I Have Awesome Luck

Chapter 907: Future Sister

"Brother Ji Ling, my mooncakes are so happy that they are too surprised to say anything. Brother Ji Ling, you work hard outside and pay attention to safety. There are mooncakes with me and my younger brother.

By the way, you heard the moon cakes on the phone, so you almost hang up. There are calls from other people in Mooncake’s phone, Mooncake, you can talk to Brother Ji Ling! "

Li Muyang smiled happily to help answer Huo Jiling’s questions for his sister. Just now, Li Muyang was still thinking about whether his sister could think about the liberal arts champion in the college entrance examination with her own hard work and the bonus of good luck, even if it is not national. Jincheng's liberal arts champion in the college entrance examination is no problem.

As a result, it was exactly what Li Muyang wanted.

Li Muyang doesn't need to guess. The phone call from her sister's class teacher just now also told her sister that she became the national college entrance examination liberal arts champion.

I thought that my sister was not afraid of heaven and earth, but she was stunned by her own college entrance examination results. It was really fun and cute, and it turned out to be his mooncake.

"Yang Yang is forbidden to say that to me, I am not surprised. A Ling, I received your blessing. I was a little surprised by my own grades. After all, my last college entrance examination result was at least one less than now. One hundred fifty percent.

So some can't recover for a while.

I have never dared to think of such a magical creature as the number one winner in the college entrance examination, but now it has fallen on my head, which always feels a little unreal. By the way, as Yangyang just said pay attention to safety, you must pay attention.

You must be careful when you are on a business trip. Don't worry about it. I am very happy now... As for the gift of the top prize in the college entrance examination, you can buy it, Aling. I like it as long as you buy it. "

Two people in a row told Li Muyao that she became the champion of this year's national college entrance examination. Li Muyao was stunned for nearly five minutes and recovered. After she was reborn, she had great luck, and now that she has a college entrance examination champion, Li Muyao can't be too surprised.

Can accept that buying a lottery ticket can win a million yuan prize, why can't the college entrance examination become the champion?

After Li Muyao hinted to herself over and over again in her heart, Li Muyao finally accepted this fact before she retrieved her voice, and at the same time told Huo Jiling to pay attention to safety.

Huo Jiling was still chatting with Li Muyao last night, but suddenly received a temporary assignment that required him to go abroad for a business trip. Although Huo Jiling didn't say which country he was going to last night, Li Muyao guessed that it should be Lu Sicheng, not to mention that Huo Jiling said this time, scientific research friend Fu Zhiyun also went there.

Because Li Muyao naturally needs Huo Jiling to pay attention to safety, there are still news of wars on the news.

"Okay, baby, I will take care of myself, and I will definitely come back safely and take you to the university to report. Good, then I will hang up first. Xiao Yu Yangyang will take care of herself and help me take care of my baby.

Huo Jiling hung up suddenly, and he didn't even have time to say goodbye.

Li Muyao, Li Muyang and Li Muyu looked at each other without waiting for each other to speak, and another call came in, it was Jiang Liu.

Since both hands-free have been pressed just now, Li Muyao directly pressed the avoidance when answering Jiang Liu's call; anyway, at this moment, her two brothers are as happy and surprised as her, and at the same time want to know the scores of others.

"Congratulations, Mu Yao, for becoming the national champion in the college entrance examination for liberal arts, or you and Chao Shao both became the national champion in the college entrance examination. Alas, I am only two points less than Chao Shao.

However, I am still very happy.

Will you come to school this afternoon? Just so, how about we celebrate together? Alas, maybe you have to wait until tomorrow. The classmates in your class should have dinner together, right? "When Jiang Liu said that his grades were only two points lower than his friend Deng Chao, his tone was very indifferent, showing that he didn't particularly care about the title of No. 1 in the college entrance examination.

"Yes, let's meet up at school in the afternoon. I don't know if there are arrangements in our class. By the way, how many points did you and Chao Shao score on each test?"

Li Muyao was a little curious about Jiang Liu and Deng Chaoshao's achievements.

"It's not a lot of points. I'm five points short of the full score. Very few he is three points short of the full score. You don't know, our class teacher and teachers of various subjects are still talking about him. It's a pity that Three points.

Almost got a total of 750 points. Alas, these teachers are also true. We have all added 10 points, and we have already passed the total score of 750 points. How can we not let go of the super few now. "

Listening to Jiang Liu's Versailles tone, Li Muyao laughed directly.

Li Muyao knew that scholars like Jiang Liu and Deng Chaoshao really almost got full marks in the test.

"Very good, you all have higher scores than mine. I also won the title of Liberal Arts Champion after losing my **** luck. Alas, you are really good at school.

By the way, you also filled in the Department of Computer Science of Huaqing University, right? If nothing else, then we can continue to be alumni, which is really good. "

The total score of Li Muyao's last exam before the college entrance examination was more than 700, but it was not close to 740, which is about 720.

On the contrary, in the college entrance examination, while Li Muyao had some extraordinary performances, she also really got the benefits of the koi luck in her body, so that she could intuitively choose the answers and fill in the last few multiple-choice questions that she would not know at all; Precisely because he could not, Li Muyao naturally made some reservations in the assessment, but didn't want to be all right.

"Hahaha, I must still be an alumnus, so when we meet in the afternoon, we will continue to say that if a teacher is looking for me, we will hang up first." Jiang Liu smiled and hung up the phone.

As for Li Muyao, Jiang Liu's phone just hung up, and another call came in. He was the monitor of the class.

In the next more than an hour, Li Muyao was receiving all kinds of calls to bless her to become the number one student in the college entrance examination, as well as some calls about her college entrance examination results.

Until lunch, Li Muyao was really annoyed by the phone call, so she turned it off.

When confronted with Li Muyu and Li Muyang's smiling faces that they had never let go, Li Muyao also laughed with them, and took the third cup of jasmine tea they helped her make: "My voice is dumb, um, I am very good directly. As your sister, you should be proud of me! If I am not surprised, I will definitely become a college student in Huaqing.

In the future, you must also become college students of Huaqing!

In that case, I am not only your dearest and most beautiful sister, but also your cutest future senior sister, hehe... I didn't expect it to be so lucky for me to get such a good grade in the exam.

I want to go home immediately and tell my dad that this is super good news. "After rebirth, I have the latest chapter address of Koi Luck: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/119751. htmlAfter rebirth, I have the full text of Koi Carp. Reading address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/119751/ After rebirth, I have the koi luck txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/119751.html After rebirth, I have a koi mobile phone to read: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/119751/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record this (Chapter 907 Future Sister) reading record, next You can see it when you open the bookshelf once!Like "After Rebirth, I Have Koi Luck", please ask your friends (QQ, Blog, WeChat, etc.) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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