I Have Awesome Luck

Chapter 887: Previous life dowry

In fact, Li Muyao could almost guess what happened after hearing this.

However, Li Muyao did not interrupt Li Muyang, but let him continue.

"Moon cakes, you should have guessed the result, right? That's the truth. Dai Jianren had **** with a widow as early as in Daijiacun, and gave birth to a nine-year-old boy.

In rural areas, even if you don’t have a marriage certificate, you’re married in the eyes of others if you live together. What's more, the dog man Dai Jianren and others also have a son who is nearly ten years old. Naturally, in the eyes of the Dai family villagers, they are a family, a real family of three.

Even if Lin Qin and Dai Jianren got their marriage certificate in the county seat, bought wine in the village, and donated 10,000 yuan to Daijia Village to build the ancestral hall of Daijia Village, Lin Qin was also a junior.

More importantly, when Lin Qin and Dai Jianren came to Daijiacun for a wedding drink, none of them told Lin Qin. Therefore, after Lin Qin found out the truth, he fainted and was sent to the medical department, while Li Mufeng beat the widow and Dai Jianren... and was sent to the police station by the widow's relatives.

The reason why Dai Jianren was suddenly unwilling to continue pretending in front of Lin Qin was because Lin Qin had no source of money, and felt that Lin Qin was so old but could not get the benefits of his elder son and daughter.

The dowry that our dad originally left for you was also taken away by the moon cakes. Those things and our house were all promised to Dai Jianren by Lin Qin before the beginning.

Whatever was said was all for Li Mufeng, the only son, but in the end it was all shit, all jokes! "

Li Muyang recounted the whole incident in a very plain tone, as if he was talking about other people's gossip. After all, since there was no complex emotions such as anger or embarrassment in the tone, unlike Li Muyu, he was directly affected by the incident. The Three Views of Harmony were shocked and almost didn't make him collapse.

After hearing the whole story, Li Muyao was also silent for a long time, because she didn't know what to say for a while.

Lin Qin, this woman...is it right? Or should she be retribution?

Li Muyao suddenly asked, "Yangyang, did you know it a long time ago? Or did Dad know it a long time ago?"

After asking this sentence, Li Muyao suddenly remembered her previous life. Every time she was going to go on a blind date, Li Muyu and Li Muyang would take time off to accompany her on the blind date, especially Li Muyang. He almost often said in Li Muyao's ear. "Moon cakes, if you really fancy the man who was on the blind date just now, you don’t have to worry about the dowry. We don’t have a house or car, but you don’t have to worry about the dowry."

This sentence uses a dowry to make promises from time to time. Li Muyao always thinks that her youngest brother is because of her sister because he has no dowry, so he is picky about blind men or has no confidence to get married.

And Li Muyao always thought it was the words used by her younger brother to comfort her sister.

Looking back now, isn’t it? In his previous life, Li Muyang, the younger brother, also took the dowry prepared by her father from Lin Qin and Dai Jianren by his own means, so that she would be brave and bold. To love to get married?

It's just that Li Muyao never took this matter to heart, thinking that her younger brother would have money to prepare a dowry for herself. Why did Li Muyang and Lin Qin never mention the dowry left by their father in their previous lives? Was it because there was a deal between Li Muyang and Lin Qin? Just like Li Muyang, who could have been admitted to a better university, he did not go to school.

Later, I sold this university place, and the target of the transaction seemed to be Dai. This was something Liu Xiufang accidentally mentioned when showing off to Li Muyao. Li Muyao didn't think much about it at that time, but simply thought that he was deliberately angry.

Li Muyao didn’t dare to think about it again, as if she was terribly stupid in her previous life, because Li Mufeng and Liu Xiufang framed her as an aunt and killed the nephew who was still in her stomach; Li Muyao took it This hatred also angered the two innocent brothers.

Li Muyao raised her head and poured back the tears that had been swirling in her eyes, and then sucked her nose and continued to ask: "Yang Yang, if I didn't break with Li Mufeng and Lin Qin in the first place, would you have a way to save Dad? My dowry?"

Yes, in the previous life, Li Muyao said that it was because the unborn fetus that was shed in Liu Xiufang’s stomach became more and more distant with Lin Qin’s mother and Li Mufeng’s mother; but Li Muyao still regarded them as close relatives, even if Li Muyao would still pay attention to their movements instead of calling them frequently.

Lin Qin called Li Muyao for money, and Li Muyao would give it.

Li Mufeng asked Li Muyao to borrow money, and Li Muyao would still give it.

No matter what excuses they use to ask Li Muyao for money, ask for money, or borrow money, Li Muyao will brainwash and persuade themselves that they are their relatives... Li Muyao in the previous life did something strange to Lin Qin and Li Mufeng, but he yearned So they can treat themselves as well as they used to be when they were young.

Brother-sister love and maternal love are what Li Muyao longed for in her previous life.

Li Muyao in the previous life felt that her father was gone, and she still had her mother and brother to rely on. As a result, Liu Xiufang’s calculations directly gave Li Muyao a personal blow... First, the failure of the college entrance examination and then the death of an unformed fetus for no reason. …In short, the more I think about it now, the more Li Muyao feels that she was not a human in her previous life.

The kind of stupid person.

If it weren't for the koi luck to meet Huo Jiling in this life after rebirth, Li Muyao felt that with his stupid brain, he wouldn't be able to make a name for himself.

"Yang Yang, you tell me, if I didn't find this dowry personally, in what way would you grab it from Lin Qin and the others?"

When Li Muyao asked this sentence, she seemed to have exhausted all her strength, and her voice was so dumb because of her forbearance not to cry.

Standing in the yard of the school secretary in Daijia Village, Li Muyang was shocked by his sister’s sudden questioning. He did not dare to speak for a long time. Then when he listened, he noticed a problem with his sister’s voice. Then came the second question. , The third question, Li Muyang doesn't know whether to praise his sister is smart or stupid?

In other words, my father knew that his sister looked like this when she recovered.

Li Muyang laughed suddenly, in stark contrast to Li Muyaocheng, who suppressed himself from crying on the other end of the phone, and replied with a smile: "Moon cakes, cry if you want. Anyway, dad said before, you can't cry. three minutes."

However, Li Muyang's words were like turning on Li Muyao's crying mode. As soon as Yangyang's words fell, Li Muyao no longer suppressed his emotions and directly cried loudly into the phone. After rebirth, I have the latest chapter address of Koi Luck: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/119751 .htmlAfter rebirth, I have the full koi luck. Reading address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read /119751/After rebirth, I have koi luck txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/ down/119751.htmlAfter rebirth, I have a koi lucky mobile phone. Read: https://m.wuxiaspot.com /read/119751/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time ( Chapter 887 Past Life Dowry) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I Have Koi Luck After Rebirth", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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