I Have Awesome Luck

Chapter 924: Caught off guard

"No, Yangyang, you and Xiaoyu go down and wait. You are children and it is not easy to be discovered. Yaoyao and I have a better understanding together. Good, go quickly. Didn't you say that Yaoyao has good luck?

There may be some danger here, and there are some good luck people like Yaoyao by my side, and there is some protection, good, you guys go down quickly. If a stranger asks you, you just pretend to come and play, understand? "

In fact, Li Zhuozhu at this moment is not very sure, but he found a few sneaky people standing guards behind the big trees in various directions, and some people standing in the back of the cellar hill. The one with more cellars.

Moreover, the accents spoken by the other three or five tall men were not the Pinglan County dialect at all, and the accents were completely incomprehensible. They were a bit like the local dialects, but they were definitely not the local dialects of any city or county in Shacheng; they obviously belonged to outsiders.

If it was before, there were really very few people from outside of Pinglan County.

But last year, there was the development of scenic spots and the development of hot springs and minerals. Many outsiders did come. It was because Pinglan County had the huge investment of Li Muyao and the Huo Group, which attracted many outside businessmen to enter. ; And it was the sudden increase in the population of other places that caused the police station to discover that Du Pin and Wang Zhenzhen abducted teenage girls much later.

If it wasn't for the du product that Li Muyao accidentally encountered, no one would have thought that there would be so many du products in a small county.

"Yes, Yangyang, Xiaoyu, hurry up and wait for your uncles and them to arrive. Be good and obedient. I believe that your fairy sister will definitely not let yourself have any problems, not even minor injuries, go quickly."

Of course, Li Muyao would not let her two younger brothers follow Li Zhuozhu to take risks. What's more, after she was reborn, she was more powerful than in her previous life, and Huo Jiling has always effectively taught some tricks that Li Muyao didn't learn from her father.

Anyway, Li Muyao and Li Zhuoyao can both play six or seven rounds, and they should not lose too badly.

"Yangyang, let's go and listen to moon cakes."

Li Muyu held back his younger brother who wanted to speak out to persuade his sister. After Li Muyu's brain was clear, his original IQ was also online, and his work was organized.

According to Li Muyu's analysis, it is indeed their own sister who is the most suitable person to go up the mountain with Li Zhuozhu to help. He and Yang Yang are both the kind that might not be able to help and will be hindered.

Therefore, it is better to trust your sister from the beginning.

Besides, for people with skills like Li Muyu and Li Muyang, their fairy sister can at least punch a kid like them.

"Well, mooncakes, you must pay attention to your safety. Brother Zhuoyue, take care of my sister. If my sister is injured, our brothers and my future brother-in-law will not let you go. Mooncakes, do what you see, don’t behave. !"

Li Muyang thought for a while and nodded in agreement, and followed his brother down the mountain lightly and quickly. There was a trace of worry on their little handsome faces.

Watching the two younger brothers go down the mountain, when Li Muyao was about to ask Li Zhuoyao, Li Zhuoyao took the straw hat on his head and buckled it on Li Muyao's head, and told her softly, "Yaoyao, for a while. Go up, all your actions are subject to my command, can you do it? Just like the master used to practice with us, is it okay?"

Well, after all, Li Dajian returned from the home security team and brought his daughter and apprentices to train their physical fitness, and of course they would also train them to fight. There were Li Muyao and Li Zhuoyao one-on-one, and Li Muyao and Li Muyao played against Li Dajian together.

In short, both Li Muyao and Li Zhuo had played this kind of simulation game of catching ghosts against people. Although they had never won it once, they were also familiar with the rules.

"Ok, no problem!"

Li Muyao followed Li Zhuozhu, and after going up to the Cellar Mountain, Li Muyao found that in terms of physical fitness, even if he had been exercising, he was really inferior to a professional like Li Zhuo.

Li Muyao never beat Li Zhuoyao when her father was there.

Li Zhuoyue had come up for reconnaissance before, and he quickly found a breakthrough. While he could not be discovered, he could take Li Muyao one step further and see what these people were guarding.

However, before they had time to be happy or make the next move, someone came over here.

Li Zhuoyao immediately pressed Li Muyao’s head down. Really, both Li Muyao and Li Zhuoyao at this moment are extremely grateful that it is summer, and it is the season when the grass grows in the woods. When there are many weeds and trees, it becomes Their best hidden barrier.

"Yaoyao, you are waiting for me here, don't move, I will look ahead, they should be someone who went down somewhere in the cellar. However, I can be sure now that they are definitely not selfish mining."

Cellar Mountain, and two mountains in front of it, is the Mineral Mountain.

At first, Li Zhuozhu also suspected that someone had also discovered a mine on the cellar mountain and was mining it privately. As a result, they had been up for so long without hearing any mechanical sound.

Therefore, Li Zhuoyue is more inclined to these people, who are engaged in du products or places where human traffickers are traded.

Before Li Zhuozhu was only a rough reconnaissance, and found that standing outside was like a guard.

Now it is certain that those people are standing guard!

Because just now, Li Zhuoyue and Li Muyao saw a man with a strong guard force and jumped directly into a cellar. More importantly, Li Muyao just said to Li Zhuozhu: "These people are from Guicheng? The accent is similar to Yangcheng, but they are not from Yangcheng."

Yangcheng, Li Muyao is one of the cities she is most familiar with.

Naturally, he is particularly familiar with the accent of Yangcheng people.

So hearing similar but different accents, Li Muyao could analyze it almost instantly.

"Huh? Yaoyao, are you sure these people are from Guicheng?"

Li Zhuozhu knew something about the accents in Pinglan County and the entire Shacheng, and of course the current Jincheng and the Yuncheng where he had performed several missions. But most of those people's words are still in Chinese, and he really can't tell the difference.

But when Li Muyao's words came out, Li Zhuozhu almost affirmed his thoughts.

"Well, they must be! Brother, they are not really related to du products, right? Guicheng faces Southeast Asia, southwest and adjacent to Vietnam..." Li Muyao stopped here, and then analyzed what I just listened to. Incoming words: "That should be the Hakka dialect of Guicheng people."

Yes, Guicheng is very close to Vietnam, and many domestic du products are imported from there.

This made Li Muyao have to analyze and understand this way.

"Hey, don't ask too much, just squat here and wait for me."

Li Zhuoyue originally wanted to send a message to his uncle with his mobile phone, but found that he had just turned his mobile phone to silent at the foot of the cellar mountain. There was no signal at all. He didn't know what was blocked, or it was originally on this mountain. The mobile phone signal is not strong.

The bottom of his heart was flustered for a while, but he was not sure, and he would continue to investigate further.

Naturally, I can't let Li Muyao follow, let her wait aside first, if there is any accident, Li Muyao stays outside, Li Zhuozhu's protection will be a little bit more.

"Ok, I will wait for you."

Of course, Li Muyao wouldn't be brave at this time. Seeing Li Zhuozhu disappear into the woods in front of her like a flexible monkey, her heart also lifted up. She also took out the silent cell phone and looked at it, but there was no signal.

However, Li Muyao's mobile phone is a bit special. Huo Jiling has set up some special small programs in her mobile phone. When her mobile phone has no signal, the positioning system in her mobile phone will automatically turn on.

Therefore, just now Li Zhuoyao asked Li Muyao to turn off the mobile phone without signal, but Li Muyao did not agree.

Li Muyao squatted on the spot and waited for ten minutes, twenty minutes, half an hour...Waiting for Li Muyao's body to be sweaty and impatient; there was a sudden commotion in front of him.

Li Muyao didn't understand what those people were saying, but they could see that they were very angry and very angry.

Then, all the people who were observing the surrounding movement as if standing guard, all rushed to the cellar where the guards jumped into the original place.

Li Muyao waited for five minutes. Seeing that all the people who stood guard had disappeared into the cellar, Li Muyao also stood up and followed along, but her speed was a little slow.

Because Li Muyao is completely unfamiliar with the topography of the cellar mountain, and she doesn't know whether there is a cellar next to a big tree.

After all, when Li Zhuo brought her to the touch just now, Li Zhuo almost stepped on the air several times. It was Li Muyao who pulled him and failed to fall into the cellar. Although the cellars look small and shallow, they are quite scary. , One or two meters deep.

Li Muyao walked to the entrance of the cellar, but she looked like it was more than 20 meters away. She walked for eight minutes.

After approaching the entrance of the cellar, Li Muyao put her ears close and listened first. It was indeed a very messy sound... She looked inside carefully, and it was quite deep, at least 2.5 meters above.

But some people who have the ability to jump down will not hurt themselves.

But Li Muyao was very sure that Li Zhuozhe didn't jump from here, but took a long way to go to the other end. Li Muyao thought for a few seconds, and then followed the direction where Li Zhuo had left. Sure enough, within fifteen minutes, Li Muyao heard Li Zhuo's voice coming from a cellar.

Li Muyao leaned over and saw the embarrassed Li Zhuozhuo, she smiled unkindly: "Brother, what's the matter with you? Did you fall in?"

"No, I was pushed down. Yaoyao, you are now looking for a way to find a tree to rise and pull me up. Or you can wait for your uncle and them. Uncle and the others should have been dispatched, but these people seem to have received it. The sound of the wind made the person who found me angrily and rudely pushed me down the cellar and ran away."

Li Zhuoyue really didn't find out. When he was scouting, he was still discovered by the enemy.

Moreover, Li Zhuozhu originally thought that he could beat the opponent, but the opponent did not speak martial arts at all. Taking advantage of his attention, he called a helper and didn't say anything. The helper directly pushed him down the cellar by surprise. It's not that Li Zhuozhu is good at this kind of pit practice, this might cause his leg to break.

Although he was caught off guard when he fell, Li Zhuoyue’s emergency response was still very good. Li Zhuoyue who fell into the cellar just touched his face first. Of course, his legs had to be used by the cellar wall to fail. He was hurt more severely.

That is, only those who practice martial arts like Li Zhuozhu can have this kind of reaction. Otherwise, anyone who is pushed out of the cellar three or four meters deep will not die or be disabled.

"Brother, do you have any serious physical injuries now? If uncles and others come over, they should come soon." Li Muyao is most concerned about whether Li Zhuojue is injured.

After all, this cellar seems a bit deep, and people who are afraid of heights will be a little scared when looking down.

"It's okay, but Yaoyao, you saw some scratches on your face, and your legs and feet are okay. Forget it, don't look for Shuteng, just pick up your uncle and them first. Also, don't run away to those people. Follow the direction and wait until my uncle and the others come."

Li Zhuozhu talked about his injury, and especially urged Li Muyao not to mess around.

"Okay, then I will wait for Uncle and them."

Although Li Muyao was a little curious about where those people would flee, she wouldn't bet on her safety. So she made a mark before leaving the cellar of Li Zhuozhu.

The main reason is that these cellars are really either blocked by big trees or covered by weeds.

Without making an obvious mark, Li Muyao was afraid that he would find it for a while. If the cellar was deep, the people inside would not be able to hear it if they called for help.

Li Muyao made a mark and was naturally ready to go down to pick up her uncle and the police, but she found that she seemed a little lost while walking. The main reason is that she didn't dare to run in the cellar mountain, and even had to walk carefully. Originally, she had walked down the same way she was looking for Li Zhuoyue, but it seemed that something went wrong as she walked.

And the more you go, the higher the density of the trees. More importantly, there are no weeds unexpectedly under the trees, and those large and small cellar holes are displayed in front of Li Muyao.

Anyone who is timid in this kind of place can be scared.

To be honest, although Li Muyao does not believe in ghosts and gods, but thinking that she herself is a metaphysical bug, Li Muyao feels like she heard the cry of the grave mountain on the cellar mountain, which seems not so incomprehensible.

Li Muyao, who said he was not afraid, still decided to turn around and walk towards Li Zhuo.

However, the cries seemed to be louder... and at this moment, Li Muyao's cell phone rang. Li Muyao almost jumped up in shock, and Li Muyao's heart that almost jumped out of shock when it heard the familiar special ringtone suddenly felt safe and protected.

Quickly took out the mobile phone and answered. Without waiting for the person on the phone to speak, Li Muyao first said with surprise and joy: "A Ling, I knew you would show up when I needed you the most.

I am now in the cellar mountain in Pinglan County. I don’t know exactly where it is, but Li Zhuozhu fell into the cellar and he needs rescue, and... I heard the cry here, Aling, can you accompany me to find out. ? ”After rebirth, I have the latest chapter address of Koi Luck: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/ 119751.htmlAfter rebirth, I have the full koi luck. Reading address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/ read/119751/After rebirth, I have koi luck txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com /down/119751.htmlAfter rebirth, I have a koi lucky mobile phone. Read: https://m.wuxiaspot. com/read/119751/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time (Chapter 924 caught off guard) Read the record and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! Like "I have it after rebirth "Koi Luck" Please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support!! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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