I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 847: Doctor's Secret

"Isn't your health a big problem?" Chen Ge quickly supported Yingbai's arm. The child subconsciously took a step back, but Chen Ge still grabbed his arm.

She did not struggle and stayed beside Chen Ge as a kitten.

"Before your grandfather comes, I will take care of you." Chen Ge touched the girl's head, his finger through the girl's black hair: "I will take you away, go and see the outside world, I can't give it to you during my lifetime. Happiness, at least let you experience the temperature of the world after death. "

The girl didn't understand Chen Ge too much. She just nodded cleverly and asked timidly: "What's your name? Is it also a child adopted by grandpa?"

"I am your grandfather's client, I will protect you so that you will never be hurt again." Chen Ge lifted his backpack and looked at the deepest room in the infirmary when he was leaving.

There are four rooms in the medical room of the psychic ghost school. Yingbai and Yan Fei live in the third room.

"Yingbai and Yan Fei should belong to a very serious situation. They are not yet qualified to live in the innermost ward?" Chen Ge was curious and squatted in front of Yingbai: "You know who lived in the last ward ?"

"Only students and teachers who have been seriously injured or completely collapsed will be sent in." Ying Bai stared at her big eyes, seeming to be afraid of the fourth ward. When speaking, her body unconsciously moved away from the room: "There were a lot of people in that ward, but very few people came out, maybe there are other entrances."

"There is only one entrance to the hospital in this school." Chen Ge protected Ying Bai behind him, pressed the repeater switch, and quietly came outside the door of the fourth ward.

The person in charge of the infirmary is a red coat. Chen Ge has seen it before, and the white coat worn by the other party is just a cover-up.

Holding the door handle and turning slowly, Chen Ge found that the door was not locked, and he pushed the door panel open.

Blood oozed out along the door crack. When the door was pushed open, Chen Ge's eyes narrowed slightly, subconsciously blocking several students.

The fourth ward was not prepared for patients at all. There were no beds and medical equipment in it, only a mirror full of cracks.

In front of all mirrors is a white coat soaked in blood. These white coats are the same size and should belong to the same person.

Chen Ge covered her mouth and nose and carefully entered the fourth ward.

The feeling of warmth and humidity came from every inch of skin. At the moment when he entered the room, Chen Ge seemed to have fallen into the sea of ​​blood, and the **** smell came violently, almost making him breathless.

"Why is there such a ward in the medical office, and I have seen those mirrors in the school where the painter reconstructed." Chen Ge stopped in front of the mirror closest to him, and he opened the white coat that covered it. The whole mirror is completely blood-red with cracks densely covered.

"It's the same as the mirror I saw in the repair room of the teacher's apartment in the East Campus." The fingertips crossed the mirror and almost cut Chen Ge's finger: "I stood in front of the mirror, but the mirror couldn't reflect me, only a piece of blood ... "

He was about to go to the next mirror and suddenly heard a voice in his ear.

"Save me ... don't go ... save me ..."

Stopping, Chen Ge determined again and again that the voice came from the mirror.

"Someone was locked in the mirror?" The pupil narrowed, and Chen Ge looked at the scarred mirror full of cracks.

"Save me ... It's so dark here, I can't see anything. Don't close the window, can you help me?" The voice became clear, and it seemed that someone was standing at the edge of the mirror.

"How can I help you?" Chen Ge took a step back, and he knew very clearly that in this land full of despair behind the door, there was no such emotion as sympathy and pity. .

"There is a debris in the upper left corner of the mirror that is misplaced. You can find it and reposition it as I said to see me."

"It's that simple?" Chen Ge moved forward, suddenly approaching the mirror, and suddenly stopped again: "I can help you, but how does this benefit me?"

"What do you want? I can give you anything I have!"

"Well, I will ask you a few questions. If your answer makes me satisfied, then I will help you." Chen Ge pointed to the white coats: "How much do you know about the doctor in the infirmary? That guy looks a little scary. . "

"I'm the doctor in the infirmary. The monster locked me in the mirror!" Blood oozed out of the cracks in the mirror. The man reacted a lot and his emotions were abnormal: "He is not a person from our school at all. ! "


"Save me out, hurry! He is coming back! I will tell the principal all this!" There was more and more blood on the mirror, and every crack was shaking.

"You said he was an outsider, what evidence do you have?"

"He came out of a hospital called" Heart ". I don't know if he is a doctor or a patient, but I'm sure he is crazy! He is trying something here, and the teachers are all cheated by him! "

The information revealed by the voice in the mirror caught Chen Ge's attention. He happened to know one of the hospitals with the word "heart" in his name. That is the hospital where the four-star scene in the black phone was cursed.

"It's getting more and more interesting." Chen Ge recalled a lot of details. When he was doing the trial mission in Liwan Town, clues related to this cursed hospital also appeared. Those female patients wearing sick uniforms came by hearse In Liwan Town, the private hospital in Liwan Town also hides patients who escaped from the cursed hospital.

Chen Ge remembered the situation clearly at that time. The source of all the diseases was a little boy. The boy wore a "heart" on the sick suit. Later, the boy was taken away by red high heels.

"There are figures of this hospital everywhere, what exactly do they want to do?" Chen Ge thought, the man in the mirror kept crying: "I will believe you for the time being, the doctor is a fake by an outsider, then why is he in the ward There are so many mirrors in it? What do the mirrors mean in the psychic school? "

"Every mirror is a living person, save me and let me go! It's too late! He will be back soon! After you let me go, I will tell you everything!" The hurry came, but Chen Ge was not in a hurry. The doctor came back to take the doctor together.

In fact, when he saw the doctor, Chen Ge caught the other party's attention. If it wasn't for the doctor to run fast, this might be another situation.

"I can save you, I hope you don't lie to me." Chen Ge's eyes kept staring at the mirror, his eyes calm and scary.

Walking in front of the mirror, Chen Ge looked at the upper left corner: "Which piece is it?"

"Just on the upper left side, you get closer and look carefully." The voice in the mirror kept pushing Chen Ge closer.

"There are many fragments, which one are you talking about?"

"A small piece, you get closer."

"Okay." Chen Ge took a big step forward, almost putting his body on the mirror: "Is it here?"

"Yes, this is here, this is here!" The voice in the mirror suddenly increased, and a scarred hand extended from the mirror and grabbed Chen Ge's arm: "You are the missing piece, come in! I……"

Halfway through the monster in the mirror, he suddenly felt that something was not right. When he tried to drag Chen Ge into the mirror, Chen Ge found nothing.

Even more frightening to him is ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ He found that his hand could not be recovered!

"Don't be nervous, I just want another way to save you out." Chen Ge stepped back: "Xu Yin, drag him out to me."

The monster in the mirror only saw at this time that his hand was caught on another person.

The man was dressed in a red dress and stayed beside Chen Ge.

"Wait! I can't find a stand-in, I will ..." He had no chance to say the next words, Xu Yin grabbed the hand and dragged him out of the broken mirror.

The crack on the mirror is like a blade. When the monster in the mirror is dragged out of the mirror, its body is shredded and turned into blood, which makes the mirror more red.

Xu Yin finally pulled out only five fingers from the mirror, but Chen Ge was not completely undetected. He saw the monster in the mirror wearing a white coat. The other party should not have lied. He was indeed a doctor in the infirmary.

"I don't want to hurt you. You have to find something. I feel so sad to make it like this, but fortunately ..." Chen Ge glanced around: "There are other mirrors here."

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