I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 250: He said to go to school for dating

"With a broken skull hammer, I really felt a lot relieved."

Chen Ge carried his bag on his back and left the horror house with his mobile phone.

Lichi's ghost story continues, she has already told the third story.

She told the story very carefully, as if she had personally experienced it.

What makes the audience feel more horrible is that many details of this story are reflected in the first story.

That is to say, in the third story, the driver who opened the taxi at midnight was the unlucky one who was replaced by a ghost.

"Ghost driving, the more you listen, the more they talk about their style."

Chen Ge waited for a long time at the gate of the park, and finally got a taxi. It was already 11:30 in the evening.

"It should be possible." Chen Ge opened the door of the car, and before he entered, he heard the popular DJ from a few years ago.

There is no air conditioning in the taxi, the driver is a middle-aged man, his arms pressed against the window, and his head gently shakes his head at the rhythm.

"Why is this person familiar?"

Chen Ge looked at the man's face and thought about it for a long time. When he went to the Xijiao Private College to complete Zhang Ya's favorability task, it was the driver who sent him.

At that time, he accidentally brought out the fruit knife when picking up his mobile phone. As a result, the driver mistakenly thought that he was a car hijacker, and also printed the words "I am hijacked, please call the police" on the advertising bar on the roof.

What a coincidence, maybe this is fate.

"Where are you going?"

Chen Ge was afraid that the other party would refuse to load after recognizing himself. His hand was under his nose and he simply sat in the car and closed the door: "Huaihua Alley in the old city, I'm in a hurry, please hurry."

"Huaihua Alley?" The driver lowered the music in the car and hesitated, as if tangling something.

"Is there a problem? I have to add more money to the old city?"

"Although that place is not far from here, but I heard that it is very evil, there were taxi drivers who had hit the evil there before."

"What time is it, do you still believe this?" Chen Ge didn't blush and heartbeat: "Hurry up and drive, I'm in a hurry."

"Sometimes I really have to believe. I have encountered a strange thing in the last few weeks." The driver started the car, and he seemed to think of some bad memories: "Someone in the middle of the night asked me to take him to the abandoned school in the suburbs. , Conscience of heaven and earth, I dragged him past without thinking, and guess what?


"It's almost time, and the man told me that he was dating in an abandoned campus? Do you know how I felt at that time? Pulling a mental illness and running for midnight, my scalp is about to explode!"

The driver's uncle said more and more uncomfortable: "I had a fever the next day. It was really strange. I quickly asked my daughter-in-law to find Banxian and asked me for some rune papers. After a delay of a whole week, I dare to continue driving at night . "

"Is it so scary?" Chen Ge is a little embarrassed. He feels that he and others have experienced two completely different things.

"Do n’t believe it, I ’m telling the truth. At that time, the guy was about the same size as you, and it was normal to look clean and clean. Who knows ..." The driver uncle looked at Chen Ge in the rearview mirror. Then he suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart, and slowly climbed from his legs to his shoulders with a cool breath.

Why did Su Wei meet each other?

The blood on his face faded gradually, and he tentatively asked, "Brother, have we seen it before?"

Chen Ge estimated that he recognized himself by touching the other party: "Last time I went to the Xijiao Private College to trouble you, I didn't expect it to cause you such great confusion, sorry."

The driver ’s uncle ’s entire face became stiff. He pulled out a few sheets of rune paper that were tightly attached to his underwear and tore a smash: "Actually, when you got on the car, I recognized you, just now It ’s just to laugh with you, do n’t go to those words. "

"No, brother, what do you call me? I work in a paradise, and we can make a friend in the future." Chen Ge was able to meet this uncle twice, and it was a fate. He didn't know if the other party would appreciate him, anyway. He appreciates the uncle's optimistic attitude towards life.

The driver looked at the dark, deserted paradise behind him, his throat trembling: "My name is Zhang."

The two chatted a few more times. The driver's uncle was still wary of Chen Ge, as if the herbivore and the lion were locked in an iron cage. He could see obvious green bars on the hand holding the steering wheel.

Seeing this scene Chen Ge was also very helpless, it seems that the driver's uncle left too deep a psychological shadow that night.

Seeing that the driver's uncle was not interested, Chen Ge didn't bother each other, and he listened to the ghost story of Litchi. He wanted to find out information about the Talking Association.

A spooky soundtrack sounded in the car. The ghost story of Lychee happened to be in Huaihua Lane. The protagonists were all taxi drivers, which made the uncle sitting in the driving seat sweat cold and wildly.

He forced himself to stop listening and concentrate on driving.

With only 19 minutes left until midnight, the taxi drove into the old city, and the driver's uncle stopped the car a few tens of meters away from Huaihua Lane.

Chen Ge also felt quite sorry for this old man, paid the car, and got off the car and left.

As soon as he closed the door, the taxi turned around to speed up without any hesitation.

"Am I so scary? This brother is too courageous." Chen Ge looked at the far taxi, and the other person stopped after about 50 or 60 meters. It seemed that there was someone in the other alley next to him. Waving at him.

After a while, someone came out of the alley and opened the door to get in.

The uncle of the driver was unwilling to stay here more, and after the door was closed, he left as if he were running away.

"Just someone hit the taxi?" Chen Ge carefully recalled every movement of the man who came out of the alley ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It was far away and the light was dark. What he just saw was not too clear.

"No, the guy who came out of the alley ..." Chen Ge's pupils shrank suddenly: "He seems to be running backwards!"

Chen Ge put his mobile phone in his pocket, and at this time Lizhi began to tell the fifth ghost story about taxi drivers.

He ran out of the alley, and the taxi had run away.

"You must find him!" Chen Ge rushed to the road, regardless of whether there were passengers in the taxi passing by: "Your taxi driver should have an internal communication group, help me find someone, quick! He may be in danger now! "

The driver was frightened by Chen Ge's appearance. According to Chen Ge's description, he easily contacted the driver named Zhang.

"Lao Zhang, where are you now?"

"There is no way. The passengers pulling tonight are very strange. Someone just wanted to go to Huaihua Lane. Now this person who is getting on the bus has to go to the bus stop near the Jiujiang Crematorium, saying that something has been forgotten."

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