I Have An Impenetrable Fortress

Four hundred fifty-nine. Dragon Demon Emperor

Yu Tianquan's tone remained calm, but the smile on his face no longer showed a solemn look.

Lei Han said indifferently: "I won't say it twice."

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Yu Tianquan. I was a brother and sister with Chu Yaoguang in the past, but we have not only parted ways, but now we are even more sworn enemies."

Yu Tianquan said seriously: "If you are no longer fellow travelers, we do have a common enemy, and I have clues to find her."

Gui Nanshan listened on the sidelines, and couldn't help but secretly spit in his heart: Are you the one who came to join us? If you don't even agree with each other, you can do it directly. If you are not an enemy, you will become an enemy!

Yu Tianquan didn't seem to think there was anything wrong with his actions.

Only those who have been weighed and qualified are necessary to join forces.

As for the other party, if there is hatred because of this, then each will do his own thing, and he is not afraid of revenge.

But to be honest, Lei Han's strength exceeded his previous estimate.

This is a solid collaborator.

It was previously rumored that Zhongbeiju Luzhou and Dongshengshenzhou Chang'an City did not seem to have any intention of joining forces.

The Twelve Yamas back then may have fallen out now.

"I heard that Chu Yaoguang once appeared in Chang'an City of Dongsheng Shenzhou. If you, Chu Yaoguang and Chang'an City are not from the same place, then I think we can talk."

Yu Tianquan is different from his sixth junior brother Xian Kaiyang, he doesn't mind trying to contact as many allies as possible.

However, Xian Kaiyang's identity is kept secret, and his pseudonym is Gao Shihui. There are few news about him. Yu Tianquan also lacks extensive information at present, but he doesn't know that Xian Kaiyang has also come here, and he has been planted in Dongsheng Shenzhou earlier.

But he was sure that Chu Yaoguang was still here.

Regarding Yu Tianquan's proposal, Lei Han remained expressionless and did not answer.

Yu Tianquan stared at him for a while, then sighed: "I don't understand you... Well, the last question, have you ever met someone related to this sword? Her name is Zong Tianxuan, the second senior sister of Chu Yaoguang and I .”

He was grabbed by Lei Han with one hand, and he took out a long sword with the other.

It was the sword that nailed him to the bottom of the sea and sealed it.

Shrouded in black mist, the pupils of some eyes suddenly brightened.

On Lei Han's face, he rarely showed surprise.

Yu Tianquan shook his head: "It seems that I haven't seen it before..."

After all, the fist held by Yu Tianquan suddenly shook in the air!

If it was the linear impact force of the star hitting the ground before, then at this moment, it seems that the star suddenly exploded and annihilated.

An explosive force was born from it, causing Yu Tianquan's fist to break free from Lei Han's palm and forcefully pulled it out.

However, the strength of Lei Han's five fingers remained undiminished, like an iron hook, drawing five bloodstains on Yu Tianquan's palm.

Yu Tianquan acted as if nothing had happened, and nodded to Lei Han: "After Chu Yaoguang has related matters, I will discuss with you when I have time."

He flew backwards and left the land of Beiju Luzhou.

Lei Han stood where he was, staring at the long sword in Yu Tianquan's hand, meditating slightly, and did not pursue.

Gui Nanshan and Long Chuan stood quietly by the side without making a sound.

After a long time, Lei Han shook his head, turned to look at Long Chuan: "I wronged you today, and I will take someone else's head for you in the future."

Long Chuan knelt down on one knee, and said in a deep voice: "It's because I'm not good at learning that I alarmed Your Majesty. In the future, if I succeed in my studies, I will personally repay today's humiliation to this beast. How dare His Majesty worry about it?"

Lei Han said: "It's a good thing for you to work hard to strengthen yourself, and I will do what I promised you."

Gui Nanshan said softly at the side: "Your Majesty let go of this horse today, I think there are other arrangements."

"After seeing that sword, I do have some ideas." Lei Han said lightly.

He stood with his hands behind his back and looked towards the southeast.

In the direction of Ju Luzhou in the north, that direction is where Dongsheng Shenzhou is located.

"Go down and deal with the matter at hand, I will retreat for a period of time." Lei Han ordered.

After Gui Nanshan and Longchuan both agreed, Gui Nanshan asked, "Your Majesty, what if that fellow came again?"

Lei Han said: "In a short time, he won't come again."

Gui Nanshan and Long Chuan looked at each other and nodded slightly.

After Yu Tianquan confirmed that Lei Han and Chu Yaoguang were not on the same side, and after confirming Lei Han's strength, and before Chu Yaoguang was resolved, he would definitely not come to Beiju Luzhou to cause more trouble.

As for why His Majesty let the other party go, they couldn't figure it out immediately.

"But you have to keep an eye on him." Lei Han ordered again: "Leave it to Qingchuan."

Gui Nanshan nodded hurriedly: "This old man will notify the Black Emperor immediately, please rest assured, Your Majesty."

"Your Majesty, the Dongsheng Shenzhou..." Long Chuan said.

Lei Han turned around and walked away, his figure had already disappeared into the black mist: "Don't worry about it, I will know after I leave the customs."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Gui Nanshan and Longchuan said in unison.

The black mist fell into a lake next to the current core city of Beiju Luzhou.

In the lake, Lei Han stood quietly, surrounded by black air, like black dragons.

In front of him, there were two orbs, one was pitch black and the other was shining brightly.

Lei Han quietly looked at the shining orb.

His face was reflected in the light and shadow, as if going all the way back to that night in the fairyland more than 30 years ago.

Although he got this piece of fairy trace, he himself was seriously injured.

While recuperating from his wounds, he met the eighth sister Chu Yaoguang by chance.

It was supposed to be a pleasant reunion, but the other party ran away when they met him.

Unprepared, Lei Han couldn't catch up and lost his opponent's whereabouts.

Surprised and stunned, a terrible thought suddenly appeared in his mind:

Chu Yaoguang, why are you avoiding him?

With a guilty look in her heart, could it be that she was also a part of Xianjili's betrayal of them all?

The doubts have never been resolved until today, but they have become deeper and deeper.

After meeting Yu Tianquan, there seemed to be more mysteries.

The sudden appearance of this person who was completely unexpected to him made him think a little more.

Let's see if this Yu Tianquan can give him some surprises.

Lei Han withdrew his gaze, and his eyes fell on the dark and dull orb.

He stretched out his finger and tapped the pitch-black orb.

The orb instantly shattered and turned into a black smoke.

The black smoke circled around the flickering fairy fragments for a few times.

After a long time, the black smoke broke away from the fragments and flew towards Lei Han.

The black mist around Lei Han's body, like a black dragon, greeted him one after another, intertwined with the black smoke transformed from the pitch-black orb, and soon became indistinguishable from each other.

Then, all the black smoke flew backwards towards Lei Han.

Lei Han stood still, enveloped in black smoke.

The upper and lower pores of his whole body opened and closed, slowly absorbing all the black smoke into his body.


Yu Tianquan left Beiju Luzhou, and his figure was flying in the vast sea.

After pondering for a while, he looked down at the five bloodstains on his hands.

For a martial arts master with his cultivation level, his physical body is full of energy and blood, and even minor injuries heal instantly.

But at this moment, the five bloodstains on his hand kept twisting, as if there were two forces fighting against each other.

However, Yu Tianquan quickly took control of the situation and the injury gradually healed.

He smiled and said nothing, now is not the time to fight Lei Han again.

If the other party doesn't chase him out, it means that he and Chu Yaoguang are not on the same side.

Lei Han might send someone to watch him, but as long as Lei Han didn't come over himself, Yu Tianquan didn't care much.

As for the future of Beiju Luzhou, let's wait until he solves Chu Yaoguang's side.

Yu Tianquan raised his other hand, the back of the hand gradually glowed, and a talisman appeared.

The sigil is as red as blood, and its shape looks like a compass.

The bloody light acting as a pointer kept shaking and shaking, but after a long time, it gradually stabilized.

Although the pointer is still shaking, it has pointed out a general direction for Yu Tianquan.

He set off immediately.

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