I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 855: I have another solution

"The owner of the third sick building is Men Nan, and there are very few people with the last name. The child's name may be a hint he left to me."

The door represents the unknown, but also represents the way out.

"Think carefully, there are many hints before. What trouble did my parents encounter? Why can I only lead me to the truth in this way?"

There are some issues that cannot be considered carefully. Through the conversation with the old principal, Chen Ge knows that his parents hide a lot of things, and they are never as simple as they seem.

There are some situations that even Doctor Gao cannot cope with, but Chen Ge ’s parents can solve it, but even so, they still dare not tell Chen Ge the truth, but only reveal some information through constant guidance and hints. This abnormal behavior makes Chen Ge very disturbed.

"I don't know what I have to be careful of, but I can now be sure that my family has encountered a very difficult thing."

Chen Ge is standing by the table, his brain is still constantly thinking, every word said by the old principal is very important to him.

"Chen Ge, are you okay?" The principal saw Chen Ge staying for a long time and wanted to go, but was a little afraid of the red dress beside Chen Ge.

"I'm fine." Chen Ge waved his hand: "The road you said is too dangerous. There are all kinds of scary monsters in the Scarlet City. From there, I don't know at all."

Dr. Gao ’s initial encounter had a great impact on Chen Ge. A good person would be crazy after a week, which made him unacceptable.

"I can't take the lives of the employees to gamble." Chen Ge sat on the table, which may be the reason for overthinking, and his face was pale.

"But that is the only way out!" The old headmaster did not expect Chen Ge to refute himself.

"I also know another way." Chen Ge slowly raised his head and looked at the old principal: "There is a door in every scene, and we can leave from the door in the psychic school."

"Impossible, the school will never let any children leave. It provides a home for those children, and those children become part of the door. They are a whole." The old principal pointed out the window. : "Did you see the blood-red eyes? All the negative emotions of the students gathered there. Once it was found that someone wanted to leave the school, it would be instantly blocked by the will of the whole school. He couldn't let any student go Leave, let alone take the initiative to open the door and let Xueying go out. "

"You don't know enough about this door. As far as I know, a girl left the ghost school through that door a long time ago. Her name is Chang Wenyu." Chen Ge is very aware of the limitations of the school's will.

"Are you sure? How did she do it?" The old headmaster was surprised. He heard this for the first time.

"This school is now controlled by the will of many students. Those desperate students will not let us go, but if some of us will replace those students’ will and become the new master of the ghost school, let alone open the door and let the whole ghost go. The school is up to us. "Chen Ge kept his eyes on the old principal while he was talking. He wrote down all the subtle expressions on the old principal's face.

"We?" The old headmaster looked at the madman: "This is impossible. The school's will has been growing over the past few years, and now it has become a monster, and Red Clothes can't compete with it ..."

The old principal seemed to be worried about his unclear expression, and emphasized again: "Even the six red clothes are not enough!"

He wanted to dispel the dangerous idea in Chen Ge's mind. In his view, replacing the will of the school was undoubtedly a dead end.

"Aren't you curious, why would I choose to fight against the will of the school instead of going directly into that blood-red city?" Chen Ge's figure of his father appeared in his mind, and he could remember his own father It's totally different from the man described by the old principal. He couldn't look at everything from the perspective of his father. Frankly speaking, he did not know what his family wanted to do, he simply thought that his family would never harm him.

"Why?" The old headmaster was also puzzled. He came in through the road, which in his view was a fairly safe road.

"You underestimated the danger of that blood-red city." Chen Ge told the old headmaster about Dr. Gao, without any concealment.

"A lot of people here are witnesses, such as Xu Yin, Bai Qiulin, and your student Pen Xian. The nightmare-like past has been haunting our hearts. Until now, I close my eyes and it will still appear in my mind. The scene at the time. "In order to prove that he did not exaggerate, Chen Ge took out the pen immortal. She was also around when Dr. Gao from Liwan Town appeared. She participated in all of Chen Ge's experience.

In describing the danger, Penxian has a talent that is often unattainable by "ghosts". She sketched on white paper, and the contents of the writing scared the old principal's face.

"That scarlet city is so dangerous?" The old headmaster was afraid after a while.

"Yes, so I heard you were surprised when you came here through the Scarlet City. But it may also be that you did a lot of good things during your lifetime. The Ji people have their own appearances and are blessed by a force in their lives. Chen Ge said very gently.

"Luck is better."

"Luck is also part of the strength. I plan to use it as our back road in the waste water well in the playground after the school. If my plan fails, we will go through this back road. Two-hand preparation, double insurance, this is now this In this case, the safest way is ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Chen Ge also has plans to enter the Scarlet City, where there are too many unknowns.

Persuading the old principal did not spend much time, the old man quickly agreed to follow Chen Ge.

"Principal, since we are now a team, some uncertainties in the team should be made clear as soon as possible so as not to cause misunderstandings." Chen Ge pulled the cherry white hiding in the "people" group: "You want I was looking for Li Xueying, but why are there two Li Xueying in this school? Which one of them is true? Which one is fake? "

Ying Bai did not expect to have her own affairs. She was very happy when she saw the old headmaster, but when she saw the cherry red behind the old headmaster, her heart suddenly became very clogged, just like her most important and precious Something was taken away by others.

Yinghong's expression became tense after she saw Yingbai, and she didn't dare to say a word, clutching the clothes on the old man's back.

In order to prevent accidents, Chen Ge released all the red clothes, he is to deter Yinghong.

He didn't want to use the advantage of absolute crushing because of some uncomfortable things with the old headmaster, so that those things that might be unpleasant were strangled in the bud.

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