I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 878: Principal's office

| | |->-> After solving the puppet, no one will know Zhang Ya ’s weakness, and the weakness that no one knows is not a weakness.

Walked out of the girls' bedroom, Chen Ge found that great changes had taken place outside the ghost school.

Red blood mist and black evil are intertwined, if there is really **** in the world, this is probably the way it is.

"The visibility has become lower again, and every time I breathe in, I feel a fishy smell in my throat, as if I have swallowed a lot of blood." Chen Ge has been staying in this door for too long, and his body is almost unbearable. There are more and more blood streaks attached to the surface of the skin. If he goes on like this, he wonders if he will be assimilated by this door and will never be able to leave.

"Go to other scenes, only stay for one night at most." Chen Ge waved his arms vigorously, trying to get rid of the bloodstains formed by those resentments and negative emotions, but it was of no use. What was more terrifying was that a few bloodstains seemed to have penetrated. In his flesh, he didn't pay attention, thought he had a small wound on his arm.

Walking in the black malicious and blood-red mist, the number of students behind Chen Ge increased again: "Director Lei? Doesn't he say that I can't come out alive?"

"The periphery of the school was severely damaged, and Director Lei left in advance." A female teacher was surprised to see Chen Ge safe and sound: "You can live out of the restricted area, which is nothing to show off. On the contrary, you ran this way. The big disaster will surely be targeted by the will of the school in the future. "

"You open your mouth and close your mouth is the will of the school. Do you think the decision made by the will of the school must be correct?" Chen Ge wiped the blood on his arm and found that it could not be wiped off, he simply didn't care.

"I can't tell you, the school will not necessarily be correct, but the school will is the will of most children in this school. Here, they are the real masters." The female teacher is also helpless. As a teacher of the ghost school, Although the students also called her teacher, but in fact there are great restrictions, she is more like the bottom managers hired by the ghost school.

"The world behind the door belongs to the door man. Whoever opened the door should listen to it." Chen Ge said half-truly: "Unless someone kills the door man, who will kill it?" I ’ll listen to the gatekeeper. "

"Crazy." The female teacher stood with several other school teachers. She didn't want to be too close to Chen Ge.

"After I leave, it is better to seal this place. Although there is nothing I am looking for, it is really very dangerous. It is not good if a student sneaks in."

"Without your teaching, we know what to do."

Did not continue to stay. Chen Ge led the others to the center of the school. He has now been followed by many students, but the number is still far from enough. He needs to get more students' recognition and let them believe in themselves.

"We must get enough student support before Chang Wenyu and the painter react." Chen Ge is very clear. Now the painter and Chang Wenyu ignore him just because both parties feel that Chen Ge is not threatening if they find out Chen Ge ’s real purpose is to let the old headmaster master the ghost school, then they will probably kill Chen Ge first.

"Chen Ge, where are we going now?" Ying Hong's view of Chen Ge has changed a lot now. He even hesitated to call out Chen Ge's full name.

"There are the most students in the center of the school. Let's go there first. In addition, does your school have a taboo related to the principal of the ghost school? It is said that the principal's office is in the center. We just happened to stop by and take a look." Chen Ge has planned Well, he has limited time. Thirteen forbidden places cannot be detected one by one, and he can only start with the most critical.

"The fourth floor of the ghost school principal and the girls 'dormitory are the two most dangerous taboos. You just came out of the girls' dormitory, would you like to take a break?"

"Binggui speed." Chen Ge and Xu Yin walked to the front, he approached the puppet on Xu Yin's shoulder, whispered: "It's time you prove yourself."

The red eyes of the puppet crimson bounced slightly. He instinctively wanted to stay away from Chen Ge. In fact, there was no way for Chen Ge to take him out of the girl ’s bedroom. In his view, as long as he successfully left the girl ’s bedroom, there was a chance to escape later.

"Don't you say that you are the first principal in the ghost school? Tell me where the principal's office is, I need something to prove your identity." If there is enough time, Chen Ge is going to go through all the taboos of the ghost school, and then Create 13 new taboos in your haunted house.

"Time has passed for a long time, a lot of things have happened in the middle, this school has also become different from before, you want to go to the principal's office, I'm afraid it's a little difficult." The cracks in the puppet's chest are blood-woven.

"Aren't you willing?" Chen Ge grabbed the other leg of the puppet: "Or do you mean that you are not the first principal of the ghost school, what you said before was lying to me?"

"I'll take you!" The puppet's eyes protruded: "There are two principals' offices, one is the principal's office of Xicheng Private College, on the top floor of the ghost school, but there is nothing there, just an empty shell. There is also a principal's office It ’s the room where the doormen live. He likes to hide there and watch the life of other ghosts and monsters behind the door. "

"The room where the doormen lived?"

"Yes, this room is hidden, few people know ..."

"Take me over." Chen Ge can't wait any longer.

Under his constant urging, the puppet took him to the ghost correction center.

"It's here." The puppet pointed at the front notice bar with the only moving finger: "There are many hidden rooms in the ghost school, and every room has a secret. If you can take me away, I can hide all The location of the room tells you all. "

Chen Ge stopped in front of the notice board. The wall was covered with various bulletins and reviews, and pictures of students were attached. This is not a wall of honor, but a wall of shame. All the ugliness in this school has been Posted on this wall.

"Tear off all reports and reviews to see that room."

"Okay." Chen Ge motioned the students behind to work together ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But no student dared to tear up the bulletin on the wall. He even saw a picture of a child posted in front of him. Looking at the pictures of yourself on the wall, I dare not do it: "What are you afraid of?"

"If you make a mistake, you will be punished. This is stipulated by the will of the school. We will tear off these notices ourselves, which is tantamount to violating the will of the school." Han Song whispered.

"No wonder no one has been able to find this room." Chen Ge glanced at the sky outside the window after listening to it. The blood-red eyeballs seemed to be pressed against the top of the head, which made people breathless, but the eyeball seemed to be suffering too. Under great pressure, the eyes were full of throbbing bloodshot eyes.

"Criticism is for warning, not for humiliation." Chen Ge raised his hand and tore off a notice: "Work together! Don't ink!"

Led by him and the haunted house staff, slowly, more students began to join.

For several years, this wall was covered with layers of bulletins, and it took a long time to tear the blood-red wall behind.

The walls below the bulletins and photos are like a scarred skin, with cracks everywhere, and blood still leaking out.

"The entrance is on the left. This wall was only more than one meter wide at first. Later, it seemed to have absorbed too much resentment and would grow up on its own."

Chen Ge constantly explored the walls, and finally found a door that almost merged with the walls.

"This is the room where the doormen live?"

Forcibly opened the door, Chen Ge looked inside, and the whole room was filled with various mirrors.

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