I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 198: What colour do you like

In the middle of the hallway of Tian Teng Hospital, the legs of the female corpse were torn off. Her body seemed to be dragged by something. The rope on the neck broke the skin and exposed the inferior filler inside.

"What does this guy want to do?"

Since coming to the female corpse, Li Gui in the tape has never made a sound again. Chen Ge felt stranger the more she thought: "The female corpse prop is Xu Zhenzhen's depository. The tape Li Gui wants to force Xu Zhenzhen out of the prop?"


When he was thinking, the rope on the neck of the female corpse model could not bear to pull and disconnected from the middle.

The female corpse hanging in the corridor fell to the ground, the model's head rolled out a few meters, and finally stopped at the corner of the wall, looking at his body with a pair of eyes.

The rough face of the workmanship slowly changed, from the terrified and terrified, to the calmness, and finally returned to normal, the chapped lips opened and closed, as if to say something.

After only a few seconds, another scream was heard in the corridor again. Unlike the previous one, there was a woman's voice in the scream.

"It hurts! It hurts!"

A man and a woman revolved around Chen Ge, and his heartbreaking voice made him a little crazy.

"How did Xu Zhenzhen start screaming with the tape Li Gui? Does the tape Li Gui have the special ability to assimilate other ghosts?"

Chen Ge is not clear what the tape Li Gui did to Xu Zhenzhen, this should be the biggest secret of the tape Li Gui.

The screams of a man and a woman rang alternately in his ears, and Chen Ge's eyelids jumped. He tried again to turn off the recording, but it still didn't work.

Realizing that Li Gui's voice was getting closer and closer to him, Chen Ge held up the tape recorder, ready to smash the tape recorder at any time, destroying the tape where Li Gui lived.

"It hurts, it really hurts ..." The voice rang against Chen Ge's face and then slowly faded away. There was a crisp sound in the recorder, the buttons popped up automatically, and the red indicator light went out.

There was no more depression in the hallway, breathing became smoother, and even the heads of people thrown on the ground looked less scary.

Chen Ge turned on the recorder, and when he took out the tape, the black phone vibrated gently.

"Why did you receive the message at this time?"

Chen Ge stood next to the female corpse model, took out the black phone, and tapped the screen.

"Lucky Li Gui caregiver, congratulations on triggering Xu Yin's favorability task. After completing the task, Xu Yin's favorability will be greatly improved! And there is a certain probability to hire him as a haunted house employee!"

"Mission Venue: Fanghuayuan Community."

"Mission goal: You only have one night to find Xu Yin's lover!"

"Question tip: Honey, white, black and red, which color do you like?"

There are only a few lines of information on the screen of the mobile phone. Chen Ge repeatedly read it two or three times: "Fanghuayuan Community? Isn't that the community where Wang Xin is located? I visited Penxian once when I fulfilled my wish."

The tasks released by the black mobile phone are all dangerous. Looking at the tape like a ghost, it must have been greatly stimulated during life, so the grievance will be so heavy after death.

Having just completed the trial mission of the third sick building, Chen Ge does not want to run around at this time, but the reward of hiring ghosts is very attractive to him.

"Li Gui in the tape is a bit stronger than Pen Xian. If he can be hired, it will be safer to do the trial task in the future, which is equivalent to an extra card." He also has special abilities that other ghosts don't have. He should belong to a special type of ghost like Penxian.

"The favorability task starts at night, I have enough time to prepare, and it will not affect the business in the afternoon, you can try it." Chen Ge just made a decision, his own cell phone in the pocket suddenly rang, he looked down A glance at a strange call.

"There are only a few people who know my mobile phone number. Who is calling this number?"

After a few seconds of ringing, Chen Ge pressed the answer button and put the phone to his ear: "Hello?"

"Chen Ge, this is Team Yan."

"Team Yan? What are you doing with me?"

"Two of the three suspects you found in the third sick building died at home."

"Dead ?!" Chen Ge's voice trembled, and he was about to ask Captain Yan for all the details. The black phone in the other hand suddenly shook again.

A new prompt appeared on the screen. Chen Ge opened it and found that the content of the text message turned out to be the completion of the third sick building's trial task, rising to 65%!

After the bizarre death of the two patients, the task completion rate increased by 5%, and Chen Ge faintly felt that he had discovered something.

"Chen Ge? Are you okay?"

"It's okay, I'm just a little surprised. Why did the person who was fine a day ago suddenly die?"

"At three o'clock in the morning yesterday, we received an alarm call called Xu Tong. He said a lot of inexplicable words, the logic was chaotic, and it was not clear what he wanted to express."

"Did you ignore him?"

"How is it possible? Xu Tong's name is the focus of attention. The police center told us the matter as soon as possible. Just waiting for us to locate his mobile phone and find him, he was already dead." Captain Yan's voice There was a trace of unspeakable emotion in the calm: "He and a one-armed man were stuffed into the cupboard. The exact cause of death is still uncertain, and there are no obvious wounds on the two of them."

"Will the murderer be their companion? That is the man named Xiong Qing, whose facial deformity is very easy to distinguish."

"The case is handled by us. The reason why I asked Li team to come to your phone today is to remind you." Yan team sent two photos to Chen Ge: "This is what we found on the cell phone of the deceased. ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ They may be staring at you. "

The speed of sending pictures via SMS is relatively slow. After a few seconds, Chen Ge can see clearly the content on the photo.

The first photo was taken by Chen Ge when he was put into the police car in the third sick building. The second photo was taken by Chen Ge when he came out of the city branch. Both photos are very blurry. The photographer is extremely cautious and always stands Candid photos are taken from far away.

"The picture was taken by Xu Tong?" Chen Ge did not expect that he would be followed one day.

"It doesn't matter whether Xu Tong filmed, it is important that they are doing something organized and premeditated, so that the nature has completely changed."

"Yes, I said to you guys that morning that there might be eight murderers. These eight people were all patients of the third sick building of the rehabilitation center." Apart from Wang Shenglong, the other few people seemed to be sad in Chen Ge. Lunatic.

Captain Yan sighed softly: "The clues you provided are of great help to us. We checked the data from four years ago and found it after comparison. Three of the eight patients you mentioned were in the past few years. The inside seems to have disappeared completely, and no information about them can be found on the Internet or in reality. "

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