I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 868: Who is the next one?

As the pieces of wood were removed, the stenchy expression standing next to Chen Ge slowly changed, the chubby head slowly turned, and the fat was squeezed into a small slit, staring straight at the long gallery.

The corridor sealed by wooden planks is completely different from the normal corridor of a ghost school. There is no trace of blood fog inside. The walls, concrete floors, and walls with shoe prints look all the same as in reality.

"All the students living in the ghost school know that this is a forbidden place, and they will hardly come over, so it is normal for the corridor to remain as it is." Ying Hong explained that Chen Ge's eyes were wrong and explained in a low voice.

"The world behind the door is a red blood. How could there be the same scene as in reality? This is definitely the intention of the school to retain it." The last piece of wood was removed and the blood mist spread. Chen Ge and others were ready to enter it. Only the stench remains in place.

"Did you think of something?" Chen Ge wanted to reach out and pat the stinky shoulder, but his hand passed through the stinky body. This fat man is strictly a smell in the strict sense. He is different from other fierce ghosts.

The stench didn't answer, his round body slowly moved into the corridor, he walked slowly, and seemed a little afraid.

"Why are you afraid of this emotion? Do you not want to see your true self? Or do you not want to face the memory in your heart?" Chen Ge did not know how to comfort the stench. He did not urge the other party. If the stench showed obvious resistance, he Will immediately take people away.

There were no lights in the promenade, and all the windows were nailed to the board. It was completely isolated from the rest of the school. The ghost school would seem to dislike others coming in as if it were his private territory.

"I used to only listen to the teacher before, but I didn't expect it to look so ordinary." Ying Hong was very curious. She walked to the front and stopped again without a few steps: "This room is what I mentioned before. In that dormitory, all the students who lived in this room said that they woke up in the middle of the night and saw a man standing beside the bed, his feet on the ground, a long rope tied around his neck, his face turned blue, staring A certain bed. If you look at him, you will disappear inexplicably. "

"Is the door locked?" Chen Ge reached out and pressed the door.

"Hello! Have you listened to me? Can you give me a response? I'm talking about something terrifying!" Ying Hong is dissatisfied with Chen Ge's attitude: "I know you are very brave, but these forbidden places are all schools The teacher strictly forbids students from coming, and the first class that all newly enrolled students take is to know where they can go and where they cannot. "

"The door is unlocked, Xu Yin, follow me closely." Chen Ge completely ignored Yinghong, and when the other person said to himself, he had pushed the door open.

"You really haven't died! I tell you that there are many more painful things in this world than death, so don't think you are not afraid of death, just ..." Yinghong has always appeared as negative emotions of Yingbai , All bad memories and cruel things need her to face, so she will slowly become a monster, but after some things that happened before, she is no longer hidden in front of Chen Ge, probably because She feels that Chen Ge is the same kind of person as herself, and she feels very close.

Chen Ge also discovered the changes of Yinghong, but he did not take these into consideration. Yinghong is Li Xueying's negative memory. Even if this is the case in his opinion, it should be that Yingbai is more kind to himself. Unless the fetus inherits a beautiful memory, and he is the one who bears all the pain alone.

But in his view, it was obviously impossible, so he didn't think much about it, just attributed the changes of Yinghong to his personality charm.

With Xu Yin's consent, Chen Ge opened the bedroom door, and a faint smell of mildew drifted from it.

After smelling the **** smell of the world behind the door, smelling this musty smell has a long-lost intimacy.

"This is too messy."

All kinds of garbage and dirty clothes in the bedroom are thrown everywhere. Luggage and bedding are piled up casually, just like the typhoon just encountered.

"Have you found anything?" The principal has always been with Chen Ge, seeming to be worried about what Chen Ge is doing out of the ordinary: "Otherwise let's go, this is a forbidden place for ghost schools, it is best not to run around."

"Wait." Chen Ge stood in the middle of the bedroom and looked up at the roof.

A nail is nailed to the top of the room painted with white paint, and a rag is attached to the front of each nail. The differently colored fabrics hang down and look up, as if the top of the head is a white sea, those red The cloth strips are corals growing on the seabed.

Reaching for a piece of cloth, Chen Ge gently pulled it: "These pieces of cloth can't bear a person's weight at all, and it can't be used for hanging."

"I think these cloth strips are used to fix the mosquito nets, so why did you directly think of hanging?" The old headmaster stood at the door of the dormitory: "There is not much space inside the dormitory, and there should be no secrets, the ghost school will Protecting this place may just because this place has a special meaning to it. "

"Boss, look at this." Bai Qiulin held the mirror with one hand, the other pointed at the edge of the iron bed in the dormitory. All the upper beds were tied with a rope. The other end of the rope was tied with a name and winding. Dark-haired rag doll.

"Looking at this work is very similar to the doll that Zhang Ya sent me at the beginning. Did Zhang Ya help the students who were hanging up?" Chen Ge opened the backpack and took out In the comic book, he decided to ask the student who was hanging up.

Usually in a haunted house, "the person who stands and hangs" will hide among the puppets Chen Ge specially made for him. His strength is very ordinary, not as bad as the smell. Www.wuxiaspot.com In the middle of the room, he had a very striking mark on his neck, his head was misaligned with his shoulder, and it looked strange.

"Do you have an impression of this room?" Chen Ge asked softly. The confusion in the eyes of the male student slowly disappeared. He was like a frightened cat, suddenly rushing to a certain bed, throwing all kinds of debris on the bed Going to the side, I finally found a black envelope under the bed sheet, with a sentence written on it. Who is the next one?

The believer was bulging, and it seemed to be full of stuff. The male student clutched the envelope tightly with both hands. Fear and panic surged into his heart. He was very scared now.

"Can you show me that letter?" Chen Ge was curious about what the person who had been hanging up had experienced. Why was the rag doll suspected of being Zhang Ya's hand hanging beside the bed in their entire dormitory.

The male student shook his head firmly. He put away the black envelope and returned directly to the comic book.

"That envelope looks like a curse, but I have nothing to fear." The employee did not want to say, Chen Ge would not force it, he checked the bedroom again, and finally put everything back in place, carrying all People walked deeper into the boys' bedroom.

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