I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 860: Fan Yu!

"The dry well in the back playground is a loophole in the school. The old principal said it was a wound that could not be healed. If the whole school is compared to a human heart, then this deep well is where the secret is buried."

Chen Ge suddenly thought of another question: "Principal, you said that the psychic ghost school is made up of the memories of countless students. The Muyang Middle School appeared here because there was a child in our school who was bullied, right?"

"Yes." The old principal was not too willing to answer this question.

"Can you tell me something about the child?" Chen Ge knew that the old principal didn't want to recall the past, but various clues showed that the child of Muyang Middle School was very critical!

The only loophole of the psychic ghost school is in the burned campus of Muyang Middle School. It is also worth noting that all the buildings in the ghost school are randomly arranged, but the Muyang Middle School is squeezed to the edge of the school. Here It is the closest place to Scarlet City.

"I do n’t know the specifics. I only know that the child is called Fan Yu. His adoptive father is a teacher in our school. He used to teach in the urban area. Later he heard that it was an offense. No school wanted him. Finally he came to our school. "The words of the old principal once again subverted some of the memories in Chen Ge's mind.

"Fan Yu? That child had a class in Muyang Middle School?"

"Yes, don't look at Muyang Middle School is very small, but there are all primary and junior high school courses." The old headmaster smiled bitterly: "We also have no way, there is no primary school in the suburbs, the children I adopted and the surrounding Some of the children of migrant workers are not in school, so I added a special elementary school curriculum. "

"It doesn't matter." Chen Ge moved his body up a little bit: "Fan Yu spent several years at Muyang Middle School? Why did he drop out of school?"

"Fan Yu would come to Muyang Middle School because of his adoptive father, that is, the teacher in our school. At that time, Fan Yu was not yet in primary school, but at the strong request of his adoptive father, we arranged him into a In grade, his father asked me to help me to prove it. "The old headmaster recalled what happened then. He has a very good memory. This is also the difference between him and other Li Gui. Most Li Gui only remember his obsession.

"After about a few months, Fan Yu couldn't keep up with his peers. The child was very smart and talented, but his talent was expressed in painting." The old headmaster remembered this point deeply: "The child painted Everything is very similar, it can be said to be a genius in painting. At the beginning, his adoptive father did not object to his painting. Until one day, the child drew a portrait in class, when his adoptive father was furious. According to the class The student said that the child ’s adoptive father directly tore up the child ’s paintings and slapped the child slaps in the classroom. At that time, the incident was so big that it was me and another female teacher who worked together to stop him. ”

"Just drawing in the class, not listening carefully, his father should not be so angry." Chen Ge is very keen: "Perhaps the child's painting angered his father, principal, you know what he painted ?"

"The paintings were torn apart, but I heard from the boy at the same table that Fan Yu borrowed his red crayons when he drew the painting, as if to say that his red crayons were running out of water." The old principal Looking back, he didn't remember what Fan Yu painted at the time.

"Red crayons?" Chen Ge's pupils narrowed: "If you can use your red crayons without water, you have to borrow the red crayons from the same table, which means he used a lot of red!"

The expression gradually became serious. Chen Ge slowly looked at the principal and pointed to the blood mist around him: "You just said that Fan Yu is very talented in painting, what does it look like, and what scene does he want to paint? Need a lot of red? "

The old headmaster didn't think anything, but when Chen Ge said this, he suddenly woke up.

"The murder scene ?!"

"It's very possible!" Chen Ge slowed down. "This also makes sense why his adoptive father was furious. I suspect that the murderer is Fan Yu's adoptive father."

Things were more complicated than Chen Ge thought. At the beginning, Chen Ge thought that Fan Yu's adoptive father had just killed Fan Yu's mother. Now it seems that things are not so simple. His father may be a complete pervert.

During the day it is a teacher respected by the students, but at night it is a brutal murderous man who cannot control himself.

"Yes, only such people would peep their eyes in the toilet compartment of Muyang Middle School, so as to peep. I really underestimated the limit of a person's evil."

Rethinking again, Chen Ge found that Fan Yuguo was far more painful than he had guessed: "Aunt Fan Yu's twins disappeared for no reason, but hovered in Muyang Middle School after death. Will their death also be related to Fan Yu's adopted father? "

Chen Ge told the old principal of Fan Yu's father, the principal's eyes were full of redness: "I thought Fan Yu was simply bullied at school, and I didn't expect so many things behind him."

"Knowing people, knowing faces but not knowing, he hides very well, otherwise he will have been discovered." Chen Ge has a new view on some things: "Principal, Fan Yu did anything strange before dropping out of school. ? "

"I didn't pay attention, because Fan Yu was in the class of his adoptive father. Tiger poison still doesn't eat children, so I didn't ask too much. By the way, there is something very strange. Fan Yu always has injuries on his adoptive father. Tell me that the child is not flattering and loves fighting. "The headmaster regretted:" Now think about it, the injuries may have been caused by his adoptive father. "

"Is that all?"

"Fan Yu was isolated in the class, everyone inexplicably rejected him, his adoptive father also strictly forbid him to paint, as soon as he saw him painting, he would beat and scold. The child seemed to have changed in just a few months. Personally. "The old headmaster couldn't bear to say any more:" It's my responsibility. At that time, the school was to be banned. I was running around. I seldom stayed in the school and ignored too many things. "

"Even if you take the initiative to ask, Fan Yu will not answer. No matter how hard he struggles, he still has to go home in the end. He doesn't want to say, he dare not say. Other students are bullied in school, at least home and parents Comfort, but for him, after being bullied in school, he still has to go home and face that horrible adoptive father alone. "Chen Ge was very distressed to Fan Yu, and he was firm in his idea of ​​continuing to take care of Fan Yu, but Then another question came out of my mind: "If Muyang Middle School appeared in Tongling Ghost School because of Fan Yu, then Fan Yu must have entered the ghost school, but the actual situation is that Fan Yu is still in Hanjiang. The welfare home is honestly staying and has not left. "

Chen Ge's eyes narrowed, and many things he had experienced before came to mind.

He has a good relationship with Fan Yu, and he has also seen Fan Yu's paintings.

Now Fan Yu can say that he does not have any talent for painting. Www.wuxiaspot.com ~ All paintings are composed of very simple lines, similar to those of kindergarten children.

"This painting technique is completely unrelated to genius. Is it true that Fan Yu's situation is the same as Li Xueying? His desperate side entered the ghost school, leaving only a simple and beautiful shell?"

The brain seemed to be struck by lightning. Chen Ge bit the tongue sharply. He found that another "person" had discovered Fan Yu's unusualness before him!

After the trial mission of the living coffin village, the female ghost who had existed for hundreds of years presented Fan Yu with a bracelet (see chapter 339) for parting!

The top red man ignored everyone, but the attitude towards Fan Yu was very good, as if he wanted to contact Fan Yu and leave a good impression.

"When she was attached to the little girl and was sent to the orphanage, there were so many children in the hospital, but she found Fan Yu! She stayed with Fan Yu all the time. Jiang is still old and spicy, I should have realized of!"

Climbing out of the dry well, Chen Ge looked at the bottomless well, thinking of Fan Yu, and remembered the east-west campus built by the painter, desperate and gloomy, but beautiful and quiet ...

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