I Have Awesome Luck

Chapter 920: Exclaimed

After returning from Wu Xiaolan's house, Li Muyu and Li Muyang asked Li Muyao while doing sanitation: "Mooncakes, do you and Wang Zhenzhen's classmate Gao have a grudge?

How can she be like a madman, and she will bite you crazy when she sees you, and she doesn't know the standard brother, how can she have a blind date with her kind? Also, since your relationship is not good and you haven't been in touch all the time, how can she recognize you as such at a glance?

You know, mooncakes, you are more beautiful now than you were more than a year ago, and your temperament is completely different. If you haven't been in contact for a long time, isn't it because you can't recognize you? "

Wang Zhenzhen's crazy and strange behavior made Li Muyang and Li Muyu both suspicious.

It stands to reason that a girl with a good personality like Li Muyao rarely quarrels with the same sex, because both of their brothers know that their sister is exceptionally gentle and tolerant towards female classmates, and is also very tolerant.

On the contrary, it is for boys, who can make my sister beat someone at every turn.

The most practical thing was once when Li Muyu bullied a female classmate at his front desk. After being known by Li Muyao, he was beaten and asked Li Muyu to apologize to the other party.

After Lin Qin heard this, she felt that Li Muyu was not wrong. Li Muyu didn't say anything about playing with children. She had to ask Li Muyu to apologize to other girls and send candy to pay compensation.

Li Muyu and Li Muyang even knew that Li Muyao was the kind of mingling with almost all of her male and female classmates from elementary school to junior high school, that is, when her father was alive.

In high school...not to mention that Li Muyao is as lively as before, but it is definitely difficult to conflict with girls.

Therefore, Wang Zhenzhen's behavior today challenged Li Muyu and Li Muyang's nerves so that they would stand up directly and not let the slightest bit of annoyance go back.

"She and I did happen to something in the first year of high school, and I was beaten. The relationship has never been better since the first year of high school. As for why she knew me at first sight, I don't know!"

Before this point, Li Muyao himself had been puzzled, but Li Muyao had never thought of the problem that was bothering their third siblings, and was quickly answered by a phone call.

An hour later, the door of Li Muyao's house rang.

As soon as Li Muyao opened the door and saw someone coming, he was very pleasantly surprised: "Brother! How do you know we are back? Come in, come in, the heat is broken? Come in and have a cup of iced tea, the Chinese medicine we brought back from Yangcheng I boil it myself and put it in the refrigerator for a while, it will be just cool to drink."

Li Muyao was pleasantly surprised to welcome Li Zhuozhu into the door, and poured him iced herbal tea like a little honey, and shouted out the two younger brothers who were cleaning and cleaning.

"Brother Zhuoyue, okay. You have summer vacation too?"

Li Muyu and Li Muyang were also a little surprised to see Li Zhuozhu when they came out. After all, the university that Li Zhuo attended does not have summer and winter vacations like ordinary universities. That is, there are various physical training tasks.

"Well, it happens to be a one-week holiday. Originally, I went to your Jincheng home to give you a surprise, but my uncle said that you were back in Pinglan County, so I rushed back on the nearest flight.

Yaoyao, congratulations on becoming the national champion in the college entrance examination for liberal arts. That's great.

Come on, this is a reward for you!

There are also cakes and flowers, which will be delivered later. Knowing that you like jasmine, I bought this dried amber flower, which is very good for collection. "

A small square gift box that Li Zhuo took out. The gift box contained a piece of amber, and inside the amber was a beautiful shrunken jasmine flower that was colorful, very special and distinctive, and it was indeed Li Muyao's favorite. .

"Hey, thank you brother, I like this gift very much. But, don’t forget the cakes and flowers? How about calling back? Did you just arrive in Pinglan County? Have you eaten? If you haven’t eaten, I’ll let Xiaoyu, they will cook you a bowl of noodle soup?"

Li Muyao really likes it. There are various gifts related to jasmine in her house.

There is really no jasmine like amber, this is the first one.

It's really beautiful, it's Li Muyao's favorite.

"I've been back for a while. I wanted to call you, but after thinking about it, I didn't call. After eating at home, taking a bath and sleeping for a while, did you eat at Uncle Yang's house?

Yaoyao, you should have met Yang Standard's girlfriend, right?

I heard from my uncle that Yang Standard and Wang Zhenzhen might get married at the end of this year. Is it true? Uncle Yang and Aunt Lan, are they both against it? "

Li Zhuozhu is not a boy who loves gossip, not to mention that Yang Hongzhi is a super good brother of his master Li Dajian; of course he also knows Yang Hongzhi's temperament, and he also knows Yang Standard's character.

"Ah? Brother, what you said is very problematic! In addition to wishing me a good grade in the college entrance examination, you asked Wang Zhenzhen about it. I don't remember that you and Wang Zhenzhen knew each other?

Tsk tusk tusk, so you guys got in touch without me knowing? Otherwise, based on your temperament, brother, you won't pay attention to these, right?

More importantly, you support and oppose the possibility that Wang Zhenzhen and Brother Standard might get married in the future, which is very problematic.

Tell me honestly, do you know some gossip or inside information that we don't know? "It's really too problematic. Li Zhuozhu has been with his uncle who has been a policeman since he was a child, and Li Muyao's father who has retired and became a physical education teacher. His character and character, and his behavior, will not let him pay attention to one like this Girls' gossip.

Especially Li Zhuoyue's eyes flashed with some injuries... which is very strange.

Hearing what Li Muyao said, Li Muyu and Li Muyang went into the kitchen to wash fruits and the other sat down and listened to the gossip between their sister and Li Zhuozhu.

The two brothers were really curious about why Wang Zhenzhen was like that.

After all, normal people should not behave like that.

"Yaoyao, Yang Yang, don't you look at me with that kind of gossip eyes? I'm just... well, I met Wang Zhenzhen and other girls in high school.

Didn't you beat them during your freshman year?

Well, after I learned about this, I warned them, and then I kept paying attention to them because I was worried that they would do bad things. Wang Zhenzhen confessed to me before our college entrance examination. "


Li Muyao let out a surprise!

"You still have such a romantic and youthful past? I didn't expect it at all. What was the result? Brother, you wouldn't agree with her confession, and then you would become a boyfriend and girlfriend? Think about it, too It's so exciting!"

It is mainly Li Zhuozhu's character, but it is not like someone who can agree that he is about to graduate but still has a puppy love with Wang Zhenzhen. After rebirth, I have the latest chapter address of Koi Luck: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/119751 .htmlAfter rebirth, I have the full koi luck. Reading address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read /119751/After rebirth, I have koi luck txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/ down/119751.htmlAfter rebirth, I have a koi lucky mobile phone. Read: https://m.wuxiaspot.com /read/119751/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time ( Chapter 920 is exclaimed) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I Have Koi Fortune After Rebirth", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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