I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 810: The other side of the wall

Looking at the unconscious Wang Yicheng, Chen Ge couldn't calm down for a long time. He got a very important message from what Wang Yicheng said just now.

The person who tricked Lin Sisi into the toilet was Wang Yicheng!

"I didn't expect the most critical person to be by my side."

Chen Ge is glad that even if he enters the world behind him, he still maintains a kind nature. When he first contacted Wang Yicheng, he didn't think much at all, just because he saw the other person alone and wanted to help the other person change his situation.

In fact, he did. Wang Yicheng now has several new friends, and these friends will not bully him or discriminate against him.

From what Wang Yicheng just said when he went mad, Chen Ge also probably figured out the ins and outs of the matter.

Both Wang Yicheng and Lin Sisi live in bedroom 413, and neither of them likes people for various reasons.

Because of their different personalities, the two also dealt with the cold violence of their classmates differently.

Wang Yicheng chose to endure and suffer silently.

Lin Sisi came up with various ideas that should arouse everyone's attention.

These two people should not be regarded as friends, but just held together by the bullies.

The students hated Lin Sisi very much and decided to pretend to be a ghost and retaliate against Lin Sisi in the toilet on the top floor of the teaching building.

In order to successfully deceive Lin Sisi, they found Wang Yicheng who had a good relationship with Lin Sisi.

Chen Ge did not know how those people convinced Wang Yicheng, but he knew that the final result was that Wang Yicheng agreed to the students.

Wang Yicheng had his own difficulties, but it was him who pushed Lin Sisi towards the cliff.

"Speed ​​up! Before Wang Yicheng wakes up, let's get rid of those behind."

Chen Ge was very cautious. He went to several places and found that the white man didn't follow him before he was relieved.

The atmosphere in the West Campus gradually became abnormal, and the number of weirdos in white clothes gradually increased. Chen Ge stopped staying and led the members of the society to the waste sorting center.

"Mr. Bai, are those in white clothes also school teachers? Why have I never seen them? And why did they chase us just now?" Zhu Long had many questions to ask.

"They are not teachers, but managers who maintain order in the West Campus. As for why they have been chasing us ..." Chen Ge placed Wang Yicheng, who was in a coma, on the grass: "Because of him, and of you."


"Yes, this school is not as simple as you think. If you compare it to the human brain, then the West Campus is the place responsible for handling all kinds of beautiful emotions, and the negative emotions and garbage are the responsibility of the East Campus." Chen The song uses a very popular metaphor to explain: "The west campus only has beautiful memories, and all garbage must be sent to the east campus, but how can people only have good memories?"

"So we have forgotten a lot of memories?" Zhang Ju is very clever. Chen Ge has not understood what he said before he finished.

"Yes, what you forgot are filled with desperate memories. These things are regarded as garbage by the West Campus. Once your memories are loose or awakened, they will send them to the East Campus." Chen Ge is very serious Said: "Knowing the truth, are you still willing to continue to find your memory?"

"I am willing." Zhu Long agreed without hesitation: "This kind of feeling that happened obviously but can't remember is too uncomfortable. If I go on like this, I will go crazy. I'd rather think of everything."

"I also want to know what memory I have lost, lack of memory, I always feel that I have become incomplete, like a ... monster." Zhang Ju's fingers gently touched the scar on his face, eyes complex, I don't know where Think about something.

"You are really crazy! Really crazy!" Zhou Tu kept mumbling, he walked back and forth like a vole in a cage.

"No rejection, I agree." Chen Ge lifted Wang Yicheng on the ground: "Actually, we still have an advantage to go to the East Campus. People who track us want to send us to the East Campus, but they never think of us. Already ran to the East campus. "

"Is there any difference?"

"Let's go by ourselves, we can still maintain the appearance of 'people', if you let them catch and pass it on, you will probably forget more things by then." Chen Ge comforted the members of the club with a few words: "The East Campus is also not As terrible as you think, as long as you are careful, nothing will happen. "

Carrying Wang Yicheng back, Chen Ge opened the door of the garbage disposal center of the West Campus. The room was very clean and completely different from that of the East Campus.

"Don't disturb the things here, nor close to the doors that separate the garbage." Chen Ge didn't know if there were any managers in the garbage disposal center of the West Campus. He gave the students some ropes in advance: "There are on the second floor. A small window, wait for me to go out from the window and climb up to the wall ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ You can see how I do it, just follow me. "

"Then King City?"

"Tie it with a rope. After I climbed up to the wall, you handed him out of the window. I pulled him to the wall." Wang Yicheng was short and thin, not too heavy, which was also considered to be Chen Ge. Good news.

"Pay attention to safety. When you are on the second floor, immediately follow what I said, and you must act fast!" After the rope was distributed, Chen Ge personally **** Wang Yicheng and attached a rope to himself and Wang Yicheng. And then carrying him to the second floor.

After confirming that there was no one on the second floor, Chen Ge did not take a closer look and went straight to the window.

Opening the small window, Chen Ge very skillfully stepped on the window sill and climbed up to the wall: "What are you stunned? Hand Wang Yicheng out."

He was tied with a rope, and the other end of the rope was tied to Wang Yicheng.

"Does Teacher Bai teach physical education?" Zhang Ju reacted first and lifted Wang Yicheng out of the window.

"This is the second floor! You must be careful." Zhu Long and Zhou Tu also began to help, and the three of them handed out Wang Yicheng.

After a lot of effort, Chen Ge finally put Wang Yicheng on the wall. He is one of the key figures tonight. Chen Ge will never leave him behind.

Sitting on the fence again, Chen Ge's mood is completely different from before.

He untied the rope on his body and moved on the wall to make room for other students.

"Hurry up!"

Chen Ge helped Wang Yicheng and found several brick voids in the wall, and tied the rope in it.

The next time you want to go from the east campus to the west campus, you do n’t have to go through the garbage disposal center, just use the rope he left behind.

It took a few minutes for several people to jump to the East Campus. For these West Campus students, the East Campus is a completely strange scene.

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