I Have Awesome Luck

Chapter 943: Persecutory delusion

Also, Li Muyao and his two younger brothers didn’t seem to see their mother’s eyes. They were accustomed to their mother’s eyes for a long time, and Chen Tao couldn’t touch them for a while. He was still soberly aware that he was here today. So even if he was full of doubts, he did not ask.

I just kindly reminded them of the time and place, and deliberately released their work by the way, wanting to see if Li Muyao's mother had misunderstood something.

Sure enough, Lin Qin, who was originally pale, was even paler. She thought of another Li Muyao's disgusting point mentioned in Liu Xiufang's letter, that is, Li Muyao has many male clients who come and go in the name of friends; Lin Qin's eyes flashed at this moment. The daughter who was too disgusted and felt that her husband worked so hard to train her was abandoned.

She feels sorry for her husband who has passed away, and hates Li Muyao for being unsatisfied.

"Go, go right away. This gentleman, you go, let's go by our own car. Li Muyao, what are you still standing here, why don't you hurry up and lead the way?

How come the longer you lose your eyesight? It is not easy for others to work in the factory, so why are you embarrassed to call someone over to help you pick up someone? You... "Why don't you want to face so much?

After all, Lin Qin didn't scold this sentence, and she did even point her face in public.

If Li Muyao had not learned from her two younger brothers, that Liu Xiufang had written to her to tell her about the crime, Li Muyao would have doubted whether she had offended her mother.

Now obviously, my mother completely believed what was written in Liu Xiufang's letter, so she didn't hide it, showing her hatred and anger towards herself.

"Chen Tao, thank you for your kindness. We can just take a taxi and go home. My mother is not very good-tempered. Please don't take it to heart. Next time we invite you to dinner, we will leave first."

Li Muyao took her bag from Chen Tao and was about to help Muyang carry a bag, but the snack bag in her hand was also taken away by her younger brother: "Mooncake, you go ahead and stop the car. I'll take this thing. Mention, your brother has a lot of strength."

In the past six months, Li Muyao sent them 500 yuan in pocket money every month. Even if the mother at home didn’t save any meat, their brothers would still buy milk chicken, duck, fish, and meat in rounds at school. He has grown a lot of flesh, has increased strength, and has increased a lot in height.

Not to mention two canvas bags, there are four, Li Muyang can hold them steadily.

"it is good."

Li Muyao had thought that when her mother came over, she might still be unable to get along with her mother in peace like in her previous life, but she did not expect that her mother was more difficult to deal with than expected.

He sighed and didn't think too much, anyway, Li Muyao didn't expect her mother's care or love anymore.

What Li Muyao cares about now is the two younger brothers, and the promise made by her father when she was alive, waiting for her mother to cure the illness; if the two younger brothers are willing to come to Yangcheng to go to school, Li Muyao can also arrange and operate it, so it’s okay. Let them separate from their mother early.

No longer like the previous life, there are good grades, big ambitions, but can only stay by my mother's side.

Li Muyao stopped the taxi and took a taxi from the train station to Li Muyao's rental office. It cost more than 70 yuan. Li Muyang and Li Muyu felt distressed. On the contrary, Lin Qin, who always focuses on saving, has an unspeakable joy. , There was a hint of rosy on his pale face, and Li Muyu and Li Muyang's brothers frowned.

"Mom, this is your room. The sheets are all freshly bought and washed and exposed to the sun. It's hot in Yangcheng, and I turned on the air conditioner when I went out. Are you going to rest and sleep now, or eat something first?"

Li Muyao pointed to the room opposite herself and asked Lin Qin.

"I've eaten the train, so I'll sleep for a while." On the way back from the train station together, Lin Qin heard his two sons ask about the situation in Li Muyao's rental house. There are three bedrooms, one living room, one kitchen and one bathroom. , More than 1,000 rent a month.

The furniture is complete, and it is very close to where Li Muyao works, and the only way to go to the large supermarket is to take a bus at three or five stops.

Just go to Li Mufeng's side and take 15 bus stops.

But I heard that and seeing it with my own eyes are completely two concepts. After all, the decoration in this rental house is very good. The furniture is really not new, but the location is so comfortable that it looks like a home, so , Lin Qin is more determined that Li Muyao is indeed rich now.

When her mother entered her room and closed the door, Li Muyang and Li Muyu pulled Li Muyao into their room, closed the door, and sat on either side of Li Muyao one by one.

A person who was in a particularly tacit understanding held Li Muyao's hand: "Mooncake, why aren't you angry?"

Li Muyu and Li Muyang were celebrating the Chinese New Year. Li Muyao received her call less than a month after he went to work. They used to receive calls from Li Muyao. After all, their third elder brother and sister had a good relationship; however, they were all at home. At that time, Li Muyao called their school directly.

The sudden call did not scare them Li Muyu and the brothers. As a result, they squeezed in front of the telephone in the communication room. When Li Muyao said with a choked voice that he missed them, he was even more worried; if it weren’t for Li Muyao explained. After a long time, they really thought about sending one of the brothers to Yangcheng to see Li Muyao secretly.

Let's see if Li Muyao has a good life in the beauty shop in Yangcheng, and he has learned very comfortably. I was worried that Li Muyao, like all those who work outside, would only report good news to her family and not report their worries. She had a hard time and she had to say herself well. "Surprised, and very happy. It feels very happy that Mu Yao's sister is thinking about it." Xiaocangshu said seriously.

Li Muyao also listened happily, and smiled: "Yes, that's how it feels. Moreover, relatives and friends need to worry about each other, give some small gifts, or sit down and chat, eat or eat, it is a kind of closeness. The performance of each other."

"Oh, Sister Mu Yao, I seem to understand a little bit. When I go out to play or study in the future, I will also give it to my parents, grandparents and sisters, and Mu Yao and Mu Yu Muyang, all of you. A gift. I will also bring my pocket money when I go out. If I don’t bring enough money, I will borrow it first.

In short, I think this behavior is quite good, so I wrote it down. "She Cangshu felt very reasonable after hearing Li Muyao's words. Although he was still young, he had never bought anything for his family.

It's not because he doesn't have money, but he doesn't have this kind of consciousness.

Now that he has it, She Cangshu felt that he should understand the meaning of Li Muyao's words. Bringing gifts to his family is a surprise in life and a manifestation of happiness.

"Okay, then I'll receive the gift of freelancer."

When Li Muyao and Xiaocangshu returned to She's house, She Yujin and She Tianqi had already returned home. When they came back, they realized that Li Muyao and Xiaocang had not yet returned. They called the driver to find out that they had returned to Li Muyao first.

When I saw Li Muyao holding things in both hands, and Xiaocangshu holding toys in his hands, what else did I not know?

"Mu Yao, you are not allowed to mention anything next time you come to eat at home. Did Cang Zhu say thank you to Mu Yao?" She Yujin sometimes feels helpless to Li Muyao, but he said, he still stepped forward to help Li Muyao. After sharing the burdens, they went to the living room. Seeing this, Elder Shetian also said to Li Muyao.

Li Muyao didn't care. She's family also knew what Li Muyao's character was.

"You just came to play chess with me, this old man?" She Tianqi wanted to ask and care about Li Muyao's trip to Jincheng. Now the relationship between the She family and Li Muyao is really close. When the two younger brothers were still in Yangcheng, they often came to play and study with Freetract, and Li Muyao himself would come over to eat after get off work.

Before going to Jincheng, the She family asked Li Muyao to come over for dinner. Li Muyao didn't come over when she was a little busy at the time and talked about her going to Jincheng.

"How is Jincheng's affairs going? Is it going well?" She Tianqi asked concerned.

Li Muyao smiled and replied: "It went smoothly. I thought it would take ten and a half months to handle things well, and it took five days to complete. Unexpectedly, thank Grandpa She for your concern. By the way, I still have to thank She again for the matter of Sister Ying today. Grandpa’s."

"This is what you should be a doctor. First concentrate on playing chess. By the way, let's talk about your plan after resigning." Yes, She Tianqi has already learned about Li Muyao's resignation from her daughter.

Li Muyao played two games of chess carefully and intently, and then began to speak out his latest plan.

She Tianqi listened and nodded: "Well, girls should have a career that they like. Grandpa supports you when you open a beauty shop. If you don't have enough money, please talk to us.

If you have any difficulties in finding a storefront store, tell your sister Yu Jin and brother-in-law that they also have a few good shops for rent outside. You go and see if it is suitable for you to use. "

She Tianqi doesn't know much about doing business.

But I knew that it would not be easy for Li Muyao to open a beauty shop for a girl.

"Thank you, Grandpa She, I also have the money. I want to find the shop slowly. And I want to buy a house in Yangcheng recently. I just want to look at the house where I buy the house to see if there is a suitable storefront. Used to open a beauty shop.

If you have it, it’s best, so you can buy the shop and the house in the same place, so you don’t have to waste time on commuting.

I just quit my job. I want to look for it slowly. After all, this is my favorite thing. I hope to keep the store open for a long time. If I buy the storefront myself, I don’t have to worry about being driven away when the business is booming. Sit on the floor and increase the rent for this kind of problem. "

Indeed, many landlords are like this. They started to increase rent randomly after seeing others renting their shop front to open a shop.

Li Muyao met many such people in her previous life.

Anyway, Li Muyao just thought that he was not short of money, and to open a store, he had to buy the storefront by himself.

So I was really moved by Huo Jiling's previous suggestion. Waiting for Huo Jiling to come back, Li Muyao decided to find out about the storefront as soon as possible.

However, in front of the door of your own beauty shop, you have to find the shop used by the plastic surgery hospital first.

Your own shop can take your time, but the plastic surgery hospital address can't.

"It's fine if you have your own ideas. If you have any difficulties, don't take it by yourself. Come to see us. Do you know?" After all, in She Tianqi's view, Li Muyao is indeed a person in Yangcheng, lonely and alone. If you have any difficulties, you should come to them more. Help out.

After talking about Li Muyao, I also talked about the latest news in Yangcheng. The content of this news was touched by Li Muyao.

"Mu Yao, after hearing a few charity news, it's not surprising at all. Why do you meet this Huo Jiling?" What's the hottest news in Yangcheng recently?

That is, in just a few days, large and small newspapers and online forums are discussing that Wanhong Technology President Huo Jiling donated to various charitable organizations and institutions in Yangcheng, both public and private. With one donation, four thousand are donated. More than 10,000 yuan, each received one million yuan in donations.

Such a big deal is not something ordinary people can get.

Normally, a large sum of money is donated directly to a charitable organization, which can immediately reduce a lot of taxes, but there are also some other operations.

Wanhong Technology is different here. It directly donated 1 million yuan to 30 or 40 such charities, and each of the donations is specially marked, where it is used, and it explains where to go. It will be checked in half a year. One time account.

This makes many people in the Yangcheng business circle unable to understand this wave of operations.

Is it true charity or fake charity?

"Well, a good friend, I didn't expect that Grandpa She would pay attention to these." Li Muyao was indeed a little surprised, thinking that a big figure like Grandpa She would only care about things like Chinese medicine.

"Because there are several cooperative organizations that use medical services for public welfare have received such donations, they chatted with some old friends. You are a good friend, your business is large, and charity is also done. I hope that more such young and kind entrepreneurs will join this army."

She Tianqi is indeed moved with emotion. Young people will not forget to do charity after making money.

After that time, Li Muyu and Li Muyang received another pocket money sent to them by Li Muyao, each of which was five hundred, which was 1,000 yuan.

The two brothers knew that Li Muyao, an apprentice, only had a salary of only 700 or 800 yuan plus commission, so why suddenly there was money to give them so much pocket money?

Also, when did Li Muyao buy a mobile phone?

They also know that Li Muyao is very sensible and economical. They have mentioned the purchase of a mobile phone many times. However, Li Muyao said that as an apprentice in a beauty shop, she didn't need a mobile phone at all, so she could just make a phone call. Or go to the eldest brother to borrow a mobile phone to make a call.

Later, Li Muyao slowly stopped hiding from them. First, Liu Xiufang derailed and was taken away by the police and had a miscarriage. The child was not the matter of his elder brother Li Mufeng; it was not long before Li Muyao was transferred to be a beautician intern. Event; and afterwards Li Muyao had good luck several times.

Li Muyao always has two younger brothers, and the relationship between each other will naturally be better, but she also has a perfect opinion on the fact that her mother is partial to the big brother.

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