I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 683: Non-same opponent

More and more tourists asked Chen Ge about the new scene, and Chen Ge was happy to reveal some insignificant information to them.

He knows what tourists like and pursue, and the information revealed is like delicious bait, which scratches the hearts of tourists at all times.

"Boss Chen, meet again, how do I think you seem to be much younger?" The woman standing in front of Chen Ge has short hair and a neutral dress makes her look more handsome and proud than many boys. And let her show the charm of women.

"Your sentence is usually used to fool those middle-aged uncles. Am I so old?" The woman in front of her and Chen Ge are also friends. She called Ye Caution, a big V on the Internet that specializes in haunted house evaluation. There are over one million fans. When Tian Teng Hospital came to make trouble, she also went into the Chen Ge haunted house to visit for a while. When she came out, she closed herself directly.

"I never go to compliment others. You feel like I'm really getting younger." Ye carefully took out her phone: "Give me a ticket for the underground corpse. Today I'm going to evaluate that scene."

"Underground corpse?" The disappointment on Chen Ge's face hardly concealed: "Do you want to consider the scene I opened newly? Very exciting."

"Don't wait for the online guide, let's talk about it." Ye carefully and shook her head handsomely. After a while, she seemed to suddenly remember something: "Yes, there is a special guide group on the Internet to pass pictures of scenes inside your haunted house , Don't you care? I suspect someone is deliberately fooling you. "

"It's good, it's equivalent to help me advertise for free." Chen Ge has cell phone ghosts, but there are too many scenes, Tong Tong sometimes can't take care of it, of course, this is also related to his release of water.

The haunted house is still developing rapidly, and there must be a fierce battle with the virtual future paradise. Before the victory or defeat, the popularity is the most important thing for him. If he really wants to manage it, it is not too difficult, after all. His employees are different from those of other haunted houses.

"You have a snack, some people can't break you down, they will use all kinds of means." Ye carefully lowered his voice: "When I was in the queue, I saw a man in the lounge, you are more Pay attention to him. "

Ye carefully flipped out her phone and showed Chen Ge a photo.

There is a man in a coat in the picture. The temperature outside is very high. He doesn't feel hot, and he is calling someone with a smile.

"This man looks very gentle and does not look like a bad guy."

"Don't be fooled by his face, if you often browse the forums related to haunted houses, you will find that this guy has been on the blacklist of many haunted houses." Ye Yan stood aside carefully, and did not delay other tourists waiting in line: "He He is not courageous anymore. The man has a problem with his brain and is an exhibitionist. The most speechless thing is that he especially likes to go to the haunted house to harass the haunted house actors. Several actresses in the haunted house have been crying by him. "

"Is it too much?"

"Yeah, because he has been detained several times for this matter, but he has not been taught repeatedly." Ye carefully sighed: "He also figured out the haunted house actor rules, knowing that the actor can't fight him, he doesn't touch the actor, just expose. To satisfy his perverted desire. And this man is very smart, looking for a place where he has not been monitored, and was detained a few times because a tourist could not see it and beat him. "

"This kind of person needs to be educated and needs a profound education." Employees can't do it, but tourists can. This matter seems to Chen Ge to have many solutions.

"Okay, just pay attention to yourself. I'll go in first." Ye carefully followed several other tourists into the haunted house, and Chen Ge used Yin Tong to look at the lounge.

The handsome man was still on the phone, but Chen Ge noticed that while he was on the phone, his eyes kept looking around, as if he was looking for something.

Taking him as the center, Chen Ge looked around. He found that there was a man in the blind spot in the trench coat man's line of sight.

The man was wearing a sun hat, his skin was very pale, and he looked slightly feminine.

"Has a colleague?" Just when Chen Ge looked at the man, the windbreaker hung up the phone and walked out of the lounge. Coincidentally, the man also hung up the phone and began to line up.

As if they didn't know each other, one went to the end of the team and the other went to the middle of the team.

"Is it a person in the virtual future paradise?" Although knowing yourself and knowing each other can be invincible, but Chen Ge feels that he has left a deep psychological shadow on the virtual future paradise.

Chen Ge paid close attention to them. After the two people came in, the team was suddenly messed up. Three people moved their positions and got together.

"It's prepared!"

The commotion of the team caused dissatisfaction among individual tourists, and one of them grumbled out directly: "What team to insert! Go away!"

The sound was loud and instantly attracted everyone's attention.

It was a middle-aged man with a height of more than one meter and five who made a sound. His appearance was completely incompatible with his temper.

"Mr. Kurosaki, let's relax, we are here to relax and find inspiration. There is no need to quarrel with others." A middle-aged man stood next to a woman in her twenties, like his assistant.

The woman seems to have become accustomed to this, and apologizes to the tourists nearby.

"Teacher Kurosaki? Foreigner?"

Chen Ge hasn't said anything yet. The person called Kurosaki has already quarreled with people in fluent Chinese.

Let Uncle Xu continue to buy tickets, Chen Ge ran over: "Don't be noisy? Who was cutting in the line just now?"

When the boss of the haunted house came over, the quarreling parties stopped.

"Just him! Just because he is in the line, I will tell you that if it is not a legal society now, my punch will pass without a face." The middle-aged man, who was more than one and a half meters tall, was very grumpy.

"Understood." Chen Ge looked at the man in the line. He stood with the man wearing a sunhat, obviously a gang: "If you still want to continue the visit, please stand at the end of the line now. "

Chen Ge did not hesitate.

The man was obviously dissatisfied in his heart, but obediently walked to the end of the team under the companion's persuasion.

"Okay, it's okay." Chen Ge is still paying attention to the end of the team, but the middle-aged man feels as if he has been neglected, and is a little dissatisfied.

He shouted at Chen Ge: "It's such a hot day, such a long queue, do you have any VIP channels, can I add money to you?"

"Sorry, everyone here is the same."

"Yes, there is a principle! I won't visit today! One by one is against me!" The man didn't know why he was so angry and turned his head away.

"Wait a minute! Teacher Kurosaki! This haunted house is really extraordinary! We are all at the door, at least go in and see!" The young female assistant first persuaded the middle-aged man, and then ran to Chen Ge: " Boss, can we get along? "

The female assistant stared at Chen Ge with an eyeful: "Mr. Kurosaki was drawing comics, and lacked inspiration in the last few months, so his temper was getting worse and worse. He used to be not like this before."

"Drawing comics? Is it famous? Why haven't I heard of it?" Chen Ge thought of Yan Danian for a moment, maybe he could use this opportunity to realize Yan Danian's dream.

The female assistant blushed: "Ms. Kurosaki painted books abroad, and is very well-known in the industry, but he has begun to transform in recent years! In short, he is a very powerful person!"

Chen Ge nodded and raised his voice deliberately: "It's okay to not line up here. Now the new scene is open. If you want to go to the new scene, you can follow me directly to visit."

"New scene?" The female assistant dared not take the idea ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ looked back at the middle-aged man.

"I thought there was a principle. As soon as I heard my name, I immediately changed my mind, OK, today I will give you a step down." The middle-aged man walked back slowly: "Go to the new scene!"

Seeing that middle-aged men can enter without queuing, another person stood out at the end of the line: "I will also visit this scene."

The man was wearing a trench coat, the outside temperature was very high, and there was no air conditioning. He covered his sweat and seemed to be unbearably hot.

Hearing his voice, several other members of the team wanted to dissuade, but it was too late.

"No problem, let's go cool in advance, are there any other people coming?" Chen Ge promised to come down and collect the money immediately, even giving no chance to repent.

The remaining people in the team also walked out one after another. Chen Ge asked Uncle Xu to issue tickets to them, and he used his mobile phone to search for the information of the Kurosaki teacher.

The other party is not a foreigner, just a foreign pen name, and then his main market is also in foreign countries, which his fans call walking mosaics, godfather, etc.

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