done?"

"Well, it's smooth." Wu Jinpeng was tall, with a flowing single pony tail, and brought a kind of Wenqing temperament, and he felt like standing tall in the crowd.

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