It can be said that it is a coincidence two times at a time, but this time it is like this, the Diaoyu himself also feels that there is a problem.

"But are you sure this is the king of fish? Donggang Reservoir can feed two big fish?" In Chen Ge's view, Donggang Reservoir can feed one big fish.

"The water network of Jiujiang River is complicated, and the upstream of Donggang Reservoir is connected to several tributaries of other large rivers. During construction, some people found that there was a dark river below Donggang, and there should be no shortage of food." The man hesitated: "Donggang A long time ago, it was a famous mass grave in the eastern suburbs. The poor people here had no money to bury, and they would send the dead directly into the rivers. So this place not only has a lot of fish, but also has a fierce personality, and injuries often happen. "

"Cannibalism ..."

"Long ago, things are much better now." The man picked up the fishing rod and covered the red barrel next to it without traces.

"What's in there?"

"The bait, the bait I made myself, can make the big fish bite on it all." The man stood next to the bucket and took out a flashlight to take photos of the water: "The fish king is very smart, so scared today, I do n’t think I ’ll bite in the last few weeks, it ’s a pity. "

While the man was talking, Chen Ge was still staring at the bucket. The bait used by the man was prepared by him, not a live bait, and he smelled strange.

Closing Maza, the man packed his things and walked towards a small house beside the reservoir.

"What are you doing?" Chen Ge followed, and he felt he could dig out more useful clues from the man.

"Do you see the light on the water? The luminous float has not been dragged into the bottom by the fish king. I will take it back. The luminous float is also expensive." Knocking on the iron door of the cabin, it took a while, a while. Watching the very honest man open the door.

This man is the man who was standing behind the fishing man just now. He is not tall, only one meter and six, probably because he often works under the sun and his skin is very dark.

"It's time to close the work? It's so early today, don't you usually catch two or three in the morning?" The man's name is written on the man's work card. This man is a staff member of the reservoir called Zhang Dapo.

The fishing man deliberately showed off, deliberately lowered his voice, and made a gesture: "You are not blessed. When you just go, the fish king is hooked. I don't believe you ask the guy next to me. I almost caught the fish king. "

"The fish king bite!" The man was surprised.

"It's true that I caught it. I'm at the scene." Chen Ge also stood up to testify for the fishing man.

"The fish king has bite the hook, why did you let it go again?" Zhang Dapo looked at the fishing man: "What's wrong this time?"

"The fish line was bitten off. I just discussed with this little brother just now, and I think there might be more than one big fish in the reservoir."

"More than one? Then I have to report to the leader about this situation." Zhang Dapo was even more surprised. He usually takes care of the reservoir. Sometimes there is garbage floating on the reservoir. He will also drive his own boat to clean up, so when he knows When there is a fish king in the reservoir, his first concern is his own safety.

The Donggang Reservoir is getting more and more desolate, and he can't even see his figure. He is guarded alone, and it is normal to feel scared.

"How about reporting? They can't drain the entire reservoir. Unless there is clear evidence that the fish king has caused death, he will pay attention to it." Yes, the boat borrowed it for me. I will pick up the fish float. "

"Let's pick it up at dawn. You have just offended the fish king. Now when you pick up fish floats, it will definitely toss you." Zhang Dapo looked at the dark water, feeling that the fish king was hiding not far from them. local.

"Wear a life jacket, take a harpoon, and the fish king is powerful under the water, but if it dares to show up, we just solved it. I have fished it three times, and I haven't seen its true face, but I guess, Jiujiang here There are only a few types of fish that can grow so large. "

"Are you sure you want to go?"

"I tell you, the longer a fish survives, the more it will die. It is estimated that it has been hiding under the water." The fishing man pointed at the key in Zhang Dapo's waist: "The fish king is very smart, but it is also It ’s just a fish, not a water monster. We ca n’t underestimate it, but we ca n’t be too scared of it. Or what is the difference between us and those who worshiped the river **** in ancient times? ”

"I know you know the fish king very well, but don't forget the saying, the drowned ones are all capable of water." Zhang Dapo was very timid.

"My luminous bleaching was customized, the price is not cheap, and it was coated with a paste to attract the king of fish. Waiting for dawn to go, it is probably long gone. Besides, the fish float is now eight or nine meters away from the shore I encountered it, and it didn't take a few minutes. "

"I'm going to go by myself. I won't be with you." Zhang Dapo took the key and handed it to the fishing man.

After getting the key, the fishing man counseled.

His entangled look made Chen Ge feel strange. Even if a luminous float is expensive, it should not be worth the risk of his life. Does the fishing man really care about the threat of the fish king? Or is it that there is an unspeakable secret on that specially made luminous float? He was worried that when the next night, the light drifting was picked up?

It was already dark, and the more dangerous the situation was, the fisherman watched the night light drifting far away, and finally decided to take the risk.

He went to the back of the house with the key alone, and took out the paddle, harpoon, and a large bundle of hemp rope from the warehouse.

"This guy is really enchanted." Zhang Dapo said to himself, he was prepared to dissuade him. After all, the fishing man really had an accident in the reservoir he was in charge of. He asked him to take responsibility.

"Brother, I think you have a good relationship ..."

Chen Ge reached out and grabbed Zhang Dapo's shoulder ~ ~ But before he finished speaking, Zhang Dapo retorted: "Who has a good relationship with him? This person has a bad temper, if the fish king just bites After his hook, I just lazy to deal with him. "

"Then why the fish king only bit his hook? Is it because his bait is special?"

"I know what you want to ask. Many fishing enthusiasts have also asked me what bait he used. The key is that I do n’t know! This man is mysterious and only comes fishing at night, every time The bait is very good when hanging the bait. No one has figured it out yet. It is strange to say that the other king of the fish king bites his hook if he does not bite. "

"It seems to be the problem of bait." Chen Ge and Zhang Dapo walked towards the fishing man together.

As soon as the man saw Chen Ge and Zhang Dapo coming up, he immediately lifted the bucket and hugged a lot of things on the ground: "What are you two doing?"

"Either way, you are really dangerous now."

Zhang Dapo still wanted to persuade, but the fishing man couldn't even listen in. He tied the twine to the bow, and then threw all the buckets and harpoons with bait on the boat of the administrator.

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