I Have Awesome Luck

Chapter 910: Not an orphan

On the way from Yangcheng to the airport, Li Muyu and Li Muyang decided on the time and place of Li Muyao's three college banquets and the list of people to be invited.

Even on the plane to Jincheng, the enthusiasm of the two brothers did not decrease, and even Li Muyao, the party involved, was brought in from time to time to draw up a list of banquets.

The most problematic list in the last three college entrance banquets was still in Pinglan County.

"Mooncakes, you should be more familiar with Dad's friends than our brothers. Look, are there any mistakes or omissions in the list that Yang Yangmo and I wrote down?

Mainly your teachers, the ones I have taught you should all be invited.

We all remembered your teacher who taught in high school, high school, and high school. The dean was very happy when he heard me call and said that you had passed the national college entrance examination champion's entrance banquet. Even the director of the instructor only reacted a few beats slowly before reacting. The person I was talking about was you. However, it doesn't matter. Just now you also saw the name of the person on the call from Uncle Yang.

This should not be much worse, it is now a question, do you want to notify the people on her side? "

When Li Muyu asked the last sentence, his expression was very cautious. Just now Li Muyu and Li Muyang talked about this, and even almost quarreled in the car.

No, when I got on the plane, my phone was turned off.

Li Muyu and Li Muyang directly took out pen and paper and wrote in the notebook little by little, facing each other, they both found a problem in Pinglan County, and that was Lin Qin’s friends and relatives. .

Lin Qin said that he was an orphan like Li Dajian, which is not entirely correct.

Lin Qin actually had relatives over there. It was just because Lin Qin fell in love with Dai Jianren’s **** when Lin Qin was young. After Lin Qin’s family objected to invalidation, the Lin family broke off contact with Lin Qin. Later, even though Lin Qin married Li Dajian, but she still hasn't contacted her natal family, and said she is an orphan outside.

Even after Lin Qin gave birth to four children, she still said this to the four children.

Only this time when Li Muyu and Li Muyang went back to Pinglan County and even went to Daijiacun to realize that Lin Qin was not an orphan in the true sense; and Li Mufeng knew this for a long time, and even Li Mufeng said that he would respect Lin Qin and choose not to divorce. However, Li Mufeng put forward one point, and that is to let Lin Qin return to her natal family to admit his mistake.

Li Muyang didn't want to care about Lin Qin's affairs, and he didn't even have any interest in understanding the identity and background of Lin Qin's family. After Li Muyu hesitated for a while, he also refused to go to Lin Qin's family with Li Mufeng. After all, Li Muyu was really hit hard by Lin Qin's mother this time.

Li Muyu couldn't imagine what kind of family could teach Lin Qin, a woman who lived for a few decades, whose three moral values ​​were distorted. Even when Lin Qin gave birth to four children, the eldest was in his twenties, and the Lin family had never been there. Li Muyu knew that maybe Lin Qin's family didn't like them.

Anyway, now that their third siblings have made a clear line with Lin Qin, don't you need to invite Lin Qin's relatives and friends?

But it was because Yang Hongzhi sent another text message, asking them if they wanted to invite Lin Qin's friends... Li Muyu was struggling, and finally decided to give this choice to his sister.

"No notice! In the past two decades, no relatives and friends over there are considered to be relatives like us. There is no need to rush to recognize relatives. Just do it, there is no need to do too much.

On the contrary, it is the people in the system of Uncle Yang, who work in the Papa Foundation and have helped us, so we can invite them together. Even if there are fewer opportunities for us to return to our hometown in the future, the foundation is still there and has been running. "

Regarding Lin Qin's side, Li Muyao had never thought that after two lives, Lin Qin still had such a complicated life experience. But as far as Li Muyao is concerned, she doesn't care about complexity or simplicity.

No foreign relatives have been in contact with each other in recent decades, and now it is not necessary to contact them just because Li Muyao turned up to be admitted to Huaqing University.

A good person as old as my father did not contact Lin Qin's family and agreed to declare that Lin Qin is an orphan. Then there is no need for Li Muyao and his two younger brothers to recognize those relatives and complicate the relationship between the family in the county.

On the contrary, it's on my father's side... Li Muyao was very curious about the two generations, what kind of family would he throw his father into the orphanage?

Yes, Li Muyao's father, Li Dajian, is an orphan. I heard from my father that he spent time in many orphanages when he was young, and finally fell into an orphanage in Pinglan County. It is because the country’s policy is good to feed and study for these orphans, and finally enter the National Guard... and then retired and returned to his hometown to become a sports coach in the school.

He also taught a daughter like Li Muyao and a pair of twin sons, all three views are extremely upright.

"Yeah, then I will give Uncle Yang like this, otherwise it will be shut down soon. When I get to Jincheng, I will call Uncle Yang and tell him in detail what you mean."

Li Muyu nodded in response while silently relieved in his heart, and then quietly held the hand of his younger brother who was sitting next to him, always feeling that this would make him feel much more at ease.

His life path can't be deviated any more, he needs to grow up.

Standing in front of my sister and brother.

This college entrance banquet is Li Muyu's best opportunity to express himself, and it also proves that he is no longer the stupid boy he once was.

"Brother, you can rest assured to make arrangements. I will stand behind you to help you if anything happens. If I can't, we will ask Mooncake and Brother Ji Ling for help. In short, there are definitely more ways to solve things than problems. Come on, moon cakes and I support you and believe you can do it."

Since his little brother is willing to show, and is willing to fight for an opportunity for his own growth to prove himself, Li Muyang certainly supports him.

Li Muyao also smiled and nodded: "Yes, Xiaoyu, we all believe that you can do it, behave, don't be afraid, we will always be the dearest family, you never need to be careful in front of me. I am your dearest. My fairy sister."

"Well, the fairy sister is the best. I think that when we get to Jincheng, we won't have to receive the admission letter from Huaqing University. You should be able to receive a call from the admissions office of Huaqing University. In this way, the younger brother will give Yang later. Uncle calls, and you can tell Uncle Yang that you will definitely be a quasi-college student of Huaqing University. Uncle Yang and Aunt Wu will definitely be very happy."

In the end, Li Muyao's score is in Jincheng, even if she is known to be the number one in the liberal arts of this year's national college entrance examination, but Pinglan County may not be able to hear the actual situation so quickly. After rebirth, I have the latest chapter address of Koi Luck: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/119751 .htmlAfter rebirth, I have the full text of koi luck. Reading address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read /119751/After rebirth, I have koi luck txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/ down/119751.htmlAfter rebirth, I have a koi lucky mobile phone. Read: https://m.wuxiaspot.com /read/119751/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time ( Chapter 910 is not an orphan) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I Have Koi Fortune After Rebirth", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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