I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 333: All messed up

For the appearance of Chen Ge, the people who talked about the association were just surprised, but when they heard Chen Ge follow me closely, the two black-robed men couldn't calm down.

A Chen Ge is not terrible. What is terrifying is the ghostly roaring ghost behind him.

There are too many!

The two members of the Talking Association had scalp numbness. From seeing Chen Ge to ghosts striking like a tsunami, the whole process took only a few seconds.

They had no time to tell whether the ghosts were following Chen Ge or were chasing Chen Ge.

As outsiders, the two black-robed men instinctively regarded Chen Ge and the ghost behind them as enemies.

The thin and long monster intertwined by six figures forced Zhu Xinrou to return to the black robe.

But there is only one of them, and it is not enough to look in front of angry ghosts. If you want to suppress all kinds of ghosts in the village, only red clothes can do it!

The members of the Guai Tan Association knew this very well, and the two exchanged a few words quickly. Among them, the black robe that had never been shot lightly sighed.

When seeing the hand extended by the black robe, Chen Ge's pupils shrank suddenly, his whole body blood began to accelerate, and the scene of the Weird Talk Association meeting on Wednesday flashed in his brain.

"The skin is very white, the fingers are slender, and the care is very good. I seem to have seen this hand that day, and the owner of this hand should be by my side!"

The familiar scene came to mind, and Chen Ge couldn't help but shouted directly: "No. 10! You are the No. 10 of the Talking Association!"

After Chen Ge shouted the number ten, his hand shook obviously, but he quickly calmed down.

The other party was not disturbed by Chen Ge and opened the wooden box.

This box is similar to the box that Zhang Ya took from the devil, with a small black blood stain remaining on the edges.

As soon as the lid was lifted, the ghost baby in the arms of the woman named Zhu seemed to smell something, and there was blood on the surface of the body, which seemed to be ready to start.

However, since the members of the Talking Association dare to take out the wooden box, they naturally made sufficient preparations. They did not put the ghost baby on their hearts and stared at the box.

"Xiong Qing, come out, your wish can be fulfilled."

Hearing the words of the black robe, Chen Ge was shocked: "Xiong Qing was not injured by the police, was he rescued in the hospital?"

He was very impressed with this patient with hemilateral syndrome. Half of his face was covered with scars and half of his face was intact. In the third sick building, Chen Ge chased Xiong Qing and traversed the whole building.

The black robe shouted in a low voice, and the black blood stains on the edge of the box slowly dissipated, and a strong odor drifted from it.

Bloodshot visible to the naked eye crawled out of the wooden box and condensed into a person wearing a blood-red medical suit as if alive.

Half of this person's body is no different from ordinary people, while the other half has bloodshot blood, revealing various wounds, and it looks as if half of his body was torn while alive.

Bloodshot tried to coagulate several times, but failed.

"How much pain did he endure in front of him?" Xiong Qing suffers from hemilateral syndrome. The symmetry in his eyes is different from that of normal people. In his view, the whole world is skewed, and it can only be corrected in his own way.

He used to be the doctor of the third disease building, and he corrected his patients in this way. Now he seems to have made a big correction for himself.

His eyes slowly opened, scarlet eyes fell on Chen Ge, Xiong Qing was full of resentment towards him, even if he still wanted to kill him after death!

"What the **** is going on? Li's phone didn't say that Xiong Qing had been arrested? But how could his ghost appear here? And it turned into a red suit?"

Taking the initiative to rush into the red dress, this is something that dare not dare to think about Chen Ge, but now he has no other choice.

If he runs in the other direction, the ghost behind him will chase it and leave together, and then the Talking Association will definitely be able to see the problem.

Opportunities are fleeting, and for Chen Ge, he can only break the game by letting all the ghosts in the Talking Association and the living coffin village fight.

In my heart shouting the names of Xu Yin and Yan Danian, Chen Ge rushed towards the Talking Association!

Leading the countless ghosts behind him, Chen Ge approached Xiong Qing with a skull-shattering hammer. Xiong Qing was completely different from his lifetime at this time. When he laughed, his half-faced lips rose slightly, and his half-faced mouth directly cracked to the ear This should be the appearance that best fits his aesthetic.

Countless bloodshots emerged from Xiong Qing's left body. He seemed to be preparing to bind Chen Ge, and then pulled into his body a little bit.

Bloodstained in front, like a piranha with an open mouth, waiting for Chen Ge to jump in.

Putting the skull-crushing hammer in front of him, Chen Ge caught the gap between the blood-stained joints. He wanted to drill sideways, but Xiong Qing had already expected that he would do so, and the speed of blood-stained joints suddenly became faster.

Chen Ge now seems to be running into the mouth of the fierce beast, and he wants to rush out of the closed tooth gap. He only needs a few seconds to escape, but Xiong Qing will not give him this opportunity.

The smile on his face is full of malice, Xiong Qing has begun to gather the bloodshot, he is dragging Chen Ge into his body!

Bloodshot is closed, the road ahead is getting narrower and narrower, Chen Ge only has time to stretch out one hand, then bloodshot will drown him completely.

But at this moment, the comic book in his pocket flipped up, and there was a heavy sigh inside.

The uncle hiding in the corner raised the pen and picked up the comic book among the comics. He turned to the blank page and outlined Xiong Qing's appearance.

After he finished painting, Xiong Qing's head, which had turned into a red ghost, seemed to be hit hard. There was a force to **** him away. This force lasted less than a second and was rid of by Xiong Qing.

But because of this delay of less than a second, Chen Ge escaped from the gap of bloodshot!

He grabbed the broken skull hammer head and didn't go back to rush forward. He didn't mean to fight against the Guai Tan Association, but ran faster.

Seeing this scene, the two black robe people vaguely understood what.

This guy didn't come to trouble them at all, just wanted to provoke misfortune and let them come back!

After escaping from death, Chen Ge continued to move forward, and he dared to stop after a long roundabout.

Behind him ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ was violently corrupted by Xiong Qing, who was put together by Yan Danian, and was killed together with various ghosts in the living coffin village.

The woman with the surname Zhu also found this an opportunity to let the ghost baby and Zhu Xinrou go up to attack together.

The three-party melee has been completely messed up, and at first glance, there are howling ghosts everywhere.

And the initiator of all this, like a bystander, found a corner and hid inside.

Carrying a skull-crushing hammer, Chen Ge's back was soaked. The moment just now was too thrilling.

"Hong Yi Li Gui is in a daze, is this Dan Yannian's ability?" Chen Ge opened the comic and wanted to thank him in person, but the uncle's mood was very low.

The encounter tonight tore up Yan Danian ’s hard-to-find vision of life, and the uncle seemed to have no hope for the future anymore. He looked like a broken pot and drew a circle around the corner alone Circle.

"Uncle, cheer up! I assure you, tonight is really just an accident! You are definitely a wise choice to follow me!" Chen Ge looked at Yan Danian in the comics very seriously.

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