I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 594: Haunted house with diverse development

"You first cooperate with the second group to investigate the corpses in the reservoir, and we will do the rest." Li Zheng has a strange feeling every time he talks with Chen Ge. The other party is like a possessor in terms of tone and way of thinking. The front-line criminal policeman who has many years of actual combat experience, sometimes he is also wondering whether Chen Ge is a special non-staff personnel that the Yan team is looking for.

Li Zhen even felt that one day in the future, Chen Ge slapped his shoulder and smiled and said I'm sorry. I'm also a policeman, and he wouldn't be too surprised.

Doing a party and loving a party, but Chen Ge's pursuit of justice and the investigation of murder are far beyond the scope of love. It is hard to imagine what kind of state he is in every day, without asking for rewards, to find a case of being buried in the forgotten corner of the city.

"Okay, I will cooperate with them."

Responsible for investigating the floating corpses of the reservoir are the Dongjiao Police Station and the Criminal Investigation Team of the Municipal Branch Bureau. Chen Ge is not too familiar with them. After asking some basic questions, the two sides stalemate because of the attribution of the coffin cover.

Finally, under the persuasion of the leader of the second group of criminal investigations, Chen Ge agreed to give the coffin lid and the dolls in the coffin to the police first, and wait for the forensic doctors and other professionals to appraise them, and then the police will directly transport them back to the terror house.

"Every doll here has a name engraved on the back, and each name corresponds to a living child. I suggest that you investigate all of these names. There may be unexpected gains." Dongjiao has been calm for a long time, but unfortunately this calm is Camouflaged, the undercurrent surging under the surface of the water, no one knows how much dirt is hidden in the deep water.

At 3:30 in the morning, the reservoir management staff and the search and rescue team arrived, and the body and all the coffins were removed.

In the process of salvage, a member of the search and rescue team heard strange noises from the cave under the reservoir, and some people saw shadows swaying in the cave, whether they were fish or other unknown things.

The salvage went very smoothly, and the corpses and coffins were transported away after they were out of the water, and Chen Ge had nothing to do.

After obtaining the police's consent, Chen Ge took a taxi to leave.

He has never seen a horror scene built under water, and is very curious about this newly unlocked scene.

At four o'clock in the morning, Chen Ge returned to his haunted house and pushed open the door. He went straight to the ground.

Walking through the dark stairs, Chen Ge discovered that there was another path between Muyang Middle School and Living Coffin Village.

The two can only be allowed to pass side by side, extending deeper into the ground, and walking in it feels very depressed.

The light was dim and the air was a little damp. Chen Ge vaguely heard the sound of water waves.

At the end of the passage is a dark water surface, and a small boat floats on the water.

The boat is made of wood and can only sit up to two people.

"Don't have a paddle?"

Chen Ge threw the ghost of the cylinder into the water, which was a little deeper than he expected.

Sitting on the boat, Chen Ge reached into the water and slowly moved forward.

"This design is a bit perverted. If you want the boat to move, you have to paddle the water. If monsters and ghosts hidden in the water come out at this time, how desperate should the people on the boat be?"

For safety reasons, Chen Ge decided to make a small amount of wood pulp in the prop room in case he needed it.

Holding the wall, the boat continued to move forward, and the twin water ghost scene was only half as big as Muyang Middle School.

"It's a two-star scene anyway, isn't it so crude?"

Chen Ge sat on the boat, holding a mobile phone for lighting, and the underwater ghost suddenly popped his head, waving his hands, pointing underwater.

"You said there is something underwater?" Chen Ge thought for a while and thought it was very possible.

The water is open, and the boat has no paddles. The people on the boat can only use their hands to row the boat, which is likely to be dragged off the boat by the water.

Fire and water are ruthless, and safety is the most important thing at any time. In order to ensure that tourists will not have accidents, he takes off his wet coat and jumps into the water again.

Using Yin Tong, Chen Ge was surprised to find that it was another world under the water.

The twin water ghost scene is slanting, the further you go in, the deeper the water, and the more things underwater.

Near the entrance, there are some things that are often seen in daily life. There are worn sofas, sloping tables and chairs, and broken lamps. It is like several rooms are sinking into the water.

"The residence of the deceased?" The bottom of the river was full of broken dolls, and the torn faces were embedded in the bottom, staring at the boat on the water.

The doll fragments go further, parked with a large number of coffins, they are stacked together, making the underwater terrain very complicated.

"This scene is not yet open to tourists for the time being, and there is no matching equipment, it is easy to have an accident." Encountering scary things underwater is ten times more terrifying than on the ground, but unfortunately the risk is too great, Chen Ge is open For haunted houses, his definition of himself is also a service industry. Underwater scenes are a good direction, but that must be tried after the supporting equipment is mature.

"It's not completely useless. In the future, I can put all the water ghosts I caught here." Chen Ge and Cong Gui pushed the boat to the shore, and then he returned with his coat on his back: "You Stay here first. "

The ghost of the cylinder is cowardly. Give him a water tank, and he can stay in it for a few years. His character is really a bit sorry for his appearance.

"You saw tourists sneaking in, remember to discourage them from leaving. If they fall into the water, you must rescue them, do you understand?" Chen Ge, after explaining the cylinder ghost, still worried, he went to the tool room and made a The roadblock was placed at the entrance of the scene.

"Who would have thought that there would still be underwater scenes in my haunted house." Chen Ge looked at his haunted house and felt a sense of pride in his heart. Under his creation, there were hospitals, schools, villages, In the residential area, there is even a miniature artificial lake: "The horror house is only upgraded to the trembling maze. Continue to unlock it. Will my horror house become an underground city made up of countless strange talks and horror legends?"

When I first got the black phone ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Chen Ge had seen the words Nightmare City in the mission information. He thought that should be the final state of the horror house.

After finishing this, Chen Ge put the wet clothes into the bathroom, simply washed it, and then returned to the employee lounge.

He was just about to go to bed, but his cell phone vibrated, and Li Zheng called him at this time.

"Team Li? Is there something wrong?"

"Huang Ling's husband has found it." Li Zheng's tone is not very good, they seem to be in trouble there.

"Where did you find it?" Chen Ge suddenly sat up and startled the white cat who had just arched beside him.

"We checked the surveillance along the way and finally found him at the entrance of the Bailongdong tunnel, when he was already in a coma."

"Bailongdong tunnel?" Chen Ge felt that the name was familiar, his eyes widened slowly. Bailongdong was the abandoned tunnel he went to during his nightmare mission. He was there for the first time when he saw his young child killed .

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