I Have Awesome Luck

Chapter 913: College Entrance Examination Volunteer

Jiang Liu replied in a weird manner, causing Li Muyao and Deng Chaoshao to laugh, and even roll their eyes twice.

"Hey, you two champions are a bit too much! I'm just a little proud. I have a science and liberal arts champion friend. You actually rolled your eyes at me. I don't have a friend's love.

But to be honest, Mu Yao, you shouldn't change your choice, right?

Or the financial management department of Huaqing University that you told us at the beginning? If so, then the three of us must be alumni who didn't run away. "

However, Jiang Liu's acceptance of his friend's eyes was quite natural. What he thought was whether they could become alumni in the second half of the year and continue to form a team to participate in the college students' network technology competition.

"Of course it hasn't changed. However, I haven't received a call from Huaqing University yet, and I don't know if I have to wait for the admission notice to determine whether I will become a student of Huaqing University."

In fact, Li Muyao heard what outsiders said, she became the top student in the college entrance examination. The teachers of the admissions office of Huaqing University should call her as soon as possible. As a result, Li Muyao has not received a call until now.

"You shouldn’t? Mu Yao, take your phone out to see if it’s dead? Because we have all received calls from the Huaqing Admissions Office before, and your teacher Jiang also received them, asking about your college entrance examination volunteers. Something to change."

This will make Deng Chaoshao a little worried, but will his focus be Li Muyao's own mobile phone? After all, Li Muyao's cell phone was turned off because of flying on the plane before coming to school.

Until now, Li Muyao has not received a call from Huaqing University, will he still be shutting down, right?

Li Muyao really complied with Deng Chaoshao's words and took out her mobile phone and turned it off as expected.

And I still don't know when it will shut down.

"Look, it's still super young and you know it is Mu Yao's mobile phone problem on your side. Is it dead? Do you have a spare battery? If not, find a place to charge it first."

Jiang Liu looked at Li Muyao taking out the black-screen mobile phone, and immediately laughed, and after laughing, he helped to figure out a solution: "Do you have a mobile phone charging cable? If not, what model is your mobile phone? Check out our mobile phone charging Line, can you use it?"

"No. However, my two brothers should have spare batteries over there. Our mobile phones are of the same model. It's really turned off, and I don't know when it will run out."

Li Muyao feels that she has been disconnected today. ,

Li Muyao took Jiang Liu and Deng Chaoshao to the V1 class, but did not find the two younger brothers and Hu Mengyun, and finally found them in a small reading room in the library that Li Muyao loved to go to before.

When Li Muyu and Li Muyang heard that Li Muyao's cell phone was out of power, each immediately took out a spare battery to help her replace it.

Sure enough, as soon as Li Muyao’s mobile phone was replaced with a battery, he started to answer the phone continuously. All of them were calls from the admissions offices of various universities in Jincheng. They only tried to win Li Muyao, the national champion in liberal arts, and went to their school to study. Various preferential policies, such as exemption of four-year university tuition, and various scholarships.

For nearly half an hour, Li Muyao called one after another. If it weren't for the replacement battery, her cell phone might have been used up again.

Until the sky darkened outside, Li Muyao and his group of six came out of the library and joined the class V1 for dinner.

Although Jiang Liu and Deng Chaoshao are not classmates of class V1, the classmates of class V1 know them, and many classmates even got the review notes of Jiang Liu and Deng Chaoshao because Li Muyao is his classmate; although Jiang Liu and Deng Chaoshao are in science, but the notes on the main subject language and mathematics have also helped many students.

Naturally they got involved, and Li Muyao's classmates were too enthusiastic about them.

Besides, the national champions in liberal arts and sciences appeared on the gathering table in their class at the same time. It is indeed a very glorious thing. It's been a lot.

There were no less than a hundred pictures taken.

Almost half of the classmates who came to the school today brought cameras, even Li Muyang also brought the imported digital camera Huo Jiling had bought for Li Muyao.

Li Muyang helped the classmates in her sister's class take pictures, and there are many places where her sister used to study, as well as various looks and expressions when getting along with classmates today. Li Muyang helped to record the pictures.

This task is when Huo Jiling checked the results of Li Muyao in the morning. When he made a direct call, Li Muyang received a short message from Huo Jiling.

The classmates' dinner was over, and everyone organized to sing together again, and it was already close to 12 o'clock in the morning when everyone had all left. Many of the classmates who are relatively close, all formed teams in twos and threes to open a room nearby.

On Li Muyao's side, Huo Jiling arranged for the driver, and Li Muyao left with his two younger brothers and Jiang Liu and Deng Chaoshao.

The rest of the classmates are in charge of the class leaders, and Li Muyao has nothing to worry about. Originally, Li Muyao wanted to give Hu Mengyun a gift, but her family came to pick it up, so she didn't need it.

Li Muyao asked the driver to send Jiang Liu and Deng Chaoshao back before sending their three siblings to the hotel.

Jincheng Li Muyao and the others have their own house, but because they didn't have time to clean it, they stayed in the hotel arranged by Huo Jiling. In fact, the text message Huo Jiling sent to Li Muyao wanted her to live in Huo's house, but Li Muyao did not agree.

Huo's family is now home alone with Huo Jilingfeng, and Huo Jiling is not there. Li Muyao took two younger brothers to live in the Huo's family, so it was too much of an issue, so naturally she didn't go.

Since Li Muyao became the No. 1 student in Jincheng and the national college entrance examination, she spent five days in Jincheng with her two younger brothers before returning to Yangcheng.

But after returning to Yangcheng, he didn't stay too much, and went straight back to Pinglan County.

Li Muyao in Huipinglan County drove her own car. As she drove by herself, she drove slowly. She departed from Yangcheng at 5 o'clock in the morning and arrived at Pinglan County at 12 o'clock noon.

I saw Yang Hongzhi’s car when I entered Pinglan County. Li Muyao immediately opened the window to greet Yang Hongzhi. Soon Yang Hongcheng asked Li Muyao’s car to park aside, and let Yang Standard sit in Li Muyao’s car. open.

It was very tiring to drive a long-distance bus. Yang Hongzhi deliberately brought his son here to pick him up, just to let Li Muyao rest.

When they arrived at Yang Hongzhi’s house, Li Muyao and his third siblings were immediately surprised by the familiar smell of the rice: "Wow, they are all the dishes that our third siblings like to eat. Uncle Yang, your arrangement is too thoughtful, right? Aunt Xiaolan, Hard work!"

Seeing the vegetables on the table, Li Muyao immediately took her two younger brothers into the kitchen to thank Wu Xiaolan who had been busy all day. After rebirth, I have the latest chapter address of Koi Luck: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/119751 .htmlAfter rebirth, I have the full koi luck. Reading address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read /119751/After rebirth, I have koi luck txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/ down/119751.htmlAfter rebirth, I have a koi lucky mobile phone. Read: https://m.wuxiaspot.com /read/119751/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time ( Chapter 913 College Entrance Examination Volunteer) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I Have Koi Fortune After Rebirth", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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