I Have Awesome Luck

Chapter 937: Dirty calculation

This expectation is completely different from what Huang Yuying and the Legal Department talked about with Chen Shuzhu!

If Chen Shuzhu’s thoughts are different from Lin Hong’s, but they are also similar. After all, after Chen Shuzhu met Li Muyao through Chen Shuping, Li Muyao’s ability, personality and behavior, basically did not say that he would be willing to suffer. of.

It's not the kind of soft buns, you can just squeeze it!

Even here in Chen Shuzhu, Li Muyao's image is actually really tall and a bit stalwart. After all, not everyone will do charity as the first thing after making money like An Yuyan.

Others do business to make money for a better life, and they even want the money they make and don’t spend any more; Li Muyao is different. After she makes money, she will spend part of it every month for charity and charity donations. Donations and materials are all daily operations after the company's establishment of a dream come true.

Of course, Li Muyao's character is also here, not the kind of character who is willing to suffer a hidden loss.

But today, even if Li Muyao and Chen Shuzhu set off from the beauty shop to the cafe to meet Lin Hong and the others, Chen Shuzhu can guarantee that Li Muyao’s idea is not to sell the men’s beauty shop; instead, he wants to know Lin Honghe. Xiao Qi, what else do they think besides asking for compensation?

As a result, the woman Lin Hong was also ruthless, so she directly took out this kind of recording and said that there was a video.

It’s almost straightforward to hammer to death a men’s beauty shop that dreams come true; there are beauticians and customers doing physical transactions in the box... Although the beautician named Wu Lanqi has resigned, she was still a shop a month ago. More importantly, Wu Lanqi and Lin Hong were both passed the interview by Chen Shuzhu in person.

Lin Hong became an apprentice, but Wu Lanqi became a beautician.

Before Chen Shuzhu didn't understand the reason, Li Muyao must ask her to ask Lin Hong to come out. Now Chen Shuzhu is stupid and understands that the appearance of Lin Hong and Wu Lanqi is a carefully designed conspiracy, all of which are aimed at Li Muyao.

Chen Shuzhu, who figured this out, was extremely self-blame and angry, but before she could speak, Li Muyao had already chuckled and answered Lin Hong’s doubts: "I am indeed a character that does not suffer, but your strategy is too much. It's disgusting. Men's beauty shop, I don't mean to keep it, and I don't bother to chat with you, I don't have that time.

Why don't you make it cash out faster than if you continue to open a store and make money?

It's just that I didn't even think of Lin Hong. I haven't seen each other for more than a year, and you and Wu Lanqi could become friends and count me together. That's not bad, it seems someone gave you a lot of money, right?

No matter how much money you get from each other, you will never be richer than me in your life. Okay, since your boss wants my men's beauty shop, please contact my company's manager Huang Yuying.

The price must not be less than 30 million yuan; and I must not use the name of my beauty shop's "dreams come true". As for the employees in the beauty shop, except for Manager Chen, if you are willing to stay, you can stay. If you don't want to, you can talk to Manager Chen and we will arrange them. "

To be honest, Li Muyao was surprised when he saw Lin Hong’s entry file, and why he saw Wu Lanqi’s information in Lin Hong’s MP3 when he saw Wu Lanqi’s voice in Lin Hong’s MP3, and Li Muyao understood. Chen Shuzhu said before that several beauticians trained in the beauty shop had resigned.

The operation and management of the beauty shop are all entrusted to Chen Shuzhu. Of course, Li Muyao himself did not care much. Even if the beautician resigned, he would not ask questions, but he did not expect that there would be Wu Lanqi, and employees who had resigned would naturally not get Li Muyao again. In front of.

Li Muyao also gave Lin Hong a Huang Yuying's business card, stared at Lin Hong for a while, and smiled sarcastically: "Lin Hong, you and Wu Lanqi... really haven't changed. It's a pity that you have been studying for so long. Cosmetology. I will talk to Aunt Cai about this matter. If nothing else, in the beauty industry in Yangcheng, you shouldn't see you. Let's do it yourself!"

Really, the voices and transactions in MP3 successfully disgusted Li Muyao and touched Li Muyao's bottom line. Li Muyao has not been angry at this moment since her rebirth, and she never thought of killing people when she became rich and possessed wealth and status that she would never dream of.

But murder is illegal.

And the methods of Lin Hong and Wu Lanqi are really disgusting.

Li Muyao, a men's beauty shop, is fine, but she doesn't want to see Lin Hong and Wu Lanqi, these two disgusting women in the future. For the money, it is really not a discount.

Li Muyao knows that people don't die for themselves, but he treats Li Muyao's newly opened beauty shop as an occasion to do that kind of thing, and doing that kind of transaction is really disgusting.

"You, you, you... Li Muyao what do you mean, is Aunt Cai you said is the store manager Cai?" Lin Hong is really not afraid of Li Muyao, in the impression of her and Wu Lanqi, Li Muyao is so lucky And noble little bitch.

This was when someone approached them and agreed without thinking about it. Of course, Lin Hong and Wu Lanqi would not admit that they had always been jealous of Li Muyao; anyway, no matter what the reason, they could get the money and still watch. When Li Muyao is unhappy, they are happy if they let Li Muyao eat it.

It's just that Li Muyao's words to Manager Cai still made Lin Hong a little anxious. After all, Li Muyao is a docile rabbit, you can pinch and calculate, but Manager Cai is not a character to provoke.

Although Lin Hong has never seen the method of the shopkeeper, just think about the gossip legend that Lin Hong once heard, that is, when the shopkeeper Cai was in his ten or twenty years old, Yangcheng was particularly good at mixing black and white. Gotta open.

Therefore, if Li Muyao really filed a complaint with Cai Sixiu and prevented both Lin Hong and Wu Lanqi from staying in the beauty industry in Yangcheng, Manager Cai could really do it.

But now Lin Hong and Wu Lanqi, they don't want to leave and are embarrassed, they can start to take some money and prepare to gain a foothold in Yangcheng. But because of Li Muyao's words to leave Yangcheng?

After all, everyone learns beauty together. Even women like Lin Hong who love to play and love money know that there is a skill that can really work in any beauty shop in Yangcheng, and find that the monthly salary is not less than 5000 beautician jobs; because there are also some levels in the beauty industry.

Wanhua Beauty Salon has been able to accept the existence of apprentices, and that is because the beauticians who went out from here eventually became beauticians in many high-end beauty shops.

Even the beauticians who go out in Wanhua Beauty Salon will be named Cai Sixiu.

In short, after Cai Sixiu opened a beauty shop in Yangcheng, the people in the beauty industry are really well-known. Let Cai Sixiu seal Lin Hong and Wu Lanqi in the beauty industry, then they will definitely have no foothold in Yangcheng. Ground.

"I warn you, Li Muyao, you'd better not mess around. We don't want to calculate you either. After all, you and us have nothing to do with each other." Yangcheng said it is a first-tier city, and Lin Hong and others are used to it. In places where there are a lot of personal connections that they have gathered here, they suddenly let them give up, and they definitely don't want to.

"We really have no grudges or complaints, but there is nothing cheap in Lin Hong's world. After you have calculated me, I still want to see you again?

No, I don't want to see you at all, it's disgusting, and it's really dirty! Okay, let's go, Manager Chen, and leave the rest to Sister Ying and the Legal Department to take over. You don't need to blame yourself. With mental arithmetic and unintentional...Sometimes the human mind is so dirty, you can't imagine the lower limit of some people. "

Li Muyao took Chen Shuzhu out of the coffee shop, feeling a little depressed, but seeing Chen Shuzhu's face like doing something wrong, he felt that it was indeed nothing.

They really don't need to punish themselves for the dirty things done by some disgusting people. Li Muyao smiled and comforted Chen Shuzhu, and invited Chen Shuzhu to have afternoon tea. Of course, he also brought afternoon tea and small cakes to the employees working in the two beauty shops.

Li Muyao naturally communicated with Huang Yuying and the Legal Department in the first place, telling her decision.

Huang Yuying was shocked and surprised when she heard Li Muyao say that she wanted to sell the men’s beauty salon that her dreams would come true. After asking and learning about all the process, she was silent for a while before she opened her mind at ease Li Muyao: " Mu Yao, don’t be angry. I will let the Legal Department talk about the price, and I must shave them off. In fact, it’s good to only use women’s beauty services, just like me and turmeric. The sculpted mother-level customers are enough to find more customers in our beauty shop.

Haven't you already decided to let Manager Chen open a branch in Jincheng? Just so, let Jincheng go to Jincheng to investigate after selling this men's beauty shop, anyway, you have your own shop again. When the new store is opened, it will be fine. "

Huang Yuying's comfort is more like a diversion of Li Muyao's attention, but it is also a fact.

After all, Huang Yuying also thought of doing men's grooming. This time someone dared to use this calculation to take advantage of this loophole; then some people will do it next time... It's better not to do this men's grooming at the beginning.

Focusing on women's beauty, bodybuilding, beauty makeup, manicure, etc. are enough to separate many professional projects; there is also Li Muyao who originally had a medical beauty salon with Cai Sixiu and the others, which will officially open soon.

There is no need for Li Muyao to affect her mood because of this store.

"Well, Sister Ying is right, I'm not angry. It's just that I'm a little disgusted by Geying. You can call and talk to Manager Chen later. She interviewed and trained Lin Hong and Wu Lanqi in person, and ended up doing She should be more uncomfortable than me for betraying her." Li Muyao also explained the relationship between Lin Hong and Wu Lanqi and Chen Shuzhu's cousin, Chen Shuping, who were also colleagues.

Don't look at Chen Shuzhu's ruthlessness and planning in dealing with men, but when it comes to women and people she recognizes, that's really soft.

Otherwise, based on Li Muyao's professional level of beauty to Wu Lanqi and Lin Hong, they would definitely not be able to pass the test. If it is Li Muyao's interview and seeing them operate with his own eyes. I would definitely not let them live... However, Li Muyao could also understand Chen Shuzhu's desire to cultivate his own staff; just as this incident directly reminded Li Muyao and Chen Shuzhu and the others.

It’s good to learn from it.

After calling Huang Yuying, Li Muyao called Cai Sixiu, and told Lin Hong and Wu Lanqi about her men’s beauty shop together. Cai Sixiu on the other end of the phone was so angry that Li Muyao was soft-hearted and taught Li Muyao. I hung up the phone as soon as I called.

So at the entrance banquet held by Li Muyao in Yangcheng, Cai Sixiu took Li Muyao for more than an hour to educate. The banquet was about to start, and Li Muyu and Li Muyang and their brothers were rescued from Kui Sixiu.

For the college entrance banquet, of course, I invited Dad Cai and the others with a family of three. They came back from a trip and learned that Cai Jin had gone from Li Muyao's company to Jiang Yunlong's own company.

Regarding this matter, the couple did not blame Li Muyao and even bought a particularly beautiful jasmine flower-themed gemstone necklace for Li Muyao.

Well, Jiang Shusong and his family are here too, and Jiang Yunlong and Jiang Yunfeng, who looked down upon Li Muyao before, are here.

Their brothers and sisters didn't think that Li Muyao just wanted to take advantage of Cai's house through colored hair. The result... Li Muyao's speed of making money was completely beyond their imagination, and even more, that is, Li Muyao's investment vision is really good, so good that it makes people jealous and jealous.

There is also Jiang Yunfeng, who also said something about Li Muyao's academic qualifications. As a result, Li Muyao was admitted to Huaqing University, a famous university in the country.

But it's useless to be jealous. Jiang Yunfeng and Jiang Yunlong had to listen to their father Jiang Shusong's words. They came to an enrollment banquet to curry favor with Li Muyao, and even said something nice to please...

After the entrance banquet was over, Li Muyao, who returned home, lay directly on the sofa and called Huo Jiling directly to complain about the tiredness of the entrance banquet. Then he said to Huo Jiling: "We are so tired just for the entrance banquet, and we will get married afterwards. , Can't be more tired? I heard that wedding banquet management is a very laborious thing."

Huo Jiling at the end of the video hasn't answered yet. Li Muyu and Li Muyang who lie opposite her replied in unison: "Super tired, you'd better not marry in this life!"

Yes, this is the voice of Li Muyu and Li Muyang and their brothers.

It was also deliberately said to Huo Jiling, who was on the video with his sister.

"No! I don't marry, you can't support me. If you don't tell you, I will go in and call Aling." Li Muyao smiled and retorted the words of the two younger brothers, then took the phone and went to her room to coax her. Black-faced boyfriend.

Of course, by the way, I also talked to Huo Jiling about what happened to me in Yangcheng, focusing on discussing with Huo Jiling who would take over the men's beauty shop.

"Aling, who do you think it would be? I just came up with such a dirty calculation? Don't you worry if we find it, and give him (her) such a trick?" After rebirth, I have the latest chapter address of Koi Luck: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/119751.htmlAfter rebirth, I have the full text of Koi Transport. Reading address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/119751/After rebirth, I have the koi luck txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/119751.htmlAfter rebirth, I have a koi lucky mobile phone to read: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/119751/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 937 Dirty Calculation) reading history , You can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I Have Koi Fortune After Rebirth", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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