I Have Awesome Luck

Chapter 866: Charity is suspected

"It's really careless. However, these people are really lucky. If you drop something, you can let Sister Yaoyao pick it up, indicating that these people's things should not be lost today.

Sister Yaoyao, I think when we go out and the parade performance ends, you might be able to pick up a few more wallets. You see, this crowd is really crowded. "Xiao Cang Shu looked at the slowly moving crowd in front of him and couldn't help but sigh. He is such a small person, if it weren't for the big brothers of Sister Yaoyao's company to hold him and carry him in turn.

Freelancer must have been squashed long ago... After all, Sister Yaoyao is a girl, and it is really difficult to take him as a child in such a flow of people.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sky above the crowd is exactly how countless dazzling fireworks exploded over the castle in front of the Disney Amusement Park entrance... clusters after clusters of beautiful colorful fireworks blooming in the night sky are particularly beautiful; it is also so beautiful. The bright fireworks stopped the moving crowd until the end of the fireworks.

The crowd began to move beyond the gate, and when Li Muyao and all of them walked to the meeting point at the exit, Li Muyao’s bag was really full, the mobile phone and wallet she picked up, and a few separate pieces. Pass for Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.

"Hahaha... Xiaocangshu is really a golden mouth. It is said that you can pick up a lot of Mu Yao, but the result is really like this. I don't know if our eyesight is not good or something, so I just let you pick up the truth alone. It’s awesome. Let’s go, I’ll accompany you to hand these things to the service desk. Those who have lost things should be anxious.”

Huang Yuying also had to admire Li Muyao's luck again. Today, she not only took everyone to have a good time, but also let everyone witness Li Muyao's good luck again and again.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would definitely suspect that Li Muyao was not a lucky person but a special group of professionals who would stretch out three hands.

"Hey, Sister Yaoyao, let's go with Aunt Ying. We are all here waiting for you. By the way, wait for Brother Xiaoyu and Brother Yangyang to come over. You can take your time if you don't have time."

Xiaocangshu also admires Sister Yaoyao's magical koi luck anytime, anywhere, one by one, one by one, one step on the foot can pick up things. At the same time, she feels that Sister Yaoyao is really kind and cute. This is interesting.

Li Muyao and Huang Yuying went to the service desk of the amusement park with their bags, but when the on-site staff heard Huang Yuying say that the eight wallets and six mobile phones on the counter were all picked up by this beautiful girl. Everyone was so shocked that they couldn't speak, and even a few had obvious doubts on their faces.

The look in the eyes of some staff who originally admired the beauty of the beautiful woman became unfriendly.

One of the staff members repeatedly looked at Li Muyao and Huang Yuying to confirm: "Ma'am, really this pretty girl picked it up? We don't mean to doubt anything, just ask and confirm according to the custom, please don't think too much.

After all, there are a lot of customers who lose things in our amusement park every day, but there are still a few cases where the owner can really find things back. Not to mention such a big deal like this pretty girl, picking up so many wallets and mobile phones.

Er Xiao wait a moment, we have already called the manager to come over. This is really the first time we have encountered such a thing. Would you please sit down and wait for a while? Moreover, we will broadcast the radio now and let those owners come to the service desk to pick up things. "

The staff's attitude was pretty good. He even brought chairs to Li Muyao and Huang Yuying, poured tea and, um, some snacks.

Li Muyao and Huang Yuying didn't wait long, but a woman in her forties in professional attire came over and introduced herself to them: "Hello, I am the manager of the service department and my surname is Wang.

I have heard about the two of you. On behalf of our amusement park, I am very grateful to both of you for your kind deeds. thank you all! "

Manager Wang directly bowed to Li Muyao and Huang Yuying with a ninety-degree gratitude, shocked that Li Muyao and Huang Yuying avoided her actions, but Huang Yuying felt that Li Muyao could fully bear the thanks.

"No thanks, mainly because our boss is lucky, she often encounters such things when going out to play. Picking up things is a normal thing for her.

She handed these to your service desk just to let these lost items return to the owner's side as soon as possible. ,

After all, these wallets seem to bring important documents such as ID cards, as well as mobile phones... After all, many of the visitors here are tourists from other places who come to Hong Kong. If the mobile phone is lost, look for your own companion in this big park. It is not an easy task. Our boss is nothing more than a hand. Now that you are here, Manager Wang, leave these to your professional people, and we have to go back. "

Although Huang Yuying communicated with these people in Cantonese throughout the whole process, when Li Muyao spoke Mandarin at the beginning, everyone could tell that she was from the mainland.

It's not that Huang Yuying must show off Li Muyao's luck in front of outsiders, but that the eyes of those people just now really misunderstood Li Muyao's meaning.

In addition, when Huang Yuying directly referred to Li Muyao as the boss, she even glanced at Li Muyao's clothing, which led those people to look at Li Muyao's clothing and clothing, and observed that none of the jewelry worn by Li Muyao was ordinary.

In particular, a Bulgari antique diamond watch worn by Li Muyao can be seen by anyone with a strong eye. The value of this watch is no less than a suite of ordinary people in Hong Kong.

After all, these people have been living in a prosperous international city like Hong Kong since they were young, and they definitely have a certain foundation of vision and energy.

Manager Wang is even more so.

"It is indeed a simple task for this beautiful girl, but for our amusement park, it is a great thing. Thank you, by the way, please leave a contact information for both of you?

I was thinking that when the company wants to thank you, I contacted them. I know that the two people's simple acts of kindness don't care about rewards or rewards, but our company must express our sincerity of thanks..."

Manager Wang got Huang Yuying's contact information, and gave Li Muyao a compliment to the rainbow fart.

Then Li Muyao and Huang Yuying were sent out enthusiastically.

"Manager Wang, do you really believe that the little pretty girl really picked up these things instead of stealing them?" When Li Muyao and the others left, some people couldn't help but raise the doubts in many people's hearts to Manager Wang.

"Any piece of jewelry that this beautiful girl wears up and down can be worth your one year's salary. Do you think such a girl will come to our amusement park to steal something? Not everyone will make it for excitement. Something is wrong with the three views. Besides, you don’t know that there are some people who are very lucky." After rebirth, I have the latest chapter address of Koi Luck: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/119751.htmlAfter rebirth, I have the full text of Koi Luck to read the address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/119751/After rebirth, I have the Koi Yun txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/119751.htmlAfter rebirth, I have a Koi Yun mobile phone to read: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/119751/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record this (Chapter 866 Charity Suspected) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I Have Koi Luck After Rebirth", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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