I Have Awesome Luck

Chapter 869: Thrills

Li Muyu looked at Yang Yang and replied: "We have eaten a lot of things, and don't want to eat rice at night. Mooncakes, just eat your own mooncakes."

"Yeah, I see. Xiaoyu and Yangyang have you all played with the human pirate ship, the pendulum, and the jumping machine? Are you afraid?" Li Muyao, the second generation of jumping machine, didn't dare to play, she was really scared.

Li Muyao's heart would speed up when he looked up at others playing or heard the sharp screams of others.

"Don't be afraid, it's super fun. Especially the jumping machine. Sister Yuanyuan took me and Yangyang to play three times."

Li Muyu's eyes were sparkling when he mentioned the thrilling jumping off the building. When answering his sister's question, he looked excited and happy, like a kitten seeing his favorite dried fish.

When describing it, he stretched out three fingers directly at Li Muyao.

Yes, because Li Muyu and Li Muyang like this jumping machine, Wu Yuanyuan took their brothers to play three times, each time they bought the VIP card, and they didn't need to queue for too long to play.

Li Muyu’s happiness can’t be concealed in the words: “It’s very fun, it’s really thrilling and exciting. I heard from Sister Yuan Yuan, there are paragliders on the seashore of Hong Kong City, which is also very interesting. It belongs to flying directly over the sea. Kind of.

Mooncakes, why don't we go to the beach to have fun while we are in Hong Kong City? "In the last sentence, Li Muyu's question also contained some expectations.

"Brother Xiaoyu, Sister Yaoyao can't play such exciting rides, even if Sister Yaoyao goes, she can't do it! Why not let Sister Yuanyuan continue to play with you and Brother Yangyang.

At that time, I will follow Sister Yaoyao to inspect the market in Hong Kong City, and go shopping to help my grandparents and parents buy things, how about? "Today Li Muyao stayed with her for a whole day. Even if he was only a few years old, he knew that Li Muyao had some fear of heights.

Li Muyao didn't play a thrilling ride.

Even if Li Muyao went to line up, she didn't play.

When Li Muyao learned that the employees in her company were playing with her, his main purpose was to relieve the trouble of long queues. Therefore, as long as the employees want to play Freetract, and she doesn't like it, Li Muyao will help to line up and let everyone play smoothly.

Of course, regardless of how many times Li Muyao can play in his previous life, Li Muyao played it again today.

Li Muyao also felt the happiness and joy of playing without having to queue for an hour or two.

"Yes, brother, let's ask Sister Yuanyuan if she is not free, so take us when she is free. Just let Mooncake and Sister Yuying go to work. It's just right for Xiaocangshu to follow the mooncake, otherwise Xiaocangshu won't be able to play it. The amusement we like to play."

Li Muyang nodded in response to Xiaocangshu's words, because he knew his sister really didn't like to play Taida's thrilling events. This is also very good, don't worry about my sister will be scared by all kinds of thrilling games.

If you don’t like to play, there is no need to waste time with them to play with them.

Instead, let my sister do what she likes to do.

"Okay! Sister Yuanyuan, do you have any plans for tomorrow? Yang Yang and I would like to invite you to take us to paragliding." Li Muyu saw Wu Yuanyuan walking towards the kitchen of the tea restaurant and immediately waved at her. As soon as Wu Yuanyuan approached, she immediately brought out her thoughts.

A large group of them came to the tea restaurant opened by Wu Yuanyuan's brother, but Wu Yuanyuan's brother himself did not come by the time agreed with Wu Yuanyuan.

Wu Yuanyuan first apologized to Li Muyao and the others, and then took everyone's ordered menu and sent it to the back of the kitchen in person.

When I came out, Li Muyu asked if he had time.

When Wu Yuanyuan just went in, he called her brother's phone. It would naturally be uncomfortable to be let off by her brother. Moreover, recently, Wu Yuanyuan's brother asked Wu Yuanyuan to talk about it.

The result... Wu Yuanyuan was very embarrassed.

Thinking about the day after tomorrow, Huang Yuying did not arrange for Wu Yuanyuan to let her, like other colleagues, move freely in Hong Kong City.

Follow Li Muyao to continue to work in Hong Kong City to do some investigations. With Huang Yuying personally taking over, naturally there is no such thing as Wu Yuanyuan and the dozen or so employees, and personal time is free.

"No arrangement, I can play with you. Boss is embarrassed... However, my brother has already sent the information to my mailbox. As soon as I get back to the hotel, I will upload the information to the company's shared space for real estate investment Colleagues from the Ministry watched together."

Wu Yuanyuan felt embarrassed, but at least her brother was not too much. Before Li Muyao followed Wu Yuanyuan to the tea restaurant, he had already sent all kinds of information about the real estate in Gangcheng and various aspects to Wu Yuanyuan’s mailbox. .

Those materials are also carefully sorted out by professionals after some time, and the value is really not low.

"Okay, Yuanyuan has worked hard for you. Tomorrow you don't just go to play with three, and then ask everyone if you want to go together? If you are willing to go, there will still be reimbursement from the company here, so that everyone can play with confidence and have fun. "

Li Muyao knew why her brother wanted Wu Yuanyuan to accompany him. She wanted to talk about her brother, but she also knew that Wu Yuanyuan's emotions and attitudes were a little abnormal when she treated her family.

If Li Muyao directly told Wu Yuanyuan to ask her not to accommodate Li Muyu and Li Muyang so much, Wu Yuanyuan might feel uncomfortable or even angry.

Li Muyao hadn't noticed Wu Yuanyuan's problem before.

It was Li Muyu and Li Muyang who told Li Muyao after he went to Jincheng to repeat his studies.

Because when Li Muyu and Li Muyang were in a closed school, they often received some small things that Wu Yuanyuan collected from all over the place that boys at their age liked. For example, the figures in the most popular juvenile games nowadays, Wu Yuanyuan I have sent a lot, and there are some boys' favorite snacks, shoes and the like.

Li Muyao specifically called to thank Wu Yuanyuan and was willing to give money. Wu Yuanyuan did not collect the money. Li Muyao could only give her some gifts of equal price to Wu Yuanyuan. Later, after Li Muyao discussed with Huo Jiling, Huo Jiling didn’t know what to say to Huang Yuying, so Huang Yuying came forward and gave her Wu Yuanyuan's habit of this kind was corrected.

But up to now, Wu Yuanyuan still seems to have said to Li Muyao, and has done everything he has ordered. It was what Li Muyao's two younger brothers liked, and Wu Yuanyuan treated it the same way.

Well, in Wu Yuanyuan's own words, it is: ‘My savior’s younger brother, that is, my own younger brother.’ Therefore, she is willing to spoil their brothers unconditionally, but just to accompany them for fun, Wu Yuanyuan herself is also happy. After rebirth, I have the latest chapter address of Koi Luck: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/119751 .htmlAfter rebirth, I have the full text of koi luck. Reading address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read /119751/After rebirth, I have koi luck txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/ down/119751.htmlAfter rebirth, I have a koi lucky mobile phone. Read: https://m.wuxiaspot.com /read/119751/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time ( Chapter 869 Thrilling) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I Have Koi Fortune After Rebirth", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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