I Have Awesome Luck

Chapter 947: Plastic sisters

"She's Chinese Medicine Hospital in Yangcheng? My goodness, Mu Yao, you don't even know the most famous Chinese medicine hospital in the country? So this is the most famous and prosperous skin repair ointment in Yangcheng?

Tsk tusk, Mu Yao, you are so concealed! Hurry up, can you really find someone to help me buy it at Yangcheng She's Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine? Then I have to be greedy, can I have ten? Many relatives in my family, really, Mu Yao, please, buy it for me.

I have all your breakfast this semester, OK? If breakfast is not enough, I will wrap lunch and dinner together, okay? "Wu Ling had heard of this thing, mainly because of her aunts.

Aunt married to Gangcheng; sister-in-law married to Yangcheng.

Otherwise, like Wu Ling's house is in Yicheng, how can it be in the north to know about Yangcheng in the south?

It was also because of the two aunts that Wu Ling knew a lot of things that happened in the city of Yangcheng!

"...Okay! Then I'll buy ten sticks for you and send it over. You can pack my breakfast for this semester. Breakfast can't be buns and fritters every day. I need to drink porridge. All kinds of fancy porridge, you You have to remember, and then remember to add peppers to me."

The things that Li Muyao and She's made together have good results and great reputation. Of course she knows it. I haven't been out of the circle before, and now this skin repair ointment will soon be out of circle.

Even girls like Wu Ling have heard of it, and people like Li Muyao who are passionate and dedicated to beauty have known it for a long time.

This will also be officially launched in major shopping malls across the country together with Li Muyao's cosmeceutical and harmful skin care products.

"What are you buying? Wu Ling, what are you looking for Mu Yao's help to buy? Isn't it a listener?" As soon as Gu Zhijun came in, he saw Cheng Yeyu's blue face as if he was angry, while Li Muyao and Wu Ling looked like okay people They are also discussing shopping and contracting breakfast.

Although Gu Zhijun didn't love beauty very much before, but after spending half a month with Li Muyao, he started to follow Li Muyao'diligently' like Wu Ling.

Gu Zhijun, who has never used facial cleansers, facial creams, eye creams and other fine skin care products, has been paying attention to sun protection during military training. Since she hasn't really tanned like other classmates.

The so-called one covering white and ugly!

Gu Zhijun is not beautiful, she is not particularly outstanding in the many beautiful majors and classes in the English department, but two weeks of military training, since Gu Zhijun has a place in the class with her fair skin, she is also not a young girl. My classmate has hung up an account.

Well, no one knows. Gu Zhijun learned about beauty and sunscreen from Li Muyao, and now he is learning and selling it to her new classmates. Since it has received very good results.

Although Gu Zhijun didn't talk much, she knew that Li Muyao in the dormitory was the kind of girl who was really capable.

Therefore, when Cheng Yeyu was irritated every day, Gu Zhijun did not stand on Cheng Yeyu's side, instead, together with Li Muyao and Wu Ling, let Cheng Yeyu do it alone.

For example, in just two weeks and nearly half a month, Li Muyao, Wu Ling, and Gu Zhijun all had a game, and they inadvertently isolated Cheng Yeyu; no, it should be Cheng Yeyu who disdains Li Muyao and others together.

"It's just an ointment, it's especially easy to use..." Wu Ling took out the bottle of ointment that Li Muyao had brought to Gu Zhijun'an, and Amway gave it to her by the way.

Gu Zhijun dared to let Li Muyao buy five bottles on his behalf.

Li Muyao naturally agreed. Anyway, one person buys and two people buy too, so they are all together.

Besides, Li Muyao himself had the intention to promote this ointment.

"Bah, it's just a domestic product. I tell you that if you don't listen to me, you will suffer sooner or later. It's best to ruin your faces.

The things produced in China are not as good as those made in foreign countries...I don't know what are you so excited about here? "Anyway, Cheng Yeyu felt that the domestically produced goods that Li Muyao took out of her hand were too low-grade, and she had never heard of it.

Had it not been for Li Muyao's proof, Cheng Yeyu would have insisted that these were all three-no products.

"Cheng Yeyu, don't you say that no one treats you as dumb. Please don't intervene when we are chatting in the future, okay? Otherwise, if you don't brush your teeth every day with a bad breath, you will really get beaten when you see people! "

Li Muyao sometimes feels that Cheng Yeyu is mentally ill. She has never regarded her provocation, provocation and show off as the same thing, but Cheng Yeyu has to go to Li Muyao every day to brush up on her sense of existence.

Whether it was Duan Jingqi or Cheng Yeyu, Li Muyao was not interested in paying attention to it.

And Cheng Yeyu seemed to be completely unable to understand Li Muyao's warning, and every time he interrupted to curse the bad face and looked down on domestic brands, Li Muyao really wanted to beat her.

"Li Muyao, don't overdo it. You have taken me to isolate me and haven't complained to the dormitory. You are so embarrassed to warn me here? I'm just telling the truth. What's so arrogant about you? Humph, too lazy. You, your good days are coming to an end anyway." Cheng Yeyu was shocked by Li Muyao's eyes again.

Obviously Li Muyao had such a beautiful face, and when she warned Cheng Yeyu, there was no change in her face, but the momentum on her body immediately scared Cheng Yeyu back.

The stern attitude of the upper person seems to remind Cheng Yeyu all the time that Li Muyao is not a simple girl and is likely to be a girl who can do what she says.

After all, it is impossible for ordinary girls to have the aura of Li Muyao.

"Mu Yao, don't be familiar with Cheng Yeyu. She just talks casually, let's ignore her. Come on, continue to tell me and Zhijun about the skin problems, like Zhijun’s dry skin, should How to moisturize? And how can I defend against my acne-prone skin?"

Cheng Yeyu's demon behavior at every turn, Wu Ling and Gu Zhijun were also getting more and more impatient during their two weeks of getting along. After all, everyone is the same age, who was not the little princess who was doted by the family when he was at home?

But when they arrive at school, they are not Cheng Yeyu's parents and family, so why should they always tolerate Cheng Yeyu's bad temper? Just once or twice, come every day, who can stand it?

Not to mention that Li Muyao wanted to beat Cheng Yeyu, even Wu Ling also wanted Cheng Yeyu to move out of their dormitory. Every day her Duan Jingqi best friend was short and long, but she didn't see the true friendship in Cheng Yeyu's eyes.

One word is hypocrisy!

What girlfriend?

Pooh! It's just a plastic sisterhood!

Wu Ling didn't know that her guess was quickly confirmed, and it was presented in such an unexpected and extreme way. After rebirth, I have the latest chapter address of Koi Luck: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/119751 .htmlAfter rebirth, I have the full koi luck. Reading address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read /119751/After rebirth, I have koi luck txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/ down/119751.htmlAfter rebirth, I have a koi lucky mobile phone. Read: https://m.wuxiaspot.com /read/119751/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time ( Chapter 947 Plastic Sisters) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I Have Koi Fortune After Rebirth", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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