I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 905: Let ’s go home (4,600 words Happy New Year)

The blood rain in the sky has stopped, and in the world wrapped in black hair, that crystal clear teardrop looks very special.

Zhang Ya didn't say a word from beginning to end. Compared with communication, she likes to prove by action.

Mantian black hair began to shrink, the tears had nowhere to escape, and finally Zhang Ya caught him in the palm.

Wailing and screaming came out of the teardrop. In addition to the voice of the patient who served the patient, there were other people's voices. Those who seemed to be his family included a lot of things in this teardrop.

Listening to the voice in the teardrop, Zhang Ya's pale fingers slowly clenched, she seemed to want to crush the teardrop.

As she made this action, the crying in the Scarlet City became clearer, and something was approaching quickly.

"Don't kill him! He is the man's tears, the side of memory, part of human nature." Chang Wenyu made a sound from the mouth of the three-headed evil spirit, but Zhang Yasi didn't care, when the five fingers were loose When she opened it, the tears had disappeared, and there was a teardrop pattern on her black-red skirt.

The black hair kept gathering, and Zhang Ya stared at the door under her feet after she got rid of her sick suit.

She stretched her hand to the three evil spirits on the door. When she touched the other party, her pale arm seemed to be burned by fire, like a flower withering away quickly.

The feeling of pain Zhang Ya has long been accustomed to, she does not care about those at all, and her determination is frightening.

Soon the cracks on the door appeared on Zhang Ya's arm. All the ghosts in her black-red coat roared, and black and red bloodstains followed Zhang Ya's arm to climb to the gate of the psychic school.

The door seemed to know that Zhang Ya was helping her, cooperating fully, and there was only Chang Wenyu's unwilling roar in the ghost school.

"This door can move by itself, it has its own thinking, and can deceive the living people who have lost their way, has broken the boundaries! You help it, and you will be implicated!"

No matter what Chang Wenyu said, Zhang Ya was indifferent. After experiencing death, she no longer cared about what others said.

Under the joint force of Zhang Ya and the door, the three-headed evil spirit pattern gradually lost vitality, and the scarlet one-eyed eye was taken off by Zhang Ya!

The pattern has not disappeared, and Zhang Ya does not seem to have the ability to completely remove the evil ghost pattern, but just let him sleep temporarily.

The door of the psychic ghost school no longer splits, and he began to heal slowly. Zhang Ya accepted the one-eyed eye of normal temperature rain and stood in front of the door for a long time.

Her breath is strong and weak, and maintaining countless black hair is also quite difficult for her. The sea of ​​black hair around the ghost school is shrinking little by little, and slowly only protecting the area near the teaching building.

The black hair isolates the psychic ghost school from the Scarlet City. The students in the ghost school can only hear the cry of the wicked from outside, but they can't see what is outside.

After the disaster, the door was finally honest, and it stopped in front of Zhang Ya, as if waiting for Zhang Ya to push it away.

It can be heard from the artist's previous words that Zhang Ya was forcibly awakened this time. She was injured and was in a very special state.

Has the strength above the red clothing, but can not completely control.

If she can open the door of the psychic ghost school and become the new doorman of the psychic ghost school, with the help of the will of the ghost school, she can not only stabilize her state, but even go further.

Know that the door pusher can play multiple strengths in the scene behind the door he opened.

Stared at the cracked door, Zhang Ya's hand pressed against the door, but she didn't continue to use force.

'S eyes moved from the door, Zhang Yawang looked inside the ghost school, as if looking for a certain figure.

Becoming a pusher can certainly get the help of the ghost school's will and possess strong strength, but also lose some things.

The scene where the doorman cannot leave his door for a long time, he needs to bear the sin behind the door.

The pale and slender fingers slowly retracted, and the crying outside the ghost school was approaching. Bright red blood oozed out of the gap of the black hair covering the ghost school. Zhang Ya finally did not open the door of the ghost school, but used the black hair to move this The door was wrapped and went outside the ghost school.

"Zhang Ya!"

Chen Ge on the playground put away his black phone. Before he could read the information above, he found that Zhang Ya was walking outside the ghost school.

The black hair spread out, revealing Zhang Ya's increasingly beautiful face. She looked at Chen Ge, with a light smile on her face, and then walked through the ghost school wrapped in black hair to the blood-red city.

"She wants to face the monster running out of the Scarlet City alone?"

Across the sky of dark hair, Chen Ge does not know what happened outside the ghost school. Although Zhang Ya is the red dress that has followed him for the longest time, the longer he gets along, the more secrets he finds in the other party.

Put Chang Wenyu's school uniform in place, Chen Ge did not choose to follow other students back to the teaching building, but stood on the playground and waited.

There are no outsiders around, Chen Ge slides the screen of the black phone. After Zhang Ya picked away Chang Wenyu's one-eye, the black phone vibrated again, prompting him to receive new information.

Click on the latest piece of information, and what appears appears to surprise Chen Ge.

"Lucky Ghost Watcher! Congratulations on unlocking the new employee-only page!"

Unlock the new employee-only page again?

Chen Ge has some doubts. Of all the employees he currently owns, only Zhang Ya has a dedicated page: "Have Xu Yin and the headless female ghost broke a certain limit?"

Turned the phone, and when Chen Ge saw the new dedicated page, he was very surprised.

Zhang Ya's exclusive page is blood red, and the background of this newly appeared exclusive page is gray, and it is covered with countless dark black hair.

In the middle of her hair, there is a girl who is arrogant and arrogant. She ignores all the rules and is covered with wounds. There is a desire to be close to pathology in her one eye.

"One-eyed? Chang Wenyu? Why would she have her own page on a black phone? Or is it gray?"

Touching Chang Wenyu's exclusive page, only a line of words—Remnant Soul is displayed on the phone, which still exists.

"Is it because Chang Wenyu personally touched the black phone? This is the revenge of the black phone? All the ghosts who have touched the black phone, or they will become their own people, or let their souls fly away?" Other information on the black phone.

After he entered the psychic ghost school, the four-star trial mission psychic ghost school on the black mobile phone was triggered.

Compared with the timeline, every time he encountered a danger, there was actually a reminder on the black phone, but unfortunately the phone was dropped by Chang Wen, he did not see those.

Has been turning down all the time, Chen Ge still hasn't found the reminder of the task completion, he is a little irritable, and he looks out of the ghost school from time to time.

In just a few minutes, the dark hair wrapped in the ghost school slowly disappeared like a low tide.

Disappeared with the black hair, and the miserable cry outside the ghost school.

Blood mist floated into the psychic ghost school again, and a woman could be seen faintly in the fog.

The black and red skirt was dragged on the ground, and the evil spirits were wrapped around her, and she was surrounded by howling and screaming.

"Zhang Ya!"

Chen Ge's irritability disappeared instantly. He ran towards the woman in the fog, but at a distance of a few meters, a strand of black hair stopped him.

It seems that for some reason, Zhang Ya did not let Chen Ge approach.

"Are you all right? Let's go home now."

Hearing Chen Ge's voice, Zhang Ya's lips moved slightly, as if he wanted to say something to Chen Ge, but he didn't say it after all.

Her breath has weakened a lot, and the dark hair behind her slowly spread out, revealing the hidden door.

Zhang Ya looked at Xu Yin, as if he wanted Xu Yin to open the door, but Xu Yin shook his head.

No one knows what happened to the door of Zhang Ya and the psychic ghost school just now. Chen Ge only knows that Zhang Ya and that door are very weak now.

In addition to Xu Yin, Zhang Ya was not at ease with anyone in the ghost school.

She released the door, and the door was about to break. When Zhang Ya let it go, she disappeared.

At the same time, a sound came from a compartment in the toilet on the top floor of the teaching building, and everyone looked towards it.

The light red bloodshots began to spread towards the whole teaching building centering on the last compartment of the toilet on the top floor of the teaching building.

The ghosts and ghosts and the countless half-dead monsters slowly disappeared, and those bloodshot roots took root in their bodies, and they used them as raw materials to start repairing ghost schools.

"This door still doesn't have a door pusher, but now it's the best result." Chen Ge withdrew his eyes and turned to look at Zhang Ya. Suddenly, Zhang Ya was found in front of her. At that moment, she faded red. Clothing, like a very ordinary girl.

Eyes meet, Zhang Ya passes through Chen Ge's body and disappears into his shadow.

"Just now ... is it an illusion."

When Zhang Ya walked through, he felt a lot of coldness in his body. It seemed that all kinds of discomfort had been taken away by Zhang Ya.

Stared at his shadow, Chen Ge slowly squatted down, he reached out and touched his shadow's face, like a lunatic.

No one bothered Chen Ge, and after a long time he stood up.

"Let's go, we have been here too long, it's time to go home."

Leading all the staff back to the teaching building together, Chen Ge let the old principal stay according to the previous plan.

Gui school students do not know the specific situation of Zhang Yahemen, they now think that Zhang Ya is the master of the psychic ghost school, and the old principal is the manager selected by Zhang Ya.

"In the future, you will respect this new principal from the heart." Chen Ge is confident of the old principal. After identifying the new manager, he starts counting ghost school students.

The loss of the will of the ghost school is not serious, the main reason is that the painter alone suffered most of the attacks.

"All the obsessions that are willing to leave the ghost school can go with me. Those who are not willing to leave will continue to live here, and here will be your home in the future."

Chose to follow Chen Ge to leave the stench, Zhu Long, Zhang Ju, Ying Hong and Han Song all chose to stay. For them, the world behind them is where they should stay.

With the help of these red clothes, the work of the old principal can be carried out more smoothly.

Most senior students have not left, they are used to ghost school.

Chose to leave were all obsessions and residual souls. Some of their bodies were still lying in the hospital and fell into a permanent coma.

After these various obsessions in the ghost school, they opened the knot in their hearts instead of despair, and wanted to face the reality that is terrible, terrible, and inescapable, but hiding light.

There are many obsessed students leaving, and the gate of the psychic ghost school can move freely. The range of obsessions it induces is very wide, far more than a city in Hanjiang.

"After everyone leaves, if you still can't adapt, or you have nowhere to go, you can go to Hanjiangxi Suburb New Century Paradise to find me, my haunted house is your other home."

The words of New Century Paradise in the suburbs of Jiangxi are deeply imprinted in the mind of all obsessions. Chen Ge does not want a free helper. He is indeed thinking about those children.

It takes a long time for the psychic ghost school to recover. Chen Ge cannot stay here all the time. He holds the gift box taken from Zhang Ya ’s dormitory and drags the unconscious wandering lonely. There are mirrors that don't laugh and puppets that the former principal becomes.

Not laughing is related to the cursed hospital. Chen Ge needs to take away the hospital ’s information; the principal of the psychic school is because he knows too many secrets about Zhang Ya. Chen Ge is going to find a Chance to return it to Zhang Ya.

After finishing everything, he called back all the haunted house employees and came to the top floor of the teaching building with the obsession of leaving.

No matter how desperate they were, these children chose to leave, and Chen Ge respected their choices.

"Long staying behind the door will be assimilated by this blood-red world. It will lead people into the darker abyss. You are lucky to meet me, and now the nightmare is over." Chen Ge walked into the top floor of the teaching building The bathroom, here is the source of bloodshot, he stopped in front of the last compartment.

The door of the cubicle was covered with cracks and creeping blood, looking scary.

"You are the most special door I have ever seen. Since Zhang Ya let you go, it means that she has her own ideas. I will not intervene. I hope you can do it for yourself." Chen Ge did not get a response from the door. He raised his arm and held it. The door handle was held, and when he pushed the door hard, there was a subtle connection with the door in his heart.

In a trance, Chen Ge seemed to see three doors standing in his mind.

Blinked, everything returned to normal, Chen Ge didn't feel any discomfort, he continued to work hard.

The bloodshot slides to both sides, and the door of psychic ghost school slowly opens.

Countless voices sounded behind Chen Ge, and the obsession was turned into a wind, which came out turbulently.

Standing quietly at the door and making sure that nothing was missing, Chen Ge grabbed the old principal's arm: "Principal, after I leave, the psychic ghost school will be handed over to you. The ghost school will be decided by every student here. The will is composed, and when you get the approval of all of them, it will naturally become a real pusher. In some ways, this door is very fair. "

"I dare not promise you anything, I can only do my best."

"That's enough." Chen Ge looked at Xu Yin, and the other party understood, leaving the old principal a drop of blood: "If you want to contact me and swallow this drop of blood, I will know. In addition, the principal, I still One thing wants to ask you for help. "

"what's up?"

"If you have any information about my parents, you must tell me." Chen Ge looked at the blood-red city outside the window: "I have a hunch that I am very close to them."

After explaining everything, Chen Ge held the gift box, carrying his backpack, and dragging Chang Gu out of the bleeding door with the other hand.



Came a crisp sound in his ear, Chen Ge slowly opened his eyes.

The ground was covered with fragments of mirrors, and in front of them were hospital white sheets.

He sat up slowly, and found that Chang Gu was lying on the ground, Qiqiao bleeding, unknown life and death.

Not far from the bed ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Chang Wenyu lying quietly on the white bed, motionless, like a dead body that had already lost its vitality.

This is Chang Wenyu's ward. After a long night, Chen Ge finally returned.

The black phone in his pocket kept shaking, and Chen Ge took it out subconsciously.

Swipe the screen, and a piece of information came into his eyes.

"Lucky ghost ghost caregiver! Congratulations on completing the four-star trial mission-psychic ghost school!"

"90% completion of the task!"

"The most difficult optional task-the painter's paradise has been completed! Unlock the special building-Red Studio (upside down world)!"

"Red Clothes Studio (Special Building): Thirteen red clothes left 13 hells."

"Optional mission-the left eye is completed! Unlock Chang Wenyu's exclusive page!"

"Chang Wenyu (Top Red): She is not completely dead! You must keep your secret!"

"Optional task-this school called Muyang has been completed! Obtained the approval of all students of Muyang Middle School, you are their most respected person."

"Optional task-completed between red and white! Unlock the cherry red and cherry white staff bar."

"Sakura Red (red dress): I am the most vicious flower in the world. I like red, and I will bear all the pain for you."

"Sakura White (Remnant): Life is tightly attached to death, and no one can separate us."

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