I Have Awesome Luck

Chapter 880: a legendary person

Seeing that the long line of humanoids disappeared quickly, and the two younger brothers were no longer visible, Li Muyao only left the train station.

As soon as I left the train station, I heard someone shouting to catch a thief. Li Muyao followed the sound source and saw an aunt chasing behind, a tall and thin man running in front, and a short distance in front of the man stopped. A motorcycle.

Indeed, at several train stations in Yangcheng at this time, there are often all kinds of things stolen by thieves, or some important things such as bags and mobile phones are robbed by some speed thieves on the roadside.

Li Muyao first calculated the distance and time he ran to the motorcycle, as well as the time and distance of the policemen who had been running to the person in the distance, and decisively rushed to the motorcycle parked on the edge of the square.

Li Muyao didn't move there, but waited for the person who stole someone else's wallet to hit him. Li Muyao raised his leg and hit the thief's abdomen with a fierce kick.

I don't know if it was Li Muyao's illusion. After she kicked that **** named Hong Shijun to death in Hong Kong City, Li Muyao's feet became much stronger.


It is no exaggeration that Li Muyao kicked the thief directly.

The thief flew out half a meter away, and couldn't get up for a long time. At this time, the police had already chased him. Li Muyao himself didn't stop, walked directly to the parking lot and got in his car, and drove away from the scene.

Li Muyao counted the time and distance. Of course, Li Muyao had enough confidence to ensure his safety before he stepped forward to help; because of the kick of Li Muyao from Hong Kong City, Huo Jiling was very angry when Li Muyao reported to Huo Jiling. .

What if Huo Jiling is worried that the other party is not holding a knife but Mucang?

Of course, as for Li Muyao who is willing to pay the other expensive things like money, mobile phones and jewelry directly, it is the correct way, but at the back... Well, Huo Jiling knows the true ability of his future daughter-in-law, still can't help worrying. Just for this matter, Huo Jiling is such a handsome, smart guy with few words.

He almost forced himself into an old lady who loves to talk.

After finishing the phone call with Li Muyao every night, Huo Jiling would urge Li Muyao to pay attention to safety and also mention the bodyguard.

Of course Li Muyao refused, how old is she? Why do you need a bodyguard?

No need!

Moreover, Li Muyao now also knows that the koi luck brought by her rebirth is basically that every time an accident occurs, she will not really be injured, but those who do evil, none of them escaped and did not end well. .

Just like the **** of Hong Shijun, Li Muyao kicked an egg.

Just like those gangsters who came with Hong Shijun but fled behind, all car accidents happened either with missing arms or broken legs.

Even because of this country, Li Muyao learned that Lin Qin and Li Mufeng had also been involved in car accidents, and so happened to have broken legs and arms like those gangsters. Li Muyao would suspect that she was targeted by Hong Shijun and was probably planned by Li Mufeng.

However, based on Li Muyao II’s understanding of Li Mufeng, he should not have the ability to hire a man like Hong Shijun. The main reason is that even the police in Hong Kong City did not find out who hired Hong Shijun. Li Mufeng was not that big in Hong Kong. Even if he has money, he can’t do that one step. He can hire people to bully Li Muyao in all three shopping malls at the same time.

Li Muyao drove to the company Huang Yuying smiled and knocked on her office door: "Muyao, good news. The old hand perfumer who you asked Yang Xin to help us with before is willing to accept our investment.

And I made an appointment for afternoon tea. Do you want to go together? It just so happened that I took Yuanyuan with me, and Yang Xin would also be there. "

Huang Yuying said that the perfumer Huo Jiling wanted to listen to He Xiangxiang first and help Li Muyao find a master perfumer abroad to make a jasmine perfume belonging to Li Muyao.

Later, I really found it, but this perfume has been to no avail.

Li Muyao also listened to Huo Jiling's words and accidentally said it when chatting with Huang Yuying. Because Huang Yuying is the manager of the company, she has contact with every project and company contact that Li Muyao has invested in.

Huang Yuying also talked about this topic with Yang Xin when she finished the reconciliation. Yang Xin told about an old perfumer she knew. It happened that the old perfumer took two apprentices and guarded them. A century-old shop handed down from our ancestors.

It is said that the old store is indeed a Yangcheng old brand store with more than a hundred years, but it used to be really prosperous in Yangcheng. With the change of time, the century-old store has become a century-old store, a very small store. It's as small as the kind of shop where two people can't get around.

The perfumes of this century-old shop in Yangcheng are particularly famous, but they are gradually declining.

After Li Muyao learned this information, she asked Huang Yuying to send someone to investigate, and even She Tianqi also replied, this is true, and the perfume in the store is very good.

Li Muyao has the idea to invest and grow bigger. After all, a century-old shop like this really needs reform and innovation, but the traditional craftsmanship really cannot be lost, but with the ability and assets of this old perfumer, he can’t get it at all. Accept it Outside investment is the best way to continue the centenary fragrance brand.

Moreover, the two apprentices who followed the old perfumer were not the relatives of the old perfumer, but she was adopted from the orphanage, and she was not very old, only seventeen or eighteen years old. While going to school, she helped the old perfumer see the store. And learn to perfume.

The two orphans will take the college entrance examination in one or two years. The old perfumer nodded with Huang Yuying because he didn't want the two children to drop out of school.

After listening to Huang Yuying's words, Li Muyao glanced at the itinerary on the phone, she was indeed fine in the afternoon.

"Okay, then I'll go with you. Just this time I met the master, and you always said that each other has a weird temper. I have to take a good look and see if there is something like what you said."

Li Muyao rarely hears from Huang Yuying's co-sponsor customers who are difficult to win from the company; but this old perfumer is definitely the first.

Li Muyao was still in school at the time, even if he didn't have any thoughts to separate out what he wanted to do, but I heard Huang Yuying, Wu Yuanyuan and other staff reports frequently appeared in the old perfumers and gave the words'difficult to get'. At that time, Li Muyao was curious.

This will finally have the opportunity to meet me. Li Muyao is indeed a little excited and looking forward to it. After all, as long as anyone has heard the legend of the old perfumer's family in Yangcheng, no one wants to know it.

Well, it's like meeting a legend, excited!

No, it should be like seeing celebrities, looking forward to it. After rebirth, I have the latest chapter address of Koi Luck: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/119751 .htmlAfter rebirth, I have the full koi luck. Reading address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read /119751/After rebirth, I have koi luck txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/ down/119751.htmlAfter rebirth, I have a koi lucky mobile phone. Read: https://m.wuxiaspot.com /read/119751/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time ( Chapter 880 Legend) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I Have Koi Fortune After Rebirth", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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